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Gay marriage (Again)

Epyk MD
6 posters

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1Gay marriage (Again) Empty Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 05:55



It makes me sooooooooo angry that it's still not legal everywhere, I mean, seriously what the hell is wrong with it??? I just want someone here to give me one good reason why it shouldn't be legal, because I honestly can't think of any reason other than peoples stupid religion making the decision for them.

2Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 06:05

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I agree that its saddening that people have to make such a distinction, but ibelieve marriage originated through the church, so even though we are supposed to have a clear line between church and state, they still get a lot of sway in the matter.

I understand civil unions are a far cry from marriage, but at least progress is being made

3Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 06:11



Yeah, and I also think that it might be a generational thing because people weren't as accepting back then.

4Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 06:14



I personally don't really care, as long as gay people don't hit on me, it's fine by me. That goes for every other type of weird sexuality out there; as long as they don't bother me, and keep it private, they should be allowed to feel how they want, as long as it doesn't involve anybody else but themselves, or anybody else willing to practice it. People should just accept one another, but that'll never happen, really.

5Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 06:17



Yeah, I agree. I probably feel more strongly about it because my brother is gay and he is one of the nicest people I have ever met and I would like to see him happy.

6Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 06:19



I've met a lot of nice gay people. Ironically enough, they're usually a lot more nice than normal people (for whatever reason), and even though I really don't like them near me, I still think they have their own place in the world.

7Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 06:22



I think they are probably more nice because they are more accepting of people.

8Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 15:45



Gay marriage will never be legal everywhere as long as religion is as strong as it is in the US.

9Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 15:47




I will Lock this thread down if someone comes in here and turns this into something ugly!!!!!

10Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 15:48

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

T-800 wrote:Gay marriage will never be legal everywhere as long as religion is as strong as it is in the US.


11Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:13



Awesome MD wrote:
T-800 wrote:Gay marriage will never be legal everywhere as long as religion is as strong as it is in the US.

Powerful, forceful you name it. Religion has a very big presence in our politics and that presence will not go away for a very long time.

12Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:15



Seriously, women rights, black rights, interracial marriages etc. They were all held back by idiots who thought if it was allowed to happen the world would end. But most people are ignorant scum easily sway by mass media and BS from there party and church. The new generation has already accepted gay rights, the old generation those is so firmly stuck in there ways, real change won't come until there all dead and gone.

13Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:20



fighter4u wrote:Seriously, women rights, black rights, interracial marriages etc. They were all held back by idiots who thought if it was allowed to happen the world would end. But most people are ignorant scum easily sway by mass media and BS from there party and church. The new generation has already accepted gay rights, the old generation those is so firmly stuck in there ways, real change won't come until there all dead and gone.
By the age you have down you are in that generation........

14Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:23



I also have a problem with the opposite though, such as black/woman/gay/etc. parties that seem to think that they should have more rights than regular people, which is like a backwards sort of prejudice.

15Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:27


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I've met a lot of nice gay people. Ironically enough, they're usually a lot more nice than normal people (for whatever reason), and even though I really don't like them near me, I still think they have their own place in the world.

Normal people?

I also have a problem with the opposite though, such as black/woman/gay/etc. parties that seem to think that they should have more rights than regular people, which is like a backwards sort of prejudice.

Regular people?

16Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:29



Poor choice of words Bob.

What do you mean regular people?

17Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:29



THis is what I mean...... these threads always start to spiral downhill.

18Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:30



CJ wrote:Poor choice of words Bob.

What do you mean regular people?
He means they think they should have more rights then everyone else.

19Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:35



Oh, you know what I mean by regular. I'm not racist or anything, but to me, regular means just standard people, or majority. Hating a minority/majority is wrong both ways, that's not the wording I mean't. You have to remember, that I live in an area with 99%+ white community, so that's just regular to me. The first time I saw somebody that wasn't white/hispanic, I remember staring at them for a good 5 minutes, because it was so strange to me.

20Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:37



T-800 wrote:
CJ wrote:Poor choice of words Bob.

What do you mean regular people?
He means they think they should have more rights then everyone else.

.......Watch Tropic Thunder Tom.

21Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:39



CJ wrote:
T-800 wrote:
CJ wrote:Poor choice of words Bob.

What do you mean regular people?
He means they think they should have more rights then everyone else.

.......Watch Tropic Thunder Tom.
Damn I screwed that quote up.

22Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:40



It's all good.

But seriously, this topic needs to lighten up a bit.

23Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:41

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

T-800 wrote:
CJ wrote:Poor choice of words Bob.

What do you mean regular people?
He means they think they should have more rights then everyone else.

they are everyone else though
religion has lost its footing over the last decade, i mean have you ever recited the pledge of allegiance in your school.

24Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:43



Awesome MD wrote:
T-800 wrote:
CJ wrote:Poor choice of words Bob.

What do you mean regular people?
He means they think they should have more rights then everyone else.

they are everyone else though
religion has lost its footing over the last decade, i mean have you ever recited the pledge of allegiance in your school.
I did up until 2 or 3 years ago when it was banned.

25Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:43


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Oh, you know what I mean by regular. I'm not racist or anything, but to me, regular means just standard people, or majority. Hating a minority/majority is wrong both ways, that's not the wording I mean't. You have to remember, that I live in an area with 99%+ white community, so that's just regular to me. The first time I saw somebody that wasn't white/hispanic, I remember staring at them for a good 5 minutes, because it was so strange to me.

No I don't know what you mean by regular.

*is apparently irregular.

Sometimes you say dumb shit bob.

26Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:43



It got banned? I didnt know that....

27Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:44



Kenneth wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Oh, you know what I mean by regular. I'm not racist or anything, but to me, regular means just standard people, or majority. Hating a minority/majority is wrong both ways, that's not the wording I mean't. You have to remember, that I live in an area with 99%+ white community, so that's just regular to me. The first time I saw somebody that wasn't white/hispanic, I remember staring at them for a good 5 minutes, because it was so strange to me.

No I don't know what you mean by regular.

*is apparently irregular.

Sometimes you say dumb shit bob.

No more irregular than me, D. Wink

28Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:45



yes, we recite the pledge every week. Well the principal does over the intercom and a few kids per class.

But honestly, the only real argument against gay marriage is religion. The first amendment says "Congress shall pass no laws recognizing or banning any religion". Passing legislation because you can point to it in the Bible (The basis for most of the republican party's social agenda) directly violates the constitution.

29Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:46

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ayh tom thats my point, i may only be 10 years older than you but i remember when religion was apart of everything.

30Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:47



Kenneth wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Oh, you know what I mean by regular. I'm not racist or anything, but to me, regular means just standard people, or majority. Hating a minority/majority is wrong both ways, that's not the wording I mean't. You have to remember, that I live in an area with 99%+ white community, so that's just regular to me. The first time I saw somebody that wasn't white/hispanic, I remember staring at them for a good 5 minutes, because it was so strange to me.

No I don't know what you mean by regular.

*is apparently irregular.

Sometimes you say dumb shit bob.

I don't know, to me, I guess people that are different than a majority are irregular, but that's not a bad thing, in my opinion. Being different is a much better thing than being one of the crowd. What's wrong with being irregular? If I were to visit somewhere else other than here, I would be considered "irregular", but I wouldn't be any different now would I...I guess I would be considered "irregular", by anybody, anywhere though, lol.

I guess I do; I apologize if I offended you, but I just mean...that's what's regular to me. I don't exactly live in a multicultural community; to me, it's really weird to see anybody that's not white/hispanic, but as I said, it's not a bad thing if they are.

31Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:49



Awesome MD wrote:ayh tom thats my point, i may only be 10 years older than you but i remember when religion was apart of everything.
Yah but a good portion of politicians are religious and will be for the next 10+ years.

32Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:50

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i think local culture has a lot to do with it fox, columbus is so diverse id wager that most ethnicities are on par with each other number wise.

i think a bit of forethought is needed in the future though friend

33Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:51

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

T-800 wrote:
Awesome MD wrote:ayh tom thats my point, i may only be 10 years older than you but i remember when religion was apart of everything.
Yah but a good portion of politicians are religious and will be for the next 10+ years.

most assuredly until the current generation hands over the reigns anyway

34Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:52



Awesome MD wrote:i think local culture has a lot to do with it fox, columbus is so diverse id wager that most ethnicities are on par with each other number wise.

i think a bit of forethought is needed in the future though friend

Alright, I'm sorry. I'm just not used to the thought of having people of a different race than me around; it's almost surreal really, lol.

35Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:52


I'm sorry I said you say dumb shit bob, but it was really poor choice of words on your part imo.

I'm personally not offended but saying stuff like that can make you appear insensitive to different groups or people.

There can be regular black people and normal gay people is all I was trying to say and to consider minorities/homosexuals as irregular or abnormal is exactly why this gay marriage issue exists today along with other issues that should have ceased being an issue a long time ago imo.

Love is a beautiful thing and if 2 people want to commit themselves to each other they should be able to regardless of sexual orientation.

36Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:53



You should come stay with me in Memphis dude. It's a different planet.

37Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:54



It's alright, I do sometimes. My ignorance and/or temper can get the best of me sometimes. Smile

I agree on everything else.

38Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:54



T-800 wrote:
fighter4u wrote:Seriously, women rights, black rights, interracial marriages etc. They were all held back by idiots who thought if it was allowed to happen the world would end. But most people are ignorant scum easily sway by mass media and BS from there party and church. The new generation has already accepted gay rights, the old generation those is so firmly stuck in there ways, real change won't come until there all dead and gone.
By the age you have down you are in that generation........

Doesn't mean I am that age.

39Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:54



Bob was obviously talking about it in a population standpoint, not a personal trait standpoint.

In the scope of the United States, the average person is white. Or, the majority of the people are white, or it's most regular to be white. If you are not white, in terms of population, you are part of the minority, not average, not "regular".

In terms of actual personal traits that matter, your race has nothing to do with being regular.

In terms of population, your race is a deciding factor if you're "regular"

Pretty poor word choice, but it's true in the sense that I think he was using it.

40Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:56



fighter4u wrote:
T-800 wrote:
fighter4u wrote:Seriously, women rights, black rights, interracial marriages etc. They were all held back by idiots who thought if it was allowed to happen the world would end. But most people are ignorant scum easily sway by mass media and BS from there party and church. The new generation has already accepted gay rights, the old generation those is so firmly stuck in there ways, real change won't come until there all dead and gone.
By the age you have down you are in that generation........

Doesn't mean I am that age.

It would be nice if you put your real age there!

41Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:57



Ducksaws wrote: Bob was obviously talking about it in a population standpoint, not a personal trait standpoint.

In the scope of the United States, the average person is white. Or, the majority of the people are white, or it's most regular to be white. If you are not white, in terms of population, you are part of the minority, not average, not "regular".

In terms of actual personal traits that matter, your race has nothing to do with being regular.

In terms of population, your race is a deciding factor if you're "regular"

Pretty poor word choice, but it's true in the sense that I think he was using it.

It's difficult to say that for everyone here. Where I'm at, there seems to be a bigger hispanic population than a Caucasian population. And even the Caucasian population is about equal with the African American population.

42Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:58



Well in the scope of the entire US, white is the overwhelming majority.

43Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 16:59



Again, not everyone is looking at that scope.

44Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 17:01

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

over all i can understand why the church is against same-sex marriage, since in all rights they established the unity, and dont want it "twisted" as they see it, into something they down approve of, but then again, they are just falling prey to their own cycle it seems

45Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 17:11



Again, not everyone is looking at that scope.

True, but the big picture is the most important one.

Really, what the solution to gay marriage is, is to make it the same thing but split it from the church. Openly gay people even considering getting married to another gay person are obviously not Christians. They probably don't care about getting married in a church.

So just call it a civil union or whatever and give them the same rights and benefits as a married couple. We don't stomp on the church's traditions, and we don't stomp on gay people, and we don't turn a religious matter into a government issue where it doesn't belong.

46Gay marriage (Again) Empty Re: Gay marriage (Again) 2010-11-15, 17:17



I'm locking this down as nothing good is going to come from this topic at this point.

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