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bar hop tonight =*(

Epyk MD
11 posters

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1bar hop tonight =*( Empty bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 00:45

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its basically 50000 students going to EVERY bar on campus, getting shitfaced...then coming to me...because im the only place open...kill me now.

2bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 00:45



oh my

tell them if they gotta puke,they better puke outside XD

3bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 00:46



Well at least you can look forward to uploading that app lol.


4bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 00:46



...I got an invite to go bar hopping tonight. I declined just so I wouldn't puke in your store, Epyk.

Your life blows.

5bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 00:49



Think of the possibilties, Epyk! There are many ways to torture drunks!
...Blank Canvass, baby!...

6bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 00:51



God damnit I miss bar hopping.

7bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 01:06



is it in celebration of the start of spring break?

8bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 01:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Its in celebration of finals week next drinking because they didn't study all they have to get alcohol poisoning to hold them over the week.

9bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 03:45

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

So far iv had...

Guys playing football w/ a bottle of salsa.
guy breaking into the back office.
girls flashing for alcohol
and a guy taking a shit on the floor in the middle of the store...

10bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 03:47



Did you take pictures of the Topless chicks?

11bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 03:48

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ruined makeup, smelled like death and they were annoying.

So no.

12bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 03:56



OMG they were Zombie Prostitutes!

13bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 04:09



zombie prostituuuuutes....slobber

14bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 04:10



Yep you know what they say

A Zombie Prostitute will eat a Mans Brain while a regular Prostitute will just suck it Very Happy

15bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 05:03



Man Epyk the more you talk about this place, the more im convinced I know exactly wjere you work....

16bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 05:09

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Across from the union sym

Last edited by Epyk on 2011-03-05, 05:15; edited 1 time in total

17bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 05:15

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

My favorite of the night.

Girl steals a buch of hot dogs off the grill, I confront her....(already have her credit card info btw)
she runs with the dogs...comes back 2 mins later because she's drunk and lost and the start of the proverbial flood is happening. Starts in, I stop her make her pay for the dogs...then kick her drunk ass back in the rain.

18bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 05:34



Lol yep. Guys he doesnt make this shit up! Ill vouch for that. That street in particular(lol at the irony of the name) is a college kid orgy. Fun as hell on Gameday, friday night, not so much..Am I right epyk?

19bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 05:40

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

No onw has school on friday, so thursday is the start of the weekend.
gameday is horrible. No one knows we id everyone so everyone argues...everyone is wasted and since the bucks wwin 90% of the time...all riled up.

20bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 05:51

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Also, if your ever back in town come on in for some free icecream sym...I make the best shakes the history of ever.

21bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 06:04



Epyk wrote:Also, if your ever back in town come on in for some free icecream sym...I make the best shakes the history of ever.
could i haz shake pl0x?

22bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 06:10

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If your ever in columbus, let me know.

23bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 06:20



Yea from a fan perspective its great times. Wouldnt wanna work it though. Especially Michigan week.

24bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 06:31



Actually Im coming home after getting married for christmas! Im bringing my fiance obviously, shes never been further east than Idaho haha.

25bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 07:04

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Let me know when man, maybe we can grab lunch, cheesecake factory? Spaghetti warehouse?
the ladies can chitchat while we pwn real life randies face to face.

26bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 08:51



Eypk, I don't get it as bad as you, but I feel your pain. The worst I've gotten so far: Chick peeing at the ATM
Guy taking a shit , and completely missing the toliet
I've been offered many sexual favor for beer (Va stops selling at midnight)
Been hit on by a few gay guys
threatened physically for free stuff

thats over a course of years

27bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 09:57

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Lol not to belittle it fox, but that sounds like my 1am to 2am hour.

28bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 10:43



Get a bat! And start swinging!

I want to come pick on the drunks...

29bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 11:48



Epyk wrote:*update*
So far iv had...

...and a guy taking a shit on the floor in the middle of the store...

Dude, you've got to be kidding me. For real? Unbelievable... How could you possibly resist putting a bullet in him? I've hurt people for so, so much less than this...

30bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 12:16



seriously... taking a shit on the floor?

tell me you didnt have to clean that up.

31bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 12:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

get a big foam covered bat (like a stressbat thingy) and whack them with it until they leave.

then pull the foam off if they dont. Very Happy

32bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 12:28



You're an actual bartender? I didn't know we had an admin with real speakeasy experience.

33bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 17:20



Epyk wrote:Lol not to belittle it fox, but that sounds like my 1am to 2am hour.

Like I said, there is no comparison. I was just try to share war stories. My stuff is over years, yours were from one night. Trust me, I don't feel belittled.

34bar hop tonight =*( Empty Re: bar hop tonight =*( 2011-03-05, 17:51



Hes not a bartender, they just sell alcohol Duck. I know exactly where he works and gotta say, im not surprised by thesr stories. tOSU is the biggest campud in the nation. Bound to be drunk idiots

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