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Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big)

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Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big) SnowinBackyard

Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big) SnowyPine

Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big) SnowyTable

Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big) SnowyTree

Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big) SnowyTrees

It was actually still snowing when I took all of these pictures a couple of minutes ago. Well, at least it should mean the coyotes should start starving to death faster, meaning they'll be easier to call in when I go hunting this winter. Smile



I need to go find the pictures of it snowing where I live.
Here it is (sorry for the really crappy camera this was 2 years ago)
Pictures of snow here (sorry if pics are too big) Untitl10

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I miss snowy weather.



Makes me wish I still lived in eastern WA... I miss snowmobiling. Sad



We had a lot of snowstorms here last year, a big one on Christmas eve, and 2-3 others in Jan/Feb. It was awesome.



Lol it's snowing for me too, it's pretty.. But also looks like the roads are completely white and even when a car leaves prints it gets put back to normal >.<

It's like a blizzard.



It's still green here, but soon it will look like that.
This was what we had last year, I had no power for a week or so.

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