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So the maps have been out for a couple hours now...

Keyser Söze
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Who has already had a chance to play on them?



I played a little bit of Harvest Day and Oasis on Conquest. I didn't play full games, though. I just wanted to check out the maps and see what they were like. Harvest Day seems like it has a lot of opportunities for sniping and strange antics, since it's so huge and wide open. I was riding an ATV all over the map, jumping all these bumps in the roads and such, and no one even bothered me. I was so far removed from the action, I could just drive around like a moron. It seems like a pretty interesting map.
Haven't checked out the others yet.



Played a couple matches on the maps. Here's my thoughts:

Harvest Day:
Fucking awesome! Huge map with 4 flags located towards the center in a diamond formation. Huge, wide open spaces between. Your firefights can take place at extreme range, so distant you're basically trying to kill a single pixel on the screen. I had a couple shoot outs where you could have fit 2 or 3 CoD maps between us easily. Also had a tank battle from so far away if it wasn't spotted I wouldn't even have been able to see it.

The action between the flags is great. It's awesome to see several dune buggys and Atv's charging from one flag to another followed by dudes on foot. At one point both teams met at one flag. Tanks, buggys and atv's careening around with massive explosions going off. 2 buildings exploded and collapsed. Awesome.

Fucking awesome! We should have had this map the whole time. It's basically a tightly packed little shanty town with streets, alleyways, rooftops and water. Lot's of building to building fighting in close quarters with breaks out into the open street or surrounding outside area. Intense fighting around the flags which are fairly close to each other so the action doesn't seem to let up. Awesome.

Heavy Metal:
Fucking awesome! Huge space between flags. It takes forever to get between them on foot. The terrain is great. Basically a twisting valley with steep hills to the sides. Lots of little hills and pockets of vegetation to move between. Vehicle heavy every couple seconds a helicopter will fly by overhead and lots of buggy and tank action.

Cold War:
Haven't tried it yet because it's rush only...

So far the new maps feel epic and completely fresh. They have a totally different vibe then the maps we're used to and the 3 I've played are each very different from each other. I can see these maps adding a lot of longevity to the game.



Wait, there's 4 new maps? I thought there were only the 3; that's a pleasant suprise. The only one I'm dreading is Heavy Metal; not looking forward to it. Not one bit. I'll probably just be a Recon, and "tactically retreat" whenever necessary, lol.



Damn I should not have read that because I am still at work and I sooo want to play them now!!!!!!!!!!!



There are several recon towers spread around Heavy Metal that went largly ignored so you may actually dig it. I got mortared to death while in a tank so later I took a random AT4 shot at a tower WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY the fuck in the distance. When it blew up I got 2 kills! Ha!

I bet that was a shock to those wookies!

DL while pretending to work wrote:Damn I should not have read that because I am still at work and I sooo want to play them now!!!!!!!!!!!

I really think you're gonna love them DL.



Well you got me pumped to try them put!!!! You going to be online tonight Metal?






Towers aren't good sniping spots though, because they're too obvious, but then again, I remember when Dark got sniped by a guy on Arica Harbor, sitting in the tower in the desert that was already destroyed; it's so obvious, that's it's not. xD

I have a feeling I'm really not going to like that map though, as in it's going to make me want to get a carousel, line up babies around it, and outstretch my fist as it goes in a circle at max speed. (Wouldn't really punch a baby, but you get what I'm saying) xD



Maybe not. My point was that the only time I saw anyone/tank/copter/buggy/engineer even take a shot at a tower it was me. The space between hillocks, rocks, cover and bases is so huge that they just seem to be ignored by everyone. Might have just been the match I was in though.



I really wanna skip school and go home and play. =\



Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wrote:
Harvest Day:
Fucking awesome! Huge map with 4 flags located towards the center in a diamond formation. Huge, wide open spaces between. Your firefights can take place at extreme range, so distant you're basically trying to kill a single pixel on the screen. I had a couple shoot outs where you could have fit 2 or 3 CoD maps between us easily. Also had a tank battle from so far away if it wasn't spotted I wouldn't even have been able to see it.

The action between the flags is great. It's awesome to see several dune buggys and Atv's charging from one flag to another followed by dudes on foot. At one point both teams met at one flag. Tanks, buggys and atv's careening around with massive explosions going off. 2 buildings exploded and collapsed. Awesome.

100% agreed. So far the only map I've played on and it felt EPIC. Huge expanses between flags and bases yet it still had complete non stop carnage. you'd cap a flag and head to a new flag, but midway to the new flag, your flag you just capped is being taken. Basically it ended up being pockets of fighting that you could actually watch from all over the map.

Really. Fucking. Awesome.



Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wrote:Maybe not. My point was that the only time I saw anyone/tank/copter/buggy/engineer even take a shot at a tower it was me. The space between hillocks, rocks, cover and bases is so huge that they just seem to be ignored by everyone. Might have just been the match I was in though.

So, there's lots of places to hid....I mean, take cover. Very Happy



DrBob276 got all excited and wrote:

So, there's lots of places to hid....I mean, take cover. Very Happy

Sort of. The problem is you have to cover 100-300 yards of open ground to move between them. That's why I think you'll like the towers. Give you a spot to shoot the people sprinting cross-country.



Jeeps are gonna be awesome on this map.

Are there still Golf carts?



Wait? Harvest Day is the map with golf carts from the first one (I only rented it). I hope they're still there, watching tanks shooting golf carts was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen.



Yeah, fer real.

They were really fast too and had awesome handling.



The only thing that I don't like about the update is the patch size. :/



DrBob276 wrote:Wait? Harvest Day is the map with golf carts from the first one (I only rented it). I hope they're still there, watching tanks shooting golf carts was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Your thinking of a different one from the first game. Yes there were golf carts but that was in the level that was entirely a golf course..... AH YES "par for the course" was the name of the level.

Harvest day is more barns and town houses with open fields and scattered trees. and on big hill that attracts bush wookies like crazy!



OH! Wait, I remember Harvest Day now (was different than Par on Course) Is it that one where there is almost ZERO cover anywhere, and you have to stick to the sides, or get raped by vehicles/snipers? I have mixed feelings about that one, but I remember it was a pretty fun map.



Oasis. Love this map. Finally a Real Urban Map. This place was bruuuuutal. Just being in a gunner in humvee, pulling up to B right before it is overrun by the russians and gunning them all down as they jump the top of the walls to the compound was something other games would make part of their single player.

Harvest Day. I thought the Town would be used more. But most of the fighting is in the middle of the map. Spawn Camping in this map is damn near impossible(some team sucky enough will have it happen to them). The edges of the map make for some great Tank warfare.

Heavy Metal. If you hate vehicles take your ass to something else this is BATTLEFIELD! This Map is Tank Country plain and simple....And since most people don't know how to opperate a Tank, I was having a frigging field day busting these jobbers at 500 yards with my Abrams. Hell I even was running support ops in the Blackhawk and Hind and having a blast.



It had one starting base that was an actual base and the other team had to start in a village. In between bases there were a few pockets of houses and sectional fields with burms and light cover scattered around. also had a few bridges that crossed a shallow creek that runs the span of the level.



Awww damn! no golf carts!? I thought they were also on Harvest day. Its been a while...

Anyway, harvest day is still crazy. Just seeing all the tanks and jeeps rolling over the hills coming towards you was crazy.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I got a hard on while playing these new maps. All four of them.



harvest day was definitely a wookie heaven in BC1. I'm sure it'll start on this pretty quickly as well.

BTW i'm shocked non of you ever played BC1? I did or i should say i started my online gaming with Battlefield...

*looks at old camping spots on harvest day and oasis.... he he hee it's headpopping time.



FUCK i almost forgot. If you like Oasis on conquest wait till you play it on rush. That city your fighting in is the last section during rush matches. Theres a whole other 2 sections to fight in during rush matches. Atleast there were in BC1.



Yeah I used to play BC1. The thing is that i got it like a month or two before the second one came out



The BC1 demo came out about 3 months after I got live. I didn't like it. One I knew I needed freinds to enojoy a game like that since I played BF1942 and I didn't have anybody on live at the time, and the ones I did didn't play it.

That and getting stabbed by a team mate becuase he wants to use the Artillary Gun with a his nasal laugh as he does it was another thing I didn't like about it.



Downloaded them, haven't played them, I hope to today at some point.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I'm really surprised at the lack of people who played Bc1. Really surprised I mean.
I haven't downloaded the update yet but I'm going to now. And I might work on school while I'm at it



Well I didn't play BC1..... and well if my greatness wasn't on there then it probably didn;t draw as many people.


I feel like harvest day is too big and i am always running all over the place to try to find someone to kill.



Ive been playing BF since number 2

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I've been playing since 1942. And I owned that, and all its expansions, along with Vietnam.
Never played Battlefield 2, or Modern combat.
But BC1 was my first experience with Battlefield online. Then I stayed with an Uncle when I went out of state, and spent a good portion of my time there playing 2142 online. God that game was more futuristic, and epicly spacish then Halo ever was.

Then a year later 1943 came out, and I played that till BC2.
and thats my Battlefield career



mine started with the original 1942>desert combat expansion of 42'>BF2>BC1 and now BC2.

BTW symbolic i had to double take at the fact that mortar strikes is in your sig... I was like WTF is that.... honestly had to think about it for a second.

That was also a difference in BC1 from BC2. support guys had lmgs and mortar strikes which is what symbolics symbol is. Snipers had the binocs they currently use in BC2 but instead it fired a top down missile that you had to guide in with the thumbsticks.



Yea I noticed that. I think my sig glitched, i hardly use mortar team.



It should be grenades.....i have like 220 grenade kills.....



BC1 had much better ways of getting vehicles, and attack choppers were actually reasonable to shoot down. The only thing I didn't like about BC1 was how much health you had; however, I did think it was funny when I rented it, and he would just throw down medkits under me repeatedly, then I would snipe out the window, and unless I got headshotted, I was practically invincible, lol.



It's funny cause you have more kills with the mortar than any other secondary... no frags no c4! LOLs



Lies! I swear it glitched. I know for a fact I have more c4 and grenade kills than mortar



Maybe you've found another glitch in my programming. I thought I had gadgets all sorted out a couple weeks ago...



What are the servers like? Are they filling up?



I think I know what caused it. You have 269 kills with grenades and the RPG. I don't think my code knows what to do so it dropped grenades entirely and moved your 4th most used into 3rd place.

Go kill something with the rpg and it should fix.



Every match I played was a full 24 players



Niiicee. The servers had been kind of emtpy recently.

Do you know if the patch fixed late night games, so that they dont always become 2v2?



Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wrote:I think I know what caused it. You have 269 kills with grenades and the RPG. I don't think my code knows what to do so it dropped grenades entirely and moved your 4th most used into 3rd place.

Go kill something with the rpg and it should fix.

Ahhhhh will do. Im hopping on here soon anyways.



hotdamnitssam wrote:Niiicee. The servers had been kind of emtpy recently.

Do you know if the patch fixed late night games, so that they dont always become 2v2?

We played some sec games late last night and we had pretty good servers going.



Yeah, true true.

Though past midnight, most games are pretty empty. or am i wrong?



I've found that you can always find decent Conquest games. Rush tends to empty out late at night, though.



hotdamnitssam wrote:Yeah, true true.

Though past midnight, most games are pretty empty. or am i wrong?

Once in awhile. Usually if I exit out and hop back in I'll get a full game. I don't have to much trouble with this happening.

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