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You know you've pissed someone off when...

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

1. They switch to a class to counter you. Ie. Recon countering recon, medic countering assault.

2. They switch to your load out. Ie. I use an M14 x4 optic and MA. Said angry player does the same and still fails horribly at trying to kill me

3. They come back in a vehicle looking for you.

4. You receive some rather hilarious hate mail about how you fail at life and sleep with you mom/dad/brother/sister etc.

I personally love the ones that do number 2, as If switching to my load out is really going to level the playing field.



I got hate voicemail once. He was raging so hard that I couldn't make out half the words. But it went something like "You think you're so fucking cool with your fucking mines, go back to call of duty and get out of my game you fuck."

It gave me warm fuzzies.


I'd call 1 & 2 smart

3 a little bit too vengeful.

and 4 just plain unnecessary.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I forgot number 5. They come bak and try to sneak around ou and knife you. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.

In most cases when I encounter someone who switches to my weapon, they just don't seem to do as well as myself. I'm not claiming to be all mlg or anything, but for I get the feeling such people do this thinking the weapon is what is making them lose the fire fight, and I imagine in most cases, the person is too frustrated to think straight, thus deteriorating their combat effectiveness even further compound that with them possibly being unfamiliar with said weapon.


The more I think about it I guess it depends.

I know I am guilty of sticking to the same class even though my weapon is being outclassed by my opponents and that's kinda bad also. I'll give anyone kudos for stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something different.

They may suck with it but at least their switching it up and trying to counter.



People usually copy my stupid 'going for plat star' set-ups so I laugh at them. Copying my T88 LMG class...what are you stupid?

Funniest was someone copying my M1 Garand class to the letter.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True, on maps like harvest day, the M14 can outclassed due to the fact that it's so fricken massive compared to some of the other maps. And since it's not exactly a true sniper rifle, it can be a little difficult to get those long range shots with it, as opposed to an AN-94 or some other weapon that can put more rounds down range, thus increasing the likelihood of hitting said target.

I've found that I can't use my M14 on Oasis simply because it's so close quarters for the most part. I usually have to switch to RDS or irons on it if I want to stand a chance.



I once got an enitre to team to run Medic with Spas-12s.

Then I got them all T-baggin.

Then I swithced to the M16 and picked them off from distance. Landslide win.

Hell the other day some clan got mad in vietnam and had to steal my 870 shotgun.




I've been known to "borrow" set-ups from people when they start to own me. I do it more when I don't know much about a game. When you a noob to a game, it helps know what you've been killed by and how it works.



Careful man. According to some using mag ammo and scope makes you a noob, and a "fucking pussy"! Oh no! Lol I love that set up man. Keep running with it and kicking ass.



not-using mag ammo means you're stupid because you're forced to use it (otherwise you're at a disadvantage vs. people with it)

Guns are seriously better without optics but feel free to keep wasting a spec slot on it.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

im using MA far less nowadays. im using RDS or irons with varied specs:

assualt: RDS + BA
engy: extra explosives + empmk2
medic: heal+ + Heal radius+
recon: extra ammo + expmk2/spot



4x scope gives you better range. And on the assault class is very useful. Because you know your anti infantry, and on the larger maps can give you a nice range advantage.



I don't need a 4X to shoot people at long range and it makes it more annoying to try to kill people at close. And the red dot is worse than any iron sight in the game >.>

And as Assault I hate not-having grenade upgrade.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i dont use 40mm frags that much. i usually go smoke so i can arm objectives or hide movements. and the smokes resupply pretty fast.

i use 4x on open maps, but i like the RDS in close quarters so i can shoot easily and accurately.

i like funneling players into places where i can easily obliterate them with auto AR/40mm shotgun fire (i enjoyed bronzing the 40mm shotty recently and may continure with it)

also, M416 RDS with MMN+ is decent at close quarters. i love it and it has the retro BC1 feel to it.



I'm only using it until I plat 40mm grenades (448 kills) and you have to shoot three grenades at someone for a kill.

After that I'm going back to Lightweight since its fun as Assault.



Marxist Dictator wrote:And the red dot is worse than any iron sight in the game >.>

no lead, no.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

RDS is better than a lot of irons, although i use irons on most non assualt loadouts due to far superior spec 1s (ammo+, explosives+, heal+)

the MG36 is beast. (albeit slowed acquisition) RDS, heal+ and radius+
healin' like a pro.



Zillah wrote:
Marxist Dictator wrote:And the red dot is worse than any iron sight in the game >.>

no lead, no.

take my word on that, its garbage. seriously.

also the MG36 is too inaccurate to be a Medic gun.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

burst fire dude. burst fire.



I already platted that gun.

Burst firing as Medic defeats the purpose of being Medic. He just becomes a horribly gimped Assault.

I can't believe people piss and moan over that terrible gun on the PC >_>



I know how to use irons, red dots are still better (besides the fact that youre wasting a spec)



Its the fact that you're wasting a spec that makes it bad.



The elitists are becoming obvious here. Jesus its a game. Every spec is balanced, and is there for different playstyles. Jusy because someone uses an optic does not mean they suck, or as some have said "fucking pussy".



Yea because going full auto on an LMG is the best way to hit anything.



Have you played Medic before? In addition to having no real kick whatsoever they have a spread recovery of 5 compared to other guns' 3 so they can actually full-auto and hit at pretty much any range.

The huge mag isn't there for burst-firing >_>


The only time i burst fire as medic is usually when they're really far away and/or in some kinda cover i use 4X with the M16. I use to use RDS for awhile untill i got use to irons and with the VSS of course.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Honestly I like using x4 optics with the M14 due to the fact I'm more comfortable with it. If it's there and makes me more effective at playing the game, damn straight I'm going to use it. That's why I try my absolute best not to bitch about people using weapons that I dislike, the AN-94 being one of them (Though it's not as bad as it used to be).

If you're good with irons and can do well with them, great for you, but I'm not going to conform to anything just because said person thinks they're "better" or that it requires more "skill" to use something else, just as much as I'd expect another player not to gimp themselves just because someone says something is cheap. I play to win, and I don't see a problem with people using a weapon that will make them more efficient at winning. It's like telling your fastest running baseball player to slow down so the other team has a chance to strike you out. I just have to say "What?"

But yeah, I can see how people switching to a weapon that is owning them may benefit them, so I retract the statement I made about it.



ya lead, i have played medic for a long ass time on bc2, burstfiring is the only way to hit anything longrange. and with guns like the t88, pkm and to some extent the saw and m60, they can countersnipe people with pretty good effectiveness. the rds on the mg36 is bad becasue you get tunnel vision and its slower. and i cant use the m16 or abakan without a sight. its just such a space saver on that gun other wise the iron are very big and bulky

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, im really good at aiming with the AN-94 because i used to rush the cmapign on hard with the AN-94 when i was bored. now its had a nerf i can use it more without feeling like a douche.

although i use BA instead of MA since its still powerful enough not to need it at all.



The only time I burst with an LMG is at 6x scope ranges (i use irons on all LMGs sans the SAW.) The exceptions to this rule are the SAW and MG3. Because of their ROF, I have to burst at shorter ranges.



The SAW has no recoil whatsoever and the MG3 only has a weird backward kick when you first-start shooting, everywhere beyond that its manageable. I hated the MG3 when I platted it because of that.

I miss spell-check on my PC Sad it died today.



Marxist Dictator wrote:The SAW has no recoil whatsoever and the MG3 only has a weird backward kick when you first-start shooting, everywhere beyond that its manageable. I hated the MG3 when I platted it because of that.

I miss spell-check on my PC Sad it died today.

I have poor eyesight and it can be difficult to see what I'm shooting at sometimes at long ranges, even with my HD monitor.



Marxist Dictator wrote:I miss spell-check on my PC Sad it died today.
The heck happened?



personally i can countersnipe with a no opticv pkm better than i can an actual sniper rifle, and i should explain that my burstfire is 1-2 bullet burst, i use larger bursts of 3-10 on the saw

and wtf is your avatar lead



the spot function makes iron-sight sniping possible even on SDTVs.

StormEye wrote:
Marxist Dictator wrote:I miss spell-check on my PC Sad it died today.
The heck happened?

I have no idea. It randomly shut off yesterday and now nothing comes up when you turn it on (it just shuts off again in two seconds) and instead of fixing it my parents decided its on its last legs so we're gonna find a new one (it had a long run, 2003 till now)

So maybe I could get a gaming PC but I don't really care. All I really do with my PC is access blackboard, use Word, visit forums and listen to music.



Well, at least if you get a gaming PC you can be set for BF3 when it comes out.



yeah but PC gaming is such a fucking neckbeard off and its so annoying to find servers that don't fucking have kidmins and shit that also have decent ping.



But if anything, it is possible to have SeC SERVER!




Neck beard?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yup. neckbeard.



Whats a neck beard?...



Besides the hair on my neck lol




Oh I know some of those Smile



All we need to do when BF3 comes out is to get a SeC server and have us mod the server.

Its an awesome power to be had, and it is fun sometimes not participating in a battle, but just watching over the fights.



Do we know when BF3 is scheduled for?



It will be announced in March 1st (not released). So lets see.



I wont be playing it on PC so Im a little scared.



If BF3 wants to live up to its expectations, it might be hard to pull it off on current gen consoles.

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