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Not hating it today.

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1Not hating it today. Empty Not hating it today. 2010-11-15, 21:43



If you read my other topic you know I was about ready to break my disc yesterday.

Today I've been doing pretty decent and having fun with it. My Kd dropped all the way to a 1.05 yesterday, but today I've got it back up to a 1.12.

Played some fun games with Epyk and Tallness. A bunch of free for all with Kult. Other matches with other SeCers here and there. Capped it off with a couple capture the flag matches with DL. CTF is a ton of fun and I did great at it. Took second my first time trying it with a good kd. Won my second with a 2+ kd and got 5 CTF medals towards Marathon pro.

So BO gets a stay of execution for at least one more day... if it gets out of line again I'll still kill it though. Twisted Evil

2Not hating it today. Empty Re: Not hating it today. 2010-11-15, 21:54


This happened to me too. Once I got a hang of the game and got a groove going, I've been enjoying it a lot more.

3Not hating it today. Empty Re: Not hating it today. 2010-11-15, 21:57



Not hating it today. 186

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