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Home from work. At least something good about being sick!

Epyk MD
Mrs. Terry of Hat
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Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Felt better yesterday, feel like crap again this morning. Back and forth, back and forth. I think my main problem is that I have barely eaten since Friday, but I feel so nauseous I have no desire to eat anything Sad I choked down some oatmeal and applesauce and a piece of pizza yesterday, got half a Nutri-Grain bar and some Cheerios so far today. Ack.

What is everyone else up to this lovely morning? (It is actually pretty lovely here, like 60 and sunny!)

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Walking Dead, some site work and hopefully sleep.
iv been borderline sick. bad enough feel like shit, but not enough to call off work.



Pizza??? Not sure that was a good choice there darlin. I think I saw D post something about ginger ale and I concur that ginger ale does wonders on a sick belly. Plus you have to stay hydrated. Food you can go without for a few days but still need those liquids.

Ok now that I'm done lecturing my little sister I hope you feel better! At least with today being a workday you can hangout on the forums with the super sexy DL!!!! HAHA

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha! At least until Ehat wakes up and steals my laptop to play games!

Yeah, pizza was the only thing that I could stomach the thought of eating yesterday. It didn't make me sick or anything which I thought was weird, being the first real solid food I've eaten in days. I have drank so much ginger out it is going to start leaking out of my eyes or something xD

I do love ginger ale though. Makes me stomach feel sooo much better!

Epyk, hope you don't get whatever I have. It is literally the sickest I have been in at least ten years. I have been so weak it is all I can do to get off of the couch without passing out, it sucks! This morning I actually can walk around without feeling too bad at least.



Yall buckeyes need to suck it up!!!! If yall was a hillbilly like me and walked around barefoot and eatin lead and spittin nails yall be imune to those sissy bugs!

HAHA Just kidding! I love my neighbors to the north! Especially 2 of them!

Cept buckeyes CAN NOT drive! HAHA



So sorry for you! I know how miserable that is.
Remember, if whiskey can't cure it, it can't be cured. ;D
P.S. Sprite works for me.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Sprite is good too, Ginger Ale always seems to work a little better for me for some reason. Somehow, I think whiskey won't help xD

I will be the first to admit -- Buckeyes. Cannot. Drive. Including me. I am an awful driver. I drive as little as possible, haha! Driving around here is bad enough because no one here can drive, so I just avoid adding to the mix!

Granted, the only reason I am not a great driver is because my OCD makes it hard for me to focus sometimes and I have awful night vision. I literally cannot drive at night, even in well-lit areas, I'm lucky I haven't driven myself off of the side of a road or something!

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i am an awesome driver, EVERYONE else on the other hand are idiots.
True story.



HAHA I diagree with you Awesomesauce! Pics or its not true!!!!

Man when I lived up in Northern KY I would cross the bridge into Louisville and be like WTF why do these idiots not know how to drive! I used to hate going over into Cincy.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Awesome MD wrote:i am an awesome driver, EVERYONE else on the other hand are idiots.
True story.

thats the story of my life



Awesome MD wrote:i am an awesome driver, EVERYONE else on the other hand are idiots.
True story.

I think I said this on the way to work today actually. Except replace idiots with countless other obscenities.



People here suck too. I'm not to bad, besides that I was unlucky and wrecked.



great! now i am sick too! Sad

and i was just sick like three weeks ago! damn you tonsils! *shakes fist*

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