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organ removal is a GO!

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1organ removal is a GO! Empty organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-29, 20:58



i just got my blood drawn, had to pee in a cup, and got a damn tetanus/whooping cough shot, so i am frickin' NOT HAPPY ):<

however, i am scheduled for laproscopic surgery on my gallbladder Dec. 14th, so thank god and hallelujah that's about to be done and over with, FINALLY. they jerked me around for a few months in getting this handled, but at least it's in the works.

all that's left is tomorrow's appointment where i can get this damn back pain handled, and i should be good to go, and it will be sweet home Washington state and back to the boyfriend and my new pc, and some motherfrackin' Fable III.

2organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-29, 21:00


You missed all the snow in Washington Sad At least in the Seattle area. I'm sure there's plenty in the rest of the state.

3organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-29, 21:31



You should get it put in a jar. I wants to look at it.

4organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-29, 22:11



i dislike snow, so if it's not gone by January, i will be irked >.< damn you WA!! *fistshake*

and i cannot get it put into a jar, however i have a gallbladder surgery brochure that i was given which has little pictures of gallbladders and livers if you'd like to frame it lol

5organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-29, 22:59



Why cant you stick it in a jar? It is yours isnt it?

6organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-29, 23:27


Heebs wrote:i just got my blood drawn, had to pee in a cup, and got a damn tetanus/whooping cough shot, so i am frickin' NOT HAPPY ):<

however, i am scheduled for laproscopic surgery on my gallbladder Dec. 14th, so thank god and hallelujah that's about to be done and over with, FINALLY. they jerked me around for a few months in getting this handled, but at least it's in the works.

all that's left is tomorrow's appointment where i can get this damn back pain handled, and i should be good to go, and it will be sweet home Washington state and back to the boyfriend and my new pc, and some motherfrackin' Fable III.

You know you can sue them for jerking you around? Thats sexual harassement

-puts serious face on-

Good luck tho hope everything goes well Smile Looks like you got alot of good things waiting for you at home.

7organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 01:25



Thanks Chuncky, i can't hardly wait to play some Fable III and install Sims 3 on the new pc.

and i guess the boyfriend is nice too, lol

8organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 02:01



Hope everything goes well.

9organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 02:14



Oh Heebs thats just mean we know what your Priority's are!

Also you need Help with Fable 3 Just shout i got everything you need in this here Dark abandoned Alley

10organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 12:10



lol, my poor boyfriend has to put up with so much crap you guys don't even know >.>

and i will keep that in mind when i get to play Fable III

11organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 12:15



Just saw this after your bumb Heebs! Glad thngs are starting to move forward for you!!!

Let us know when everything is going down so we can keep you in our thoughts!

12organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 12:21



will do, because i will be freaking out the night before, you can believe that lol

13organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:11



Yea I am sure! Wish there was something I could do to help relieve some of your stress and tension I really do! At least things are lining up so you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

14organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:14



thanks DL <3 i can't wait for this gallbladder to be removed, though. omg. it is such a pain in the ass. i had a small gallbladder attack yesterday because of the half a vicodin i have been taking for my back.

frustrating as hell. either i can be in pain, or i can be in pain. those are the choices i've got lol. i was like, i think i can live with gallbladder pain better than back pain, so bring on the vicodin!

15organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:18



So once the gallbladder is out then what? Take meds to regulate digestion and life is great for Heebs?

16organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:20



pretty much! though the surgeon told me yesterday i don't really have to take an enzyme if i don't want to, i can just avoid fatty foods like i do anyway and i should be fine. so i think i will stick to that.

17organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:22


Hope your surgery goes well Heebs. I know you might be a little afraid, but it'll be fine.

18organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:24



Gotcha. Is it something like if you decide you want to go eat a pizza you can pop a pill before hand, or would it be something you would have to take regularly to be able to eat fatty foods?

19organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:26



thank you D. i am freaked the hell out to be frackin' honest. but only because my older sister had to be a bee-otch and tell me she had trouble with her IV, and almost passed out, and all this other stuff.

my mom was looking at her like ):< stfu.

i would be able to eat pizza without taking anything, DL... but i'd be paying for it later on in the bathroom, if ya know what i mean? not be gross, but it's the unfortunate reality of not having a gallbladder. lots of trips to the ol' restroom if you don't take something to help digest all the fat.

20organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:30



I'm sure you'll be fine. Ask for just local anesthetic so you can watch the surgery!
I hope everything eases up for you soon.

21organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:35



Watch the surgery! HAHA Your nuts dude!!

When my oldest was.... 5 she had some issues and ended having to stay in the hospital for a week to try and figure out what was going on. (one of the tuffest times in my life ever. Tough like being on my knees in the chapel weeping tuff) Well she had to get the scope down the throat to check ouy her insides. Well to do this she has to get knocked out. Here we are my wife, mother in law, and myself all stressed and freaked and my youngen sitting on my lap after they give her the knock out juice just starts laughing her head off. Crazy man we couldn;t help but laugh with her she was crackin up and nothing! Helped to ease the tension.

Turns out after a week of tests and not having a clue what was going on and if she is going to pull through she has Celiac disease. By simply eliminating gluton from her diet she bounced back to her normal self within a few days.

22organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:39



one of the tuffest times in my life ever. Tough like being on my knees in the chapel weeping tuff

Wow, I would be too, I'd be terrified. That's real scary stuff...
Is that what Gluten free food is for, people who cannot digest it? I have no idea.

All I know is if it says "organic" or "gluten free" I won't eat it.

23organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:42



Yes Gluten free is for people that have a gluten intolerance of some sort. With my daughter it can damage her intestines and cause all sorts of nasty stuff. People are like o she is alergic to gluten and thats not it at all. Way worse!

Gluten is in wheat, rye, barley, oat so it made our eating habits chagneALOT!!!

Organic and gluten free are two diferent things. SOme gluten free stuff is nasty but a lot of it is good. My wife can make cookies, pies, cakes, all sorts of stuff you wouldn;t know the diference.

24organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:54



my mom thought that i had a gluten allergy, but i don't, but i did eat gluten free for a while it really isn't that bad! they have so many alternatives out there for that diet, it is amazing.

i bet that was so frickin' scary DL, i would freak the hell out if something like that happened to my niece or my nephews. i do not do well when things happen to little babies and kids, i am a sissy lol

25organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:56



Yea its not that bad today. A lot of restraunts have GF menus and we have the routine down now. It did suck at first though!

It was not a fun time. When its your kid that something is wrong with you just feel helpless.

26organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 13:59



i bet, omg! i lost my nephew in the store once when he was a toddler, and all i could do was sit there and cry i was so useless lol. come to find out he was hiding in the clothes rack, the little shit. i wanted to strangle him to death, but i squeezed the life out of him in stead and, of course, continued to cry hysterically.

i would spaz if they got hurt or something happened to any of my nephews or my baby niece. that shit sucks so hard.

27organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 16:22



Hey Heebs my dad had that same surgery about 3 months ago and he was home the same day. All he really had to worry about afterward was to not let our cats step all over him and tear open the incisions.

28organ removal is a GO! Empty Re: organ removal is a GO! 2010-11-30, 17:34



My appendix removal went smooth as butter Heeblies, and they used the same technique that they'll be using with your gallbladder. They knock you out so fast you don't have have time to stress. Just got to deal with the gas bubbles floating around your body for the next couple days afterwards.

And the incisor areas didn't hurt either. A little tender, but I didn't even need my pain meds (so my mom took them). lol

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