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i feel like a schmuck

8 posters

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1i feel like a schmuck Empty i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:37



this, in essence, is a gaming forum, yes? yes.

i am away from my usual mode of gaming, whichever platform i happen to be rocking at the time, being in CA as i am, and thus, i have absolutely nothing to add to this forum game-wise other than posting in the IRL forums, or entertainment, or whatever the hell else i feel like posting in, and it makes me feel like a frickin' jackass lol

can't wait to get back to WA so i can start gaming again and have something to talk about other than music and bitching about the bf >.>

2i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:40



We're not really a gaming forum, in a ways.

3i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:40



Well, Epyk created this forum as a place where BC2 players could go off topic. So really, going off-topic from games actually means you are on topic. Ya' digg?

4i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:41



Yay for Cali? thats where i am, and im loving it, sunny, no rain, not to hot not to cold just a little warm with a nice breeze, only bad part is the polution =/ and the crazy people running around

5i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:43



we have a common interest in games

we all have different interests/opinions overall and that makes for some interesting/funny conversation

that is sec

6i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:44



going off topic is fun. why is that?

7i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:45



On GameFAQs, you are not allowed to talk about anything not strictly game related. The mods were like Nazis.

8i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:45



if your off topic it means your on topic which means your not off topic so there is no off topic

9i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:46



¿jitty? wrote:if your off topic it means your on topic which means your not off topic so there is no off topic


10i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:46



¿jitty? wrote:if your off topic it means your on topic which means your not off topic so there is no off topic

that was deep. you could make a poem out of that shit.

11i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:48



lets go to hot topic

12i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:49



i haven't been in a Hot Topic in like... five years.

13i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:49



I haven't been to Hot Topic ever

I just felt like adding something else -topic

14i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:51



you should go. guarantee you will see someone wearing at least one flannel shirt.

15i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:52



Isn't Hot Topic that Goth store I think I saw in the mall a long time ago?

16i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:53



I don't think there are Hot Topics in Canada, or at least I hope there aren't any.

I saw quite a few in Phoenix but I couldn't find one in NY (only hung out in Manhattan).

Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. I was crestfallen when I couldn't find a DQ there either.

17i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:54



on their website, it says they have several in Ontario.

18i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:56


LusciousHeebs wrote:you should go. guarantee you will see someone wearing at least one flannel shirt.

Is that a bad thing? I wear flannel shirts almost every day. Grunge is where it's at Razz

19i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:56

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

SeC started as a gaming forum with social under tones.
Its now a social forum with gaming under tones...and its awesome.

off topic is a way of life here.
Well sometimes we have to step in here and there...

20i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 00:57



LusciousHeebs wrote:on their website, it says they have several in Ontario.
Well Ontario may as well be the states, lower Ontario that is.

BC is safe thankfully.

21i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:00



Wacco - flannel shirts are okay occasionally, but when people pair them with skinny jeans and chucks, i get a little twitchy.

Epyk - SeC is the sexbomb.

Jev - you are safe... for now. *evil laugh*

22i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:02



what? do you work at hot topic?

why would you want that cancer to spread Sad

23i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:03



I do believe Hot Topic is owned by The Gap.

24i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:05



haaaaale naw, Jev. i don't work in that cesspit.

and i think you're right, my sheepliness. it must be owned by the Gap to endorse all that FAIL.

25i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:08



I still like going in there, even though I never look like a belong. But they have shiny things! And carebears! And an HP sweater I wanted, even though I probably would have never worn it.

26i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:09



i hate going in there because of all the damn flannel, and the skinny jeans, and the scene hair. emo-chic is SO LAME.

27i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:10



I hate them even more now for putting Rage Gu-errr Race Guy on a t-shirt.

now they're bogarting my internets

28i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:11



I haven't seen any flannel or skinny jeans. But then, I don't look at the people. I never look at people.

29i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:14



do yourself a favor and don't, because you'll run out of there vomiting flannel shirts and pomade.

30i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:15



The only thing I don't like about going to Hot Topic is the employees. It's pretty much in their dress code to look like pure, concentrated scene kid. That and just the way they try to make the stores look completely gothic. It's like they're trying too hard. xD

31i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:17



Shaymojack wrote:The only thing I don't like about going to Hot Topic is the employees. It's pretty much in their dress code to look like pure, concentrated scene kid. That and just the way they try to make the stores look completely gothic. It's like they're trying too hard. xD

word the 'eff up. i used to be all about Hot Topic, now i can't frickin' stand the place.

32i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:24


There's nothing wrong with flannel, dammit Sad

33i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:25



i like flannel, or i used to like flannel until all the scene kids ruined it for me.

34i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 01:37



I like hot topic for the band shirts and CDs.

35i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 02:02


I just try to ignore hipsters and scene kids. They give us flannel wearers a bad name Razz I'm more of a grunge guy though, not a hipster.

36i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 02:29



grunge, like you hot box it in your Pinto and listen to Nirvana and Pink Floyd?

37i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 02:39


Nah, I don't smoke haha. Just listen to the music and live in the city where it all began. Although I've been moving past grunge music. That was more during my angsty phase. Now I realize that I was just being an annoying teenager, and have a better taste. Although grunge is still good.

38i feel like a schmuck Empty Re: i feel like a schmuck 2010-11-19, 12:55



my father is obsessed by the whole grunge thing, now everytime i hear Pearl Jam i get the overwhelming urge to stab my own eye out.

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