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Your KDR now and the KDR you want for the entire game?

Epyk MD
9 posters

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My KDR now is 1.70 or something and my aim is to keep my KDR above 1.50 and maybe depending on how I do, aim for a 2 KDR. Right now I'm finding the game really easy as there so many bad/new players playing and come Christmas when all the Christmas n00bs get the game. It will be even easier.,




I want it to be something like a 5.00.



I thought you gave up multiplayer, Kisune.

My kdr is 1.95. I want it to be at least a 2.00.



I did, but if play again, that's what I want.



2.2X now, I'd like a 3, but 3.5 would be wonderful.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


Hoping for 1.0



Oh, ok then guys. Make me aim for a 2 KDR then. Very Happy



1.75 or somewhere around there

I'd rather have a chance to play again before everyone gets tired of this game then get whatever KDR I wanted. It was going up pretty fast before my console died anyway.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I treat bo as my dick around game. I Trynot to take it too seriously. Unless I'm getting spawned camped with grenades or chopper gunners.



I take every game too seriously it seems. :/


Mines 1.1ish. I dunno, I guess I'll shoot for 1.5. I just don't even realy care, I'm just having fun messing around like Epyk.



I'm around .73, I think. I'd like to get it to at least 1.00, but I just like to play to have fun.



Don't assume people with/trying to get high KDR's aren't having fun. I enjoy the challenge of getting better. However, I'm not trying to belittle people who's stats aren't super leet. If you're having fun, ur doin it rite.



Ante87 with great wisdom wrote:If you're having fun, ur doin it rite.

Overall I'm at 1.11 right now (down from 1.94 the day it came out) and a 1.44 in free-for-all.
I'd like to stay around a 1.5, BUT when I play objective modes I play to win the game, not worry about my Kdr. Useless fucking teammates with 3.00+ Kdr's and only 1 (or none) captures in domination makes me want to kill them. They should take killstreaks out of objective games and instead make them Objective Streaks.

-My Kdr will probably start going up in team deathmatch modes (the only modes that Kdr even matters).
-Down a bit in free-for-all (deaths don't matter only the first to 30 kills).
-vary wildly in domination etc... depending on how much I have to sacrifice myself for the team.

We'll see...



Mine is like .9 because I try a new gun about every single match....



FAMAS tommy

also you play this game too much like Battlefield, you aren't helping yourself for being an excessively active player in this game, you're actually rewarded for being the opposite.



FAMAS isn't that great; I figured out how the 35-25 damage has a disadvantage to other AR's; it's ALWAYS a 3 shot kill or more, regardless. Even if you headshot, it will not kill faster. Thus, more skilled players with a different assault rifle will win if they get headshots and SMGs will beat it in CQC with Rapid Fire (which should almost always be used on subs now, it seem). It's still a great weapon, but isn't OP/the coming of God for ARs like you're making it out to be.

In Domination, K/D does/doesn't matter at the same time. You don't want to die a lot and earn the enemy killstreaks, but you don't want to have dumbass teammates sit in the back of the map padding their stats instead of capping flags. However, I hate teammates that are just the opposite, and try to capture all flags, because that's a VERY, VERY bad idea. That kind of shit lost me countless matches on Bog on CoD4. You only want TWO flags in Domination. You take TWO and hold them, then spawn kill the enemy team on the 3rd flag, and defend yours. The only time you want all the flags, is if you're so far behind, that you are forced to in order to catch up, because taking all the flags means that enemies will spawn everywhere in random spots, which will get you kiled a lot, which results in lost killstreaks, which means that holding flags will be difficult. Even worse, if you start on the good side of map, and switch, you lose the advantage.



I have no idea what my kdr is.
I really don't have a goal either.
Maybe I'll start caring once I've earned enough weapons that I like, and learned the maps, in and out.



The Cramtron wrote:I have no idea what my kdr is.
I really don't have a goal either.
Maybe I'll start caring once I've earned enough weapons that I like, and learned the maps, in and out.

Maybe it's your turn to teach me a lesson on how to not care, lol. I've noticed that I can't even join games anymore; hopefully it won't end up like me teaching you how to play CoD4 huh? Very Happy



It's the best AR for everything else, head shots aside.

It recovers only 100th of a second slower than other ARs and is tied with the Enfield and Galil for lowest possible kick in any direction.



JDM_Jev wrote:It's the best AR for everything else, head shots aside.

It recovers only 100th of a second slower than other ARs and is tied with the Enfield and Galil for lowest possible kick in any direction.
Have you tried the commando or g11?



JDM_Jev wrote:FAMAS tommy

also you play this game too much like Battlefield, you aren't helping yourself for being an excessively active player in this game, you're actually rewarded for being the opposite.
I just can not help it. I feel so worthless if I am not there in the frontlines unless I am sniping.



T-800 wrote:
JDM_Jev wrote:It's the best AR for everything else, head shots aside.

It recovers only 100th of a second slower than other ARs and is tied with the Enfield and Galil for lowest possible kick in any direction.
Have you tried the commando or g11?

The Commando has more recoil than the Galil.

The G11 is the second-best AR in the class. Certainly nothing to cream your pants about - bursts at 1250 RPM, the delay for firing bursts is only 75 RPM faster than the M16 and it has more spread and a slower recovery rate.

And no good attachments if you're into that thing.



JDM_Jev wrote:
T-800 wrote:
JDM_Jev wrote:It's the best AR for everything else, head shots aside.

It recovers only 100th of a second slower than other ARs and is tied with the Enfield and Galil for lowest possible kick in any direction.
Have you tried the commando or g11?

The Commando has more recoil than the Galil.

The G11 is the second-best AR in the class. Certainly nothing to cream your pants about - bursts at 1250 RPM, the delay for firing bursts is only 75 RPM faster than the M16 and it has more spread and a slower recovery rate.

And no good attachments if you're into that thing.
What the commando has more recoil that the galil? That is one of the 3 assault rifles I have not actually bought yet.



Yes, it has moar, tied with the AK47 for the most recoil out of any automatic AR.



Well if you run dualy Mac-11's at full tilt you have to be in the middle of the action... just stay out of wide open spaces. Although I have discovered that if you alternate rapid, left and right trigger bursts you can actually kill people at long range from the hip (if you're using steady aim).

The only AR I'm actually excited to use, and will use regardless of how good it actually is, is the Colt Commando. Love that weapon.

I've tried the Famas a few times and it certainly didn't seem any better than any other to me. I actually seem to prefer the enfield over it, but I mostly stick to smg's.



It's the sheer volume of statistical superiority that makes the FAMAS awesome.

Go in a lobby and knock some heads around bouncing MATH off their face.



JDM_Jev wrote:It's the sheer volume of statistical superiority that makes the FAMAS awesome.

Go in a lobby and knock some heads around bouncing MATH off their face.

Then they need to fix it. Personally I never use a gun based off stats, but how much I like the feel, look or idea of it.



Treyarch and IW don't fix things, they're not Dice/Valve or anything.

If they don't get a decent balance the first time around they never do anything about it.



Hopefully not this time. They've had what? A patch everyday since the game released so far?

Once they get enough stats on balance hopefully they make small tweaks here and there.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

The fumas sounds awesome, plus looks really good in red



Well they fix glitches and whatnot since they're programming errors that make them look retarded for making errors with an engine that hasn't been changed even slightly since 2003.

As for actual weapon tone-downs and buffs, experience says no. I'd really like them to though, it'd make up for the fact that they don't innovate in the slightest year-in-year out and the fact that Treyarch coat-tails IW since the only game the made by themselves sucks.



As for actual weapon tone-downs, experience says no. I'd really like them to though.

Well we can hope. Neutral
...and pray that it doesn't take them nearly a year to do it like DICE (and even then not do a thorough job)...



Dice has always been slow to pick up, I think they wait for the community to establish and provide grievances before acting.

No game developer actually plays games so expecting them to low-ball their own product with balancing patches is silly. They're just a bunch of frat-boy weekend warriors at best.



Epyk wrote:The fumas sounds awesome, plus looks really good in red

Everytime you say Fumas I think Pumas... which makes me think of the very 1st episode of red vs. blue...

I do like the looks and sound of it so I'll be using it, I just prefer the Enfield. It just feels "better" to me for some reason.

Deep voiced Canadian wrote:No game developer actually plays games so expecting them to low-ball their own product with balancing patches is silly. They're just a bunch of frat-boy weekend warriors at best.

Question I know a few and they are all pretty damn serious gamers. It's why they wanted to get into games in the first place.


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:FAMAS isn't that great; I figured out how the 35-25 damage has a disadvantage to other AR's; it's ALWAYS a 3 shot kill or more, regardless. Even if you headshot, it will not kill faster. Thus, more skilled players with a different assault rifle will win if they get headshots and SMGs will beat it in CQC with Rapid Fire (which should almost always be used on subs now, it seem). It's still a great weapon, but isn't OP/the coming of God for ARs like you're making it out to be.

In Domination, K/D does/doesn't matter at the same time. You don't want to die a lot and earn the enemy killstreaks, but you don't want to have dumbass teammates sit in the back of the map padding their stats instead of capping flags. However, I hate teammates that are just the opposite, and try to capture all flags, because that's a VERY, VERY bad idea. That kind of shit lost me countless matches on Bog on CoD4. You only want TWO flags in Domination. You take TWO and hold them, then spawn kill the enemy team on the 3rd flag, and defend yours. The only time you want all the flags, is if you're so far behind, that you are forced to in order to catch up, because taking all the flags means that enemies will spawn everywhere in random spots, which will get you kiled a lot, which results in lost killstreaks, which means that holding flags will be difficult. Even worse, if you start on the good side of map, and switch, you lose the advantage.
More "skilled" players aim for center mass because any decent player knows that the slight increase in damage isn't enough to warrant you consistently going for headshots. The only time it makes a difference is when you walk up behind a standstill and you save one whole bullet on the kill.



JDM_Jev wrote:Well they fix glitches and whatnot since they're programming errors that make them look retarded for making errors with an engine that hasn't been changed even slightly since 2003.

As for actual weapon tone-downs and buffs, experience says no. I'd really like them to though, it'd make up for the fact that they don't innovate in the slightest year-in-year out and the fact that Treyarch coat-tails IW since the only game the made by themselves sucks.

Whats that? IW games suck and Treyarch don't? Q.Q more.



Ingsmasher wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:FAMAS isn't that great; I figured out how the 35-25 damage has a disadvantage to other AR's; it's ALWAYS a 3 shot kill or more, regardless. Even if you headshot, it will not kill faster. Thus, more skilled players with a different assault rifle will win if they get headshots and SMGs will beat it in CQC with Rapid Fire (which should almost always be used on subs now, it seem). It's still a great weapon, but isn't OP/the coming of God for ARs like you're making it out to be.

In Domination, K/D does/doesn't matter at the same time. You don't want to die a lot and earn the enemy killstreaks, but you don't want to have dumbass teammates sit in the back of the map padding their stats instead of capping flags. However, I hate teammates that are just the opposite, and try to capture all flags, because that's a VERY, VERY bad idea. That kind of shit lost me countless matches on Bog on CoD4. You only want TWO flags in Domination. You take TWO and hold them, then spawn kill the enemy team on the 3rd flag, and defend yours. The only time you want all the flags, is if you're so far behind, that you are forced to in order to catch up, because taking all the flags means that enemies will spawn everywhere in random spots, which will get you kiled a lot, which results in lost killstreaks, which means that holding flags will be difficult. Even worse, if you start on the good side of map, and switch, you lose the advantage.
More "skilled" players aim for center mass because any decent player knows that the slight increase in damage isn't enough to warrant you consistently going for headshots. The only time it makes a difference is when you walk up behind a standstill and you save one whole bullet on the kill.

Unless you're actually a decent player, and can double headshot 90% of the time without taking extra time to do so.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Mine's around 1.72...give or take a little. I'm pretty happy with that, but wouldn't mind getting it up around 2.0.


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
Ingsmasher wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:FAMAS isn't that great; I figured out how the 35-25 damage has a disadvantage to other AR's; it's ALWAYS a 3 shot kill or more, regardless. Even if you headshot, it will not kill faster. Thus, more skilled players with a different assault rifle will win if they get headshots and SMGs will beat it in CQC with Rapid Fire (which should almost always be used on subs now, it seem). It's still a great weapon, but isn't OP/the coming of God for ARs like you're making it out to be.

In Domination, K/D does/doesn't matter at the same time. You don't want to die a lot and earn the enemy killstreaks, but you don't want to have dumbass teammates sit in the back of the map padding their stats instead of capping flags. However, I hate teammates that are just the opposite, and try to capture all flags, because that's a VERY, VERY bad idea. That kind of shit lost me countless matches on Bog on CoD4. You only want TWO flags in Domination. You take TWO and hold them, then spawn kill the enemy team on the 3rd flag, and defend yours. The only time you want all the flags, is if you're so far behind, that you are forced to in order to catch up, because taking all the flags means that enemies will spawn everywhere in random spots, which will get you kiled a lot, which results in lost killstreaks, which means that holding flags will be difficult. Even worse, if you start on the good side of map, and switch, you lose the advantage.
More "skilled" players aim for center mass because any decent player knows that the slight increase in damage isn't enough to warrant you consistently going for headshots. The only time it makes a difference is when you walk up behind a standstill and you save one whole bullet on the kill.

Unless you're actually a decent player, and can double headshot 90% of the time without taking extra time to do so.
Think about what you just said.... Can you honestly name anyone who has a 90% headshot ratio?


This kind of reminds me of when chunkii was trying to argue that the SV98 was the only sniper worth using ever. rabbit



Yeah and he thought buckshot was good

lol chubby

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