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1Finally Empty Finally 2010-11-21, 20:16


I'm so sick of those guys

2Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:20



Totally agree; also, people that banning the Christian Cross, the Star of David, and other religious symbols are both stupid and insensitive. The Swastika was used as a symbol of violence, genocide, and hatred for far too long, too close to our time. Yes, it doesn't always mean that, but most people putting it there aren't using it that way, they are doing it to be an ass, for the most part. Also, it's the way it's put; I'm sure somebody out there has a regular, non-Nazi swastika, but still, I'm sure it's not a black one, against red and white, and the fact of that matter that any people who actually view as a religious symbol are probably intelligent and understanding enough to not put it there for the reasons why it will get you banned.

3Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:22


I just laugh at the people who do it. They really do just want to be contrarians. It's just a matter of respect really, which I guess the world is seriously lacking in now.

4Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:24



Yeah, I understand that it's mainly just for the hell of it, but I don't think that they are truly intelligent enough to realize what they are saying by putting that symbol near their name.

5Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:25


I think they're fully aware, they just want attention and they have the anonymity of the internet to protect them.

6Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:27



Pretty true, but I've also seen younger children, at least only 10 or so with it, and I'm sure that they don't grasp the concept. However, that being said, they likely wouldn't care either, because of the type of family they probably are surrounded with.

7Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:32



I have seen only 4.

Hope the next ban wave takes away all the people who like Penis emblems.

8Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:36



I've heard of a lot of them getting banned already, but it would nice if those childish emblems were gone too, yes.

9Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:40



Nothing says Call of Duty like Jason Vorhees Jerking off and blowing a load all over the a Deer fucking a elk.

What is with the Penis obsession? Are they mad they can't have the 8==D clan tag anymore?

10Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:43



I guess so. I've heard some that sound rather hilarious though, like one of a bull with sunglasses and cigar raping a deer, with tears dripping from the deer's eyes. xD

I never really understood the urge for people to put it there either.

11Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:43


They just think they're funny for some reason. It's still beyond me why.

12Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:44



I see 5,000 times more dick emblems than Swastikas. I've only seen like 3 Swastikas so far >_>

They're just trying to get a rise of the community anyway. I think the dicks are a lot more stupid than the Swastikas, because some 9 year old spends half an hour painstakingly creating a big veiny bastard and he's apparently proud of it.

13Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:45



Wacco wrote:They just think they're funny for some reason. It's still beyond me why.

I won't lie, some of them are kinda funny.

I've seen probably 8-10 Swastikas, but actually only a penis one once or twice, strangely enough.

14Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:47



"Rated M for mature.

(Hey kids, you know you want to play this and have some penis, and be one too)"

15Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:48


Every match I see 3-4 bestiality/rape/penis emblems. It's just expected now.

16Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:49



StormEye wrote:"Rated M for mature.

(Hey kids, you know you want to play this and have some penis, and be one too)"

But remember, this is "Call of Duty: Black Ops", not "Michael Jackson: Call the Cops" xD

17Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:51



The 'it's an M-Rated game' defense is so stupid.

Apparently that means that all ethics and morals are to be left out of the game, even though it's the online community that does it - the game is just the medium.

Can't recall playing many M-Rated games where I walked around killing Jews and burning crosses on peoples' front yards.

18Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:52



JDM_Jev wrote:The 'it's an M-Rated game' defense is so stupid.

Apparently that means that all ethics and morals are to be left out of the game, even though it's the online community that does it - the game is just the medium.

Can't recall playing many M-Rated games where I walked around killing Jews and burning crosses on peoples' front yards.

That's not what he means JEV. It's more of a sarcastic kind of thing, but he's still saying that kids shouldn't be playing M-rated games anyways.

19Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:53



I was referring to the article, not to Storm.

We just got up on the topic of M-ratings so I threw that out there.

20Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:54


JDM_Jev wrote:The 'it's an M-Rated game' defense is so stupid.

Apparently that means that all ethics and morals are to be left out of the game, even though it's the online community that does it - the game is just the medium.

Can't recall playing many M-Rated games where I walked around killing Jews and burning crosses on peoples' front yards.

Plus, the rating doesn't matter at all. It's the fact that by playing on LIVE, you are agreeing to MS' Terms of Service. Doesn't matter if it's a rated M game, if it breaks those terms, MS has the full right to kick you off.

21Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 20:54



Oh, okay. I was just thinking, "What?" for a second. But I understand now.

22Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 21:40



Doesn't really make me mad, but I do enjoy reporting them between matches.

23Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 22:07


I'm so dumb to think I can win an argument on GameFAQs.

24Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 22:08



Wacco wrote:

I'm so dumb to think I can win an argument on GameFAQs.

Hence why the world ending tomorrow would not bother me, lol.

25Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 22:19



I knew as soon as they announced this feature there was going to be 10 crudely drawn penises for every other symbol.

26Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 22:20



Ducksaws wrote:I knew as soon as they announced this feature there was going to be 10 crudely drawn penises for every other symbol.

As I've said though, you do have to admit the creativity on some of them is pretty funny.

27Finally Empty Re: Finally 2010-11-21, 22:41


Majora, if you see this, honestly at this point I'm trying to get that topic to 500 haha. 1/5 of the way there.

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