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I R Winner!

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1I R Winner! Empty I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 01:49



I'm playing Zork on CoD: BO, instead of CoD: Black Ops. xD

2I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 01:52



You've been eaten by a grue.

3I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 01:57



Not yet, lol. This game is really weird, trying to play only with words.

4I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 02:29




5I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 02:40



Go to the computer, and type in "Zork", you'll get an achievement and a word based game. You may want to look up, or ask somebody how to play it, because it's kinda weird to explain. You give commands like "get" "open" north" etc. to win. It's a word based adventure game. I tried to download it, but I can't play it, because my computer is too new for it. Sad

6I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 02:49



I know what zork is, but you said "I'm playing Zork on CoD: BO". Like it was hidden on the disc or something.

Speaking of Zork, the first videogame I played (and beat) when I was a little kid was the original Adventure Colossal Cave. I don't think I ever got to into the zorks, but I did beat most of the infocom text adventures.

7I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 02:55



You can play it, but some parts are unbeatable because you can't use quotation marks and such. Sad You get an achievement for booting it up on the computer though. Smile

8I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 03:50



Are you sure you can't plug your keyboard into one of the USB slots and use that? I was going to try it, but never did for some reason.

9I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 16:07



I'll have to try it. I don't know it it'll let you use quotation marks for some parts of the game where it's needed though.

10I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 22:26



Wait, you mean it is hidden in BO? Is this computer in single player or something?
I haven't tried SP or Zombies yet...

11I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 22:30



Omni- at the main menu look.down at your hands un the chair, alternate the triggers a bit and you break out. In the room there is a computer you can access. Type" zork" into it and boom your in. also type "doa" for another hidden game.

12I R Winner! Empty Re: I R Winner! 2010-11-19, 22:32



Gotcha. I've never noticed anyone in a chair in any menu... Neutral

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