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Got out of school early because of snow

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There was less than an inch. I love Seattle Very Happy



That's what she said.

...not to me, however.



You damn Westsiders! Lol.

We have 3 inches here or so, but I'm thinking it might melt, but then again, it is really cold. Everybody went to school today on our side of the state. I remember, that one time, we got over 12" of snow in a day, and the temperature outside was -8 degrees Fahrenheit, and we still went to school, even though they said if it even got below zero, they had to close. Well, they were forced to close school later, because the storm intensified, the wind kicked up to 45 mph, and we got another 6-8" of snow, and 2 days off, because the power went out everywhere. Our school was/is always the only one open; I hated it so much. Sad



We get school off here if it rains.



LOL! If it rains?!



DrBob276 wrote:LOL! If it rains?!
Yah lol it has rained about 3 times this year to warrant getting out of school.



Here, if it's pouring and pouring and pouring down rain, we still have school anyways. I've never got out for rain, even the one time in my life that we actually had a minor flood warning issued. I bet this goes double for the Westsiders, considering it seems to rain almost year round there.



DrBob276 wrote:Here, if it's pouring and pouring and pouring down rain, we still have school anyways. I've never got out for rain, even the one time in my life that we actually had a minor flood warning issued. I bet this goes double for the Westsiders, considering it seems to rain almost year round there.
That is why it has to be pouring in order to get out because when that happens there A LOT more accidents.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i got out of school(1 day) in fifth grade because of a wild fire that was on the mountain/hills surrounding my town



We got out of school a few years ago because it snowed for about 20 mins. lol it all melted a few mins after it hit the ground. But when the power went out for 4 hours there was no concern about sending us home....brilliant fuckers running the school huh?

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