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 » The Lounge » Archives » Tonight?


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1Tonight? Empty Tonight? 2010-11-18, 19:45



Who wants to play? I haven't touched BF since the disastrous Monday night and I haven't played with anyone from SeC for a while.

Keep forgetting! Around 8PM Pacific probably.

2Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-18, 19:53


9 page paper is preventing me. Gonna have to pull an all nighter due to procrastination Very Happy

3Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-18, 20:01



I'll be on probably. Just send me an invite whenever.

4Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-18, 20:36



Sadly I will not play battlefield until the new maps come out.

5Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-18, 23:38

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Sorry I just got done playing. we couldn't find a match tonight that had any competition. everytime we would join, kick as for 5 minuets, and then the other team would quit. weak sauce

6Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-19, 00:18



You guys suck. I'm lodging a complaint.

Except for Milk... who scares me.

7Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-19, 00:21



lol... I love Milk's avatar.

8Tonight? Empty Re: Tonight? 2010-11-19, 01:07



I think I'm permanently scarred from the one he had of the HUGEHUGEHUGE titties. So I tend to shy away when I see his screen name. Sad

Soon I will be flinching from you Mills and the scary happy face you got going on there.

I quit early. I couldn't get any hits, even at blank face range unloading a full clip into some dudes back. Oh well. The first round I did good. My kdr was positive! 1.5 yay!

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