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holiday traditions?

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1holiday traditions? Empty holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 01:36



do you, or your family, have any holiday traditions that are observed every year (like my own wacky family lol)?

the day before Thanksgiving we watch the movie Dutch. my German father, every year, takes the leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, boils it into broth, and makes spaetzle, only he makes his spaetzle enormous, and calls them 'dumplings'. it's very delicious. we then take this spaetzle to my grandfather's house and decorate his yard with lights and other yard ornaments on Black Friday. i am always stuck hanging the wreaths on the fence. always.

my mother and i also like to listen to Harry Connick Jr. Christmas albums, drink mulled cider, holiday spice cocoa, and decorate like mad crazy all month long. we do not put our Christmas tree up until December 1st because my mother is annoyed when people put their trees up before Thanksgiving has even been observed, so we usually wait for that.

on Christmas eve we usually open gifts somewhere else, my sister's, or whoever, then come home and watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. this year we're planning our Christmas dinner to be a formal dining experience, and have had heated arguments with my father who is quite adverse to the idea of eating a roast in stead of turkey and ham like we usually do. also on the menu is butternut squash soup, cranberry walnut brown bread, potatoes, carrots, gravy, and for dessert is bread pudding.

my father does not like this idea, but his opinion doesn't count. lol

what about ya'll? any weird/funny/whatever family traditions?

2holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 01:58



I have none really. Shocked

3holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 02:17



We have my Nan and Uncle over every year for KFC then afterwards i make some excuse about having a headache so i dont have to go to my OTher Grandparents house and then around 6pm i usually go to D's house with GIfts for her and her Sister Very Happy

4holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 12:14



lol! i used to lie and say i was sick, or not feeling well, or whatever i had to do to get out of going to my Uncle's house for Thanksgiving when i was a kid. the guy is a douchebag deluxe, and he was incredibly embarrassing.

so i can relate >.>

5holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:09



Well my birthday, 2 of my uncles birthdays (although one is dead now) and my parents anniversary are all on November 18th.
Then my dads, brothers and daughters birthdays are all in december.

Because of all this we usually have an extra Holiday in December where we get together to multi-celebrate. That's about it though...

6holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:11



multi-celebrations ftw! my mom's b-day is in November, too, so sometimes we do this Thanksgiving/B-day thing. those are fun.

7holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:13



Yeah it's fun. It just makes November/December really expensive.

8holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:13



Hmmm just the typical for my family. On christmas we will find a homeless guy and offer his shelter for the night but really we take him to the back of a walmart and meet up with other members of my family that picked up a bum and we start a bum fight.

Then we load up our paintball guns and see how many kettle santas we can shoot and make run.....

You know.... typical holiday goodness.

9holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:13



We just bought a christmas tree yesterday and her sons helped me walk it home. 1/4 mile away from the tree place (we don't have a pickup).

We all decorate the tree together.

Family tradition is we have a big yankee swap at my grandmas (deceased) so now it's my mothers house.

10holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:15



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm just the typical for my family. On christmas we will find a homeless guy and offer his shelter for the night but really we take him to the back of a walmart and meet up with other members of my family that picked up a bum and we start a bum fight.

Then we load up our paintball guns and see how many kettle santas we can shoot and make run.....

You know.... typical holiday goodness.

looooool frickin' DL

11holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:15



We sacrifice a goat every Christmas and wipe it's blood on our door.

No but seriously we usually just get together and eat dinner, nothing big.

12holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:15


Nothing really outside of family gatherings. I'm not really big on the holidays much to the chagrin of just about everyone.

I buy my kids gifts and hope that's it. I don't like receiving gifts so I tell people just to buy stuff for the kids.

My grandmother died on Christmas when I was a teenager and to recall that year trying to open presents ruins it for me. I know I should be over it by now, but I'm not.

13holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:19



We usually watch Elf 4 or 5 time each christmas. And we always drive around and look a Christmas lights.

14holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:20



Winston Zeddemore wrote:My grandmother died on Christmas when I was a teenager and to recall that year trying to open presents ruins it for me. I know I should be over it by now, but I'm not.


that is horrible D! i, too, lost my grandma during the holidays, a week before Thanksgiving. i actually found her in the garage, she had taken some pies out to the freezer, knew something was wrong, and doubled back to get into the house. she had an aortic aneurysm and died almost instantly, so i totally understand how you feel.

took me a long time to get excited about the holidays, but i manage. she wouldn't have wanted me to be sad about it, she actually would have slapped me upside the head for it, lol.

still, that sucks for ya D Sad

15holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:20



Ok Ok here a real tradition. On Christmas eve we let the girls open one present. Its not exciting though because its always new PJs but then we make hot chocolate then put on their new pjs and we load up in the car and drive around and look at lights while they drink their hot chocolate.

16holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:22



that's an awesome tradition DL! i like that idea, new jammies for Christmas Eve.

17holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:22



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm just the typical for my family. On christmas we will find a homeless guy and offer his shelter for the night but really we take him to the back of a walmart and meet up with other members of my family that picked up a bum and we start a bum fight.

Then we load up our paintball guns and see how many kettle santas we can shoot and make run.....

You know.... typical holiday goodness.

I'm coming to your house for the Holidays DL! It's been forever since I started a bum fight...

18holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:26



You got a stutter today Metal?

19holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:26



A stttuutterr today Metal?

20holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:26



lol.... bum fights rock. My most vivid bum memory was when I was maybe 7 years old. We drove through the homeless district here in OKC on the way to something. I saw a bum yelling at another bum, then he looked right at me and threw up all over himself. He wasn't amused and I couldn't stop laughing.

21holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:27



22holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:28



Peter Venkman wrote:lol.... bum fights rock. My most vivid bum memory was when I was maybe 7 years old. We drove through the homeless district here in OKC on the way to something. I saw a bum yelling at another bum, then he looked right at me and threw up all over himself. He wasn't amused and I couldn't stop laughing.


23holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:31



there aren't that many bums where i am from, so whenever i see one it makes me very uncomfortable for some reason lol

24holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 14:34



We have a bum camp on the other side of our propane lot. THere is a wooded area there and they have 4 tents set up. Not sure how many live back there. One day one of the guys went to leave work and a bum was standing behind his car taking a piss. THe guy was about to kill the bum and chases hi off. Funny as shit!

25holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 15:22

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

We have scary crazy bums here, haha. As for holidays, we eat about four times in two days - my grandma's, mom's, dad's and Ehat's parents' houses. And get fat off of so much food. That's about it, haha.

26holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-11-30, 22:13



Peter Venkman wrote:lol.... bum fights rock. My most vivid bum memory was when I was maybe 7 years old. We drove through the homeless district here in OKC on the way to something. I saw a bum yelling at another bum, then he looked right at me and threw up all over himself. He wasn't amused and I couldn't stop laughing.

27holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 20:32



I put together and decorated the tree by myself.

Holiday tradition ftl. I now feel like withholding xmas presents.

28holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 20:40



why did he not help you? girrrl, you need to take that boy out back behind the woodshed and beat him with a switch. make sure its a very thin one, because they sting the worst.

29holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 21:06



Wow i dont know i think who ever invented Bum fights should be dipped in Burning oil it just seems like an Incredibly Asshole thing to do

Also Sheep tell him your going to punch him in the Scrote if he doesnt help

30holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 21:09



It's already done and over with. I did give him the sad face though and whined about how I had wanted him to help me. He apologized. But you can tell he doesn't understand. Poor guy, he's an absolute idiot sometimes. I still love him though.

31holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 21:19



I don't really have a holiday tradition, though I wish I did. I guess, having Christmas breakfast together? My mother always cooks something nice for Christmas morning.

32holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 21:21



see that's a good tradition, Bob. my bf's family always has a holiday breakfast, it's this big affair.

33holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 21:23



What do you have for your Christmas breakfast? We always have biscuits and gravy, sausages, biscuits, ham, corn, and mashed potatoes. Smile

34holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-02, 22:35



omelets or a breakfast casserole, cranberry and orange juice, coffee and creamer of course, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, and orange glazed sticky buns.

i usually just have scrambled eggs, or a vegetarian omelet though, lol

35holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-03, 00:16



DrBob276 wrote:What do you have for your Christmas breakfast? We always have biscuits and gravy, sausages, biscuits, ham, corn, and mashed potatoes. Smile
Nothing. We do not eat until lunch lol.

36holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-03, 00:50



Did he give you puppy Dog eyes sheep?

Im really good at them its got me out of a few situations

37holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-03, 01:25



My family has a big thanksgiving dinner..nothing too special.

Christmas we do presents at my house, then go to my grandmas on my moms side, then around 6PM go to my other grandparents.

Nothing too special except for A Christmas Story playing for 24 hours straight in the living room...(I am showing that movie to my kids once then thats it, Im done with it...)

38holiday traditions? Empty Re: holiday traditions? 2010-12-03, 02:45



We dont have a Christmas Story in my Country Very Happy

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