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 » The Lounge » Archives » *le sigh*

*le sigh*

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1*le sigh* Empty *le sigh* 2010-11-20, 22:35



i woke up this morning feeling very stiff in my back, but i felt all right enough to do my morning yoga and my customary 8 miles. i honestly felt just fine after that, then i went to the grocery store and there were a ton of stupid people trying to get their turkeys and they were all getting in the way, and every aisle i went down was just full of stupid buttholes and i became highly agitated. meanwhile my soy caramel brule latte was fantastic >.> but that is a whole different story.


on the drive home my lower back started to twinge, then at one point went into an all out spasm. so, fucking YAY. i spent all day long hobbling like an invalid, and the ibuprofen wasn't working, and i was just miserable. then my brother calls, wanting me to watch the baby for him while he does some sort of household related chore. me being the nice sister that i am, agree to watch the baby for him.

envisioning a wonderful giggly baby filled hour, much to my dismay the baby is SO not in the mood to giggle, and she spends the whole hour being fussy, sneezing, coughing, and inconsolable. my back was really loving this, btw. then my brother doesn't come back after an hour, like i pretty much knew he wouldn't, he comes back sometime after an hour and a half. and i am about ready to kill him tbqfh.

yes, it was so much fun. so, now i am just straight up in pain, and i want to choke a bitch. fml.

2*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-20, 22:43


That sounds like a great day. You run 8 miles in a day? Sounds like torture. Just doing 5k's for me in cross country makes me want to die Razz

3*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-20, 23:05



oh no no, i do not run. i do the whole indoor cycling thing. so don't be too impressed lol. it only takes me a half hour to do 8-9 miles at a semi-consistent speed of in between 18-21 mph, and my exercise bike is the devil and hurts my bum. so after that half hour is through my buttcheek goes numb looool

i used to run though, until i screwed up my back and messed up my ankle. what do you do the cross country runnin' for? P.E.? or just for fun?

4*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-20, 23:39



Ouch man. I like how you vent on this forum haha.

See a specialist?

5*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-20, 23:58



lol. yeaaaah. i need to quit posting about my anger/problems/bitchiness >.>

and no, i haven't see anyone for the back pain, i can't really take any medication until i get my gallbladder removed, which is taking a lot longer than i had anticipated. so, gallbladder first, everything else after that.

very sucky.

6*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 00:41



I will remove your gallbladder for free! They has anatomy books on the intrawebs and I'm a fast learner (plus I like sharp pointy objects of d00m)!

7*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 00:45



OKAY! just get me good and liquored up first >.>

8*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 00:51



Yes. Because liquor is quicker Wink

9*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 00:53


I run cross country for my school. Our team is one of the best in state, but I'm not really contributing to that Razz

10*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 00:57



Wacco wrote:I run cross country for my school. Our team is one of the best in state, but I'm not really contributing to that Razz

awesome! you should keep up at that shit, it's very good for your health.

11*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 01:16


True, I was so out of shape when I started haha. I play lacrosse too, but I'm a goalie and usually don't have to run a lot. Now I can run a 5k with relative ease, but it's been over for like 2 weeks and I have no motivation to run anymore.

12*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 01:57

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I can't run for shit. But thats only cause of my damn left knee. Used to be able to run fine, now simply sprinting 50 feet kills my knee.

13*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 02:00



Go see a doctor.

14*le sigh* Empty Re: *le sigh* 2010-11-21, 02:04



The quicker you see a doctor the quicker it will get better. Waiting will only make it worse.

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