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This is pretty much the only thing you get when searching with 4-6 people. Maybe 3. You're better off doing 2 or 3 or even solo and everyone just joins and play that way.



The update from Treyarch is currently in testing. It should be released in a few days.



That's good to know.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

it was irritating to say the least.



Yes very irritating.

According to an update on, either they have fixed, or are going to fix, the party closing because the host can't find a match.


My god, Erk, Bla, Tallness and I were trying to get into games for like half an hour. It's so annoying.



Ya me higu, chaos, kitsune(gasp!), and my friends zach and David tried for about 30 mins before just playing solo.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I still have trouble getting into games if it's just me and one other friend.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Ya me higu, chaos, kitsune(gasp!), and my friends zach and David tried for about 30 mins before just playing solo.

Lol @ Kitsune part.

Dark, you should of been there when I woke up. He got the minigun and was shouting like a demonic pedophile at the other team.. D:

I get it a lot, we normally rotate the person who hosts if it happens.



Ya we rotate host from all 6 of us but it still wouldn't work.

And when he joined our party yesterday he was talking in his creepy voice and it was funny.



This has really pissed me off but at least it should be fixed soon.



it should. will it? maybe



Treyarch fixed the under the map glitches, but I can't say for sure that they will fix this. I like how you go out of your way to constantly insult this game though, almost like you are trolling...



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Treyarch fixed the under the map glitches, but I can't say for sure that they will fix this. I like how you go out of your way to constantly insult this game though, almost like you are trolling...
Like you did and do still with bad company 2 lol.



T-800 wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Treyarch fixed the under the map glitches, but I can't say for sure that they will fix this. I like how you go out of your way to constantly insult this game though, almost like you are trolling...
Like you did and do still with bad company 2 lol.

Because I do it to make a point?



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
T-800 wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Treyarch fixed the under the map glitches, but I can't say for sure that they will fix this. I like how you go out of your way to constantly insult this game though, almost like you are trolling...
Like you did and do still with bad company 2 lol.

Because I do it to make a point?
Same thing he is doing.



Stop bashing my games, and I'll stop bashing games that you guys like? Fair enough?



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Stop bashing my games, and I'll stop bashing games that you guys like? Fair enough?
I am not bashing anything......



T-800 wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Stop bashing my games, and I'll stop bashing games that you guys like? Fair enough?
I am not bashing anything......

Well, I know not you, but I mean anybody. If somebody bashes something of mine that I like, I will do the same back. An eye for an eye. It's all fair, isn't it?



I played Black Ops, I was enjoying it by the time my 360 died but as far as multiplayer support is concerned we aren't going to see anything.

Past experience is a pretty good indication of what's to come, and our past experiences with Call of Duty games showed absolutely no multiplayer support whatsoever apart from fixing map glitches.



Because BC2 was SOOO much better right? I'm pretty sure a game that rewards you a lot for flying in circles in an OP death machine, and be rewarded more than people that actually capture objectives and play the game isn't broken at all.



JDM_Jev wrote:I played Black Ops, I was enjoying it by the time my 360 died but as far as multiplayer support is concerned we aren't going to see anything.

Past experience is a pretty good indication of what's to come, and our past experiences with Call of Duty games showed absolutely no multiplayer support whatsoever apart from fixing map glitches.

Except the lead multiplayer designer said himself that the update is in testing and will be released in a few days. It says in the second post of this topic.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Because BC2 was SOOO much better right? I'm pretty sure a game that rewards you a lot for flying in circles in an OP death machine, and be rewarded more than people that actually capture objectives and play the game isn't broken at all.

Did you read what I said? I wasn't trying to start shit but whatever.



They clearly stated they're going to fix the match making, and when they actually say they will do it, Treyarch usually does, but of course...




1. Jev wasn't trolling, he was stating on opinion based on past experiance
2. Kitsune, you are really starting to get out of hand with these arguments, they happen in every topic that had a post by you and Jev.
3. Let's get back to the topic, and stop arguing.

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