There was nothing but snipers! And if they weren't playing recon, they were sniping as something else! It was driving me crazy. My team was okay, they were actually foot soldiering it, except when we had 3 recons and 1... engineer? That was ridiculous.
And one guy, to prove his manliness had a conversation with his girlfriend over the feed. I didn't get it, ended up plugging my mic in and setting it aside. I hate that kind of crab. Better than the team I joined and quit without even spawning because two guys were BSing and throwing racial slurs around.
I also did really bad last night (I started out smoking!), so I gave up early.
And one guy, to prove his manliness had a conversation with his girlfriend over the feed. I didn't get it, ended up plugging my mic in and setting it aside. I hate that kind of crab. Better than the team I joined and quit without even spawning because two guys were BSing and throwing racial slurs around.
I also did really bad last night (I started out smoking!), so I gave up early.