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1st Mass Effect trouble >:{

Epyk MD
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11st Mass Effect trouble >:{ Empty 1st Mass Effect trouble >:{ 2011-04-13, 23:44




Well,I left the Citadel,wemt to some random planet to find L'iara and did,when I'm leaving the planet this damn Krogan that seems waaaaay overpowered stops me and always kills me with his little gang of geth too...

any help?I'm a soldier and about to give up on this damn game...wish I had of saved 20 bucks and not even bought this bullshit game...I hate the laggy popup it has even when installed =/.I loved the 2nd game however....

I'm not able to buy any good armor/weapons because they cost waaay too much money,I've only used stuff I've found laying around.I've been using Wrex and Garious and even they die in the blink of an eye to this damn krogan...he turns on this damn shield and shoots me through walls and keeps ramming me and throwing grenades....fml...and you have to do this mission to progress the main story so I'm screwed -___-.


I remember that dude being pretty tough. Honestly, I think you're at a disadvantage being a soldier. Biotics are helpful with guys like that. As for gear and money, look up FAQ's to get the Millionaire achievement. There's an easy way on the citadel, it just takes a bit of time but is worth it.



>___O by some miracle I beat em lol

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I was going to add that bionics are the way to go for krogans.
Hit them with some debuffers and they fall fasy.



I just strafed the whole room and assault rifled everybody....I'm surprised it worked,as the other times I was smart and took cover >__>.oh well I guess lol.

Now onto Noveria....had some butch looking chicks try to take my guns but me and wrex were like lolno XD

then some jelly fish wants me to smuggle stuff for him Razz



If your not doing Sidequests then thats why Very Happy

You get heaps of good equipment and such by doing the Sidequest missions



You'll get enough good stuff without having to buy anything. I very rarely went to a shop to, buy anything.

Also, ME2 is much more action-oriented ME1 is more RPG-oriented, the battles really are kind of clunky. The only problem I had with the battles is that one room with ten enemies in all the Side-quests. They all notice you, and go after you.



Make sure to use your soldier powers too. It's easy to completely forget about them and treat the game like a shooter but if you use them at the right time they can save your life and allow you to tip the tide in a close fight.



If you know or have a good idea of what kind of enemies you'll be fighting, bring the appropriate squad mates.

whenever fighting the geth have tech and combat experienced team members.

whenever fighting biotics have biotic or combat experienced teams.

Also prepare you armor and weapons for whatever your getting into as well.

If it's a heavier biotic enemy engagement, buff your armor with biotic resistances. and buff your weapons to deal more bio damage. and vice versa depending on the enemies.

Having a game plan before entering a battle helps. OH yeah... SAVE SAVE SAVE. whenever you clear out a room, SAVE before you open the next door. Last thing you wanna do is that room of 10 guys all over again.

101st Mass Effect trouble >:{ Empty Re: 1st Mass Effect trouble >:{ 2011-04-15, 00:44



hell yeah I had to do a whole planet over again because it doesn't autosave like ME2 does -___-

111st Mass Effect trouble >:{ Empty Re: 1st Mass Effect trouble >:{ 2011-04-15, 08:50



it does, i think you just need to select load instead of resume on the death screen

121st Mass Effect trouble >:{ Empty Re: 1st Mass Effect trouble >:{ 2011-04-15, 08:52



I still find it weird that the Best weapons in Outer space are made by the Japanese

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