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New Homefront video on the dashboard.

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Check it out when you get a chance.

It looks like a slight variation of the Frontlines gametype.

Basically like rush/conquest/domination mashed up.

You battle over 3 points that are fairly close together (ala domination/conquest). If your team takes all 3 then you push forward into their territory to the next set of capture points (ala rush). Basically a big tug of war.

Here's the vid if you don't want to download it.

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2010-12-03, 21:24; edited 1 time in total


I'm all over this because I missed out on Frontlines.



Man I'm REALLY hoping Homefront turns out awesome. I loved Frontlines.

I do like in the video how the guy flies the recon drone behind some enemies cover and "spots" them. Then from his perspective it highlights their silhouette and It looks like he's going to shoot them right through the barrier.



Sounds pretty sweet. I'll have to check out the video; if the game turns out good, I'll probably get it (can't play BC2 anymore, it just makes me too mad Sad )



Vid added to 1st post.



"This is not the game where you have to spend two hours to learn to fly a helicopter."

Looks good; I'm sold.



The helicopters in Frontlines were pretty easy to fly, but also a lot of fun. The rocket launchers would lock on to you and you had to time your flares just right to avoid getting nailed.



Metalzoic wrote:The helicopters in Frontlines were pretty easy to fly, but also a lot of fun. The rocket launchers would lock on to you and you had to time your flares just right to avoid getting nailed.

This is how it should be in EVERY game with aircraft.



It actually looks really good so far, btw. I especially like the fact that people have to earn vehicles before they can use them, not just given to them. I like the number of people that you can have too, and the fact that there are EMP grenades, and lots of ways to counter vehicles, by the looks of it.



I especially like the fact that people have to earn vehicles before they can use them, not just given to them.

Yeah we'll see how that goes. It basically sounds like a match starts all infantry, scoring lets you buy vehicles which should mean if you're not taking objectives you won't have the score for the powerful stuff.

I hope it's like mercenaries. Buy a vehicle/weapon etc... and it's airdropped at your feet.

I hope it's not "instant vehicle": You're chasing a guy and he runs around the corner. You chase him around the corner to find that he has (poof!) magically transformed into a tank. Barrel pointed at your balls. Shocked



Im really looking forward to this game.



Me too. I'll buy it regardless of review scores though to support Kaos. There aren't any other companies besides them and Dice that even try to make big scale war shooters with vehicles.

I also absolutely love the logo/font design!
New Homefront video on the dashboard. Homefront

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Been looking forward to this game for quite a long time now. When the moment I read in Game Informer I think after last years E3...and they said the guy that directed Red Dawn, Dirty Harry and several other awesome movies, was writing the storyline, I was sold.

I didn;t care the game had MP or anything either, the story mode alone has made me want this game so bad.

Then the 1st gameplay video for MP was released, and I almost instantly fell in love with the game,



I'm definitely getting this game.



I just hope it turns out good; 32 vs 32 player battles would be interesting.



We're gonna need some more members o_O

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I thought it was 32 people total on the game. Not 32 people on each team?

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