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Mrs. Terry in the house!

Mrs. Terry of Hat
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1Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-08, 21:56

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry in the house! IMG_0392-1

Haha! Ehat made me a pirate hat for a ren faire we are going to next month and I had to try it on Mrs. Terry style Razz

Here's a better picture of the hat:

Mrs. Terry in the house! IMG_0384Mrs. Terry in the house! IMG_0385

What's everyone up to tonight? Had to share the hat cause it was pretty sweet...that's the first full-size one he has done and it turned out perfect so he is going to start marketing them.

2Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-08, 22:13



Thats awesome. Hope it works out well for you guys.

Im not doing much tonight really. Just gonna spend the evening with the lady, and do some grilling!

3Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-08, 22:53



Who? =P

I want a hat! How neato. Good job Mr. Hat, and Mrz Hat the hat doth look spiffykins!

I'm gonna do... something tonight, I'm sure. Like... play Battlefield. Make fun of people. Point and laugh at my dog, that sort of thing.

4Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-08, 22:54



sheep wrote:I'm gonna do... something tonight, I'm sure. Like... play Battlefield. Make fun of people. Point and laugh at my dog, that sort of thing.


5Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 00:02



Hey, Ms Hat that is a nice hat. My wife and I are Renn Freaks so I can understand how much you like your lid. May post a pic of one of mine...

Tonight my living room tv died so no gaming but I did get my new Paasche Talon airbrush so I have been playing with that, and ofcourse drinking. Apparently I can't get the thinness of acrylics correct for model painting (which I have never used).

6Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 00:34



Cool hat Very Happy

Also the second picture looks like the hat is covering your KKK hood Very Happy

7Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 00:35



Wifey made this hat from scratch and I added the "goodies" (porcupine quills, pheasant feather, bell, collectible pin, and my fat cheeks)
Mrs. Terry in the house! Trfbre10

8Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 00:36



Wait your Avatar isnt you?


9Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 00:49



My avatar is a local Marine wounded in the Battle of Falujiah....broken nose and smokin' a stOg.
but I see your point, Frostybrotha.

10Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 00:51



Oddly, Frosybreads avatar goes perfectly with his shocked feelings. Haha

I wanna dress up for Ren faire Sad

11Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:05



I used to work at a ren faire when I was 15 and 16. It was great fun!
And nice hat, Mrs Hat!

12Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:22



What is Ren Fair exactly?

13Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:23

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

was wondering the same thin man haha

14Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:24



Renaissance Faire!

Usually lots of people dressed up checking out booths that sell stuff. It's like any other fair, but themed.

We have a lot of Celtic Faires here, so you see a lot of people in kilts, there are sword fights, and once there was a place where you could learn some sword fighting - that was fun. There's beer and big old turkey legs. Lots of ladies in corsets. Story time.

15Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:28

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

im sorry but to me that sounds kinda boring. but you know to each his own. onlything that sounded nice is the beer part.

16Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:34



Meh, I enjoy it. It's a good time to get out with the friends and do something.

Oooh. And there is jousting. Nothing beats hot guys on horses. Or getting spanked by a guy in a leather kilt who was also wearing lipstick. lol

17Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:36

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Haha damn gurl you seem to get down with that kinky stuff Razz

18Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:36

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Ladies in corsets are always good. I must go to one of those...

19Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:38



We don't have Renaissance fairs where I live Sad I remember sheep (Heebs maybe?) telling me about it last year though. Very Happy We have nothing interesting where I live. Nothing. Lol.

20Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:49



Could have been either of us Kitty lol. We both like them. We used to have one fairly close, but the county screwed up the deal so now it's held farther away. >< There's pretty much shit all to do around here.

You do Ars. Although, sometimes, its not ladies you want to see wearing corsets wearing them lol

Muff, you gotta get fun where you can find it. And if you can't find any, make your own. Razz

21Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 01:51

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Haha so true, beside for the fact if you make your own.. usually doesnt go well.. atleast for me haha

22Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 03:02



sheep wrote:Could have been either of us Kitty lol. We both like them. We used to have one fairly close, but the county screwed up the deal so now it's held farther away. >< There's pretty much shit all to do around here.

You do Ars. Although, sometimes, its not ladies you want to see wearing corsets wearing them lol

Muff, you gotta get fun where you can find it. And if you can't find any, make your own. Razz

You mean like the obligatory Fat chick in the Gold bikini at literally every Geek event Very Happy

23Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 03:04

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Frostbyrn wrote:
sheep wrote:Could have been either of us Kitty lol. We both like them. We used to have one fairly close, but the county screwed up the deal so now it's held farther away. >< There's pretty much shit all to do around here.

You do Ars. Although, sometimes, its not ladies you want to see wearing corsets wearing them lol

Muff, you gotta get fun where you can find it. And if you can't find any, make your own. Razz

You mean like the obligatory Fat chick in the Gold bikini at literally every Geek event Very Happy

Of course you'd know that there is always a fat chick in a gold bikini at a geek event....

24Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 03:08



Considering im a Geek yes i would know those sort of things Very Happy

25Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 03:09

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Haha ok i guess if you admit to you being a geek and going to it.. then its ok.. Very Happy

26Mrs. Terry in the house! Empty Re: Mrs. Terry in the house! 2011-06-09, 04:39



I read that as Greek at first and got confused.

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