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so guys, I can destroy tanks with my mind.

Keyser Söze
Dropped Da Soap
9 posters

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So I was playing with kitsune today, and after my terrible streak of bad luck, we found a group of pretty cool guys. While on attack on arica, I walk up to B on first base and decide not to plant since I had no back up. Then bam +100 destroy tank and a double kill. Then later that game on 2nd base, I destroy a humvee with my mind.
What's funny is when I got the tank, it said I had Abrams them. I had been in one earlier but not for about 5 mins. Same for the humvee I got with a stationary AT. I had used the one on the construcion site to take out B/walls of A. Then on valdez I had the same thing happen with the AA tank. Was in, shot some, got out walk a while, bam +50 for killing someone with it. Plus had some epyk games.



So that is what the game I was invited to. LoL. I saw the invite but I was with DL and others.



Ya we invited you a few times but you were already in a party so we didn't really expect you to join. Plus I was raging worse than the other day. It was bad.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Ya we invited you a few times but you were already in a party so we didn't really expect you to join. Plus I was raging worse than the other day. It was bad.
Not sure who it was, but in my party there was one person who was raging like the BAD days of Fox. REALLY BAD days of Fox. Though he left after a short while.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Thats awesome. Its like once when I got 5 kills off of one stick of C4 I had accidentally placed on a random wall in Atacama. I managed to stay alive to 2 minutes after accidentally planting it, and instantly I got several hundred points and it said I killed 5 guys with C4. Apparently one of my friends I was playing with, 40MM grenaded the wall trying to kill one of them, and it killed the 2 guys on the 2nd story floor above the C4, some other guy randomly in the house somewhere, and the 2 guys my friend was intending to kill.

He was raging cause all he got out of it were assists. And I got a crap load of MCOM defense points since I was disarming A when it happened.



Ha idk almost every thing that happened resulted in obcenities YELLED into the mic. I scared my dogs off even haha.
And soap that funny. Kitsune has mind powers aswell.



Apparently I have taught my craft to the wrong species of animal...



Ha it was pretty funny the first time. When I Abrams the 2 people, ijust sat there and spun/jumped in circles.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

xsilentshooterx wrote:So I was playing with kitsune today, and after my terrible streak of bad luck, we found a group of pretty cool guys. While on attack on arica, I walk up to B on first base and decide not to plant since I had no back up. Then bam +100 destroy tank and a double kill. Then later that game on 2nd base, I destroy a humvee with my mind.
What's funny is when I got the tank, it said I had Abrams them. I had been in one earlier but not for about 5 mins. Same for the humvee I got with a stationary AT. I had used the one on the construcion site to take out B/walls of A. Then on valdez I had the same thing happen with the AA tank. Was in, shot some, got out walk a while, bam +50 for killing someone with it. Plus had some epyk games.

That's weird...

Kind of like some random Carl kills I got yesterday. First I'm shooting them from the chopper until I'm all out, and then I'm using the MG. I destroy a tank with the chopper gun over five minutes later and get credited with a triple Carl kill...




thats a glitch with the aa tank and i would like to know how it works



Idk but it's pretty funny to just be walkin and get 200+ points. I bet the people you kill are flipping shit when they see in just standing there not in a tank.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Ya think so?


Something similar happened to my friend on Atacama Conquest. We were flying around in the apache, not really shooting at anything, and all of the sudden he got a triple kill without even shooting. Pretty weird.




at 1:59, congrats you are the top 3rd reason why bc2 is better than mw2.



/wishes for mind powers

Crimson Exitus

Crimson Exitus

His f*cking mind!



note: best lines eva

Dune buggies mother fuckers!
First he has a nifty red cap, and the can destroy tanks with his FUCKING MIND!
those guys are awesome. and the vid they had to make or they'd get sued, why mw2 is better, only has like three real reasons, the other ones are just them talking.

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