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xbox trouble

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1xbox trouble Empty xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 22:58



So my bro recently brought to my attention that my xbox is really loud..... Ive had it since June, and its always made the same noise. I didnt think anything of it until he told me there could be something wrong with it. Basically, its makes very fast whirring/clicking noises when starting up for about the first 5-10 minuets. Then its quiet, and I cant even hear it. Anybody know if this is normal? Or bad? Because if its bad, microsoft should still be able to exchange it
btw, its an arcade, got it new

2xbox trouble Empty Re: xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 23:01



Nice to see you Flash! Very Happy

I don't know much about 360's, but my friend's Xbox was really loud since he got it, and it's RRoD on him several times. It may continue to run just fine though.

3xbox trouble Empty Re: xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 23:04



You to. Sorry for not posting at all, school has been kicking my ass Sad
And yeah, I dont really think theres much wrong with it... hopefully. But if there is, its nice to know

4xbox trouble Empty Re: xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 23:07



Well, it's good that you're putting school first, because your education is very important. Smile

5xbox trouble Empty Re: xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 23:11



Psh, whatever XD I just wish I had time to post again! Im getting a tv in my room now, so Ill be playing a lot more. And hopefully Ill get my own computer soon, so things are looking up.

6xbox trouble Empty Re: xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 23:12



All xbox's before the new redesign sound like jets taking off. Mine is the same way.

7xbox trouble Empty Re: xbox trouble 2010-12-03, 23:14



Hahaha XD I just didnt think it was worth it to get a new Slim. The arcade is only 150, I had a hard drive and cable and everything, so why not? I dont have money to spend anyway XD

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