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So pissed right now.

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1So pissed right now.  Empty So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 20:50



So Tuesday my schoolsaid that you need a lunch pass to leave campus. Of course since my stepmom is a teacher there, she told me dad. So today I asked how to get one. They said you must live within 6 blocks of the school. I don't. So now my dad won't let me go eat with friends but I refuse to eat at school. It's such a stupid fucking rule that they have NEVER enforced. And only said something about it this year. And my dad is so fucking strict when itcomes to rules. He isnever lenient.

2So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 20:52



That's bullshit! Why do you have live within 6 blocks of the school to get to leave to eat? That makes absolutely no sense. I honestly think that the way some rules/laws are bored, is a room of bored employees throw darts at a board of random ideas, and whichever has the most darts becomes a rule.

3So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 20:53



Why not bring your own lunch or have your friends bring you some food for lunch?

4So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 20:53



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:That's bullshit! Why do you have live within 6 blocks of the school to get to leave to eat? That makes absolutely no sense. I honestly think that the way some rules/laws are bored, is a room of bored employees throw darts at a board of random ideas, and whichever has the most darts becomes a rule.
It is actually cards. Razz

5So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 20:55



I can pay for it just fine. School food makes me sick. And I'm not bringing my lunch.

6So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:00



School food is great though...I mean, it's only a lower quality food than prisoners are fed. >_>

7So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:03



They tried to enforce that rule at my school, unfortunately for them I/my friends could drive so we usually left to go to one of their houses.

My mom wasn't big on me coming home at lunch so we never went to mine unless my parents were out of town ._.

8So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:04



I never left school for lunch; I couldn't afford it. I got free lunch, so I pretty much just ate the nasty food, and it didn't really care as long as I got fed.

9So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:05



Oh we drive we don't walk. We have PLENTY of time to eat and get back.

10So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:07



I thought it was different in the states. When we were in New York, we stopped by New Jersey and the school had its own security.

In Canada it's too lackadaisical - the few rules we do have nobody observes or enforces. I don't think I ever saw anyone get shit for skipping out even though it was against school policy.

11So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:07



What food places do you even have around where you live? Do you eat at home, or at a fast food place or something? Seems like it would get kinda expensive eating fast food everyday.

Our school had one security guard, and one police officer, but the police officer was only there for the gaming club of 10-20 people who played DnD, so....xD

12So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:11



Taco bell, whataburger, mcdonalds and sonic. We usually eat at mcdonalds. I get two mcchickens usually so it's only 2.16 or so. Lunch at school is 3-3.50, depending on how much I get.

13So pissed right now.  Empty Re: So pissed right now. 2010-11-18, 21:14



Well, that's pretty cool. Our school lunch was only $2.10, and I considered that too much for how good the food was. They never had pickles after my second year going there; we got cucumber chips for burgers (which we had that, or chicken patty sandwichs everyday). We also, only had ketchup and mustard, milk that occasionally was moldy or had chunks in it because it was rancid (had to watch that shit), and pizza every Friday, and they would take the leftovers from the veggies that they would put out all week, and throw it on the cheese pizza (you know, the rectangular kind of pizza, not real pizza), and have veggie pizza. It may have been halfway good, had the ranch dressing had been as thick, and only tasted like sour cream, that was more sour than sour cream. Dx

We got McDonalds, but they're finally bringing Taco Bell to town. cheers

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