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 » The Lounge » Archives » New house

New house

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1New house Empty New house 2010-11-13, 14:26

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

pouring cement today for basement. woop

2New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 14:34



My friend found had a house like that last year. He danced around in the wet cement and had to pay 1500 dollars for damages.

3New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 14:35



My friend found had a house like that last year. He danced around in the wet cement and had to pay 1500 dollars for damages.

4New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 14:45



Building it up from ground up, eh?

5New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 14:49

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Hahahaha why in the world would he do that!?

6New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 14:51



Idk... I think it was dark or something and he didn't realize it was wet at first.

7New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 14:56



New house Facepalm-2

8New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 15:08

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I think my dad would kill him if he did that

9New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 15:12



I live in a pretty new development. I spent from 4th grade till now (11th grade) here, and just now they finished putting houses in the last lot. As I was growing up there were always unfinished houses and big foundations and stuff to explore. We used to play hide and seek with like 15 kids throughout 2 or 3 unfinished houses and the woods around it. That was fun, back in the day.

Unfortunately a lot of those kids became douche bags as they grew up, their parents got divorced and they moved away, and other stuff. I don't have a single friend in this neighborhood anymore.

10New house Empty Re: New house 2010-11-13, 15:41

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Yeah that sucks. Luckily my divorced parents stayed here. But the ironic thing is that my dad just got done building the house we're in right now. It sold in a week and now we're rushing the new house Razz

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