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Your suggestions.

Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Epyk MD
16 posters

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1Your suggestions. Empty Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 17:51

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I know i keep spamming you with these topics so im just going to create a sticky for it.

if you guys have any suggestions or imputs about adding content to the site, please post here. try to keep it on topic though Smile .

im looking for portal related content specifically.
this can be any widget or web application you'd like to see added.
or new news reels added to the portal home page.

Last edited by Epyk on 2011-08-14, 09:12; edited 1 time in total

2Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 19:01



Poll of the day

News highlights, anything but Fox news or MSNBC

Flash games on the site?

3Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 19:05



^There's already flash games. Go hover over portal on the sidebar and click portal games.

I think it's all gravy right now, maybe throw in some strippers or something. They usually make places better.

4Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 19:25

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Strippers make everything better.

5Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 19:37



Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:Strippers make everything better.

I love you Mrs. Terry...

I have no suggestions at this time though. Sorry Awesome.

6Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 19:41

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha I know Metal Very Happy Nothing like a girl who likes strippers and ScarJo xD

Actually one of my good friends is a stripper. It's a good business, she makes more in three days than I do in a month. Makes you wonder. I always say that's gonna be my backup plan if teaching doesn't work out, haha.

Last edited by Mrs. Terry of Hat on 2010-12-07, 22:00; edited 1 time in total

7Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 21:12



Now...I have no idea if this would work, how it would work or anything but...

It would be cool if there was a "who is on Xbox" List. So it would show everyone that is online on xbox live.

Maybe not even take the info from xbox live but have a small box that you click to become online or offline.

8Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 21:55

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

It seems xboxlive restricts access to their API, so having an automatic updater is likely out of the question.
I'll play around with a toggle based widget that ticks off names in a similar manner to our news feeds

9Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 21:59



If im on here its a safe bet im not on the Xbox

10Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 22:02



You seriously need to cut back on the number of gaming sites in the feed. And move the movies and sports into the middle. It's like a huge overwhelming amount of gaming news; too much to look at and there's a few things on the side about movies and sports. You should move it all into the center, spaced equally.

11Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 22:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'll update the news portal when I get off work.
I'll cut down the gaming, add world news, science, weird news and others.

Il start a pool of the day. Poll questions are welcomed.
I'm currently t ying to add a SeC leaderboard to the flashgame page, but hitting a wall.

12Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 22:42



Awesome MD wrote:I'll update the news portal when I get off work.
I'll cut down the gaming, add world news, science, weird news and others.

Il start a pool of the day. Poll questions are welcomed.
I'm currently t ying to add a SeC leaderboard to the flashgame page, but hitting a wall.
How is the favor I asked going?

13Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 22:54



some ideas for poll of the day

Are you
A: Religious
B: Agnostic
C: Athiest

Do you consider yourself:
What does that mean

What game console out of these is best?
Xbox 360

What were/are your grades like in High school?
Mostly D or worse
Mostly C
Mostly B
Mostly A

Which is most fun?

Do you plan on buying BF Vietnam?

On a scale of 1-5 how much do you like gamefaqs?

What was/is your favorite main subject in school?
English/Native language
Foreign Language

14Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-07, 23:18



Who is the sexiest SeC member:
Drgn Lrd 1213
Mister Zombee
Mrs. Terry of Hat

15Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-29, 21:15

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

maybe a noticeboard where players could write if they know they will be playing. something like:

name = adligaspgh
time = 4pm onwards (+ time zone)
game = BC2 / BCV / other game

then everyone could add to it.

16Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-29, 21:23



KutKuSlayer wrote:maybe a noticeboard where players could write if they know they will be playing. something like:

name = adligaspgh
time = 4pm onwards (+ time zone)
game = BC2 / BCV / other game

then everyone could add to it.

I pretty sure theres something like this somewhere around here.

17Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-29, 21:41



The GT thread is pretty much this. It's stickied in the games forum. Just scroll pass all the specific game forums. Too lazy to link.

18Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-29, 23:21

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I could make a togglebased widget indicating your online, but I font dee anyone toggleing off.

19Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-30, 13:53

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Font dee? What? xD

20Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-30, 13:56

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Don't see.

Phone posting ftl.

21Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2010-12-30, 13:57

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I see.

Phone posting is ftl. Often I end up accidentally viewing someones profile and adding them to my foes list.

22Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-05, 17:28



My suggestion:

A review section.

Lounge, Blog, Archives, Reviews.

The review section would essentially be a copy of the blog section, but reviews would be posted there instead, so people can comment on reviews but it gives it the appearance of the review being the main focus, instead of it just being another thread.

If possible, the setup would be like

Lounge, Blog, Archives, Reviews.

Reviews for : Game X, Game Y, Game Z

Reviews for Game Z by Person X, Person Y, Person Z.

Person Z's blog post:

Blah blah blah

Comments: blah blah blah

23Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-05, 17:30



i like Duck's idea.

24Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:04



I'd like to see a gaming board exclusivly for RPG's. And where are the strippers? Question

25Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill add the review area, nice idea suace.
Wut strippers

26Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:19

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Unlimited awesome cred, man.

27Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:38

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ill add how about one for jrpgs lovin?

28Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:43



Thanks Epyk! Very Happy And yeah, a JRPG's board would work considering most of the good RPG's are JRPG's.

29Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:44



add a khult radar so we can tell when he's lurking

30Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-06, 21:51

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

And a Drunken Jawa radar, man.

31Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 00:54



Marxist Dictator wrote:add a khult radar so we can tell when he's lurking

YES. Twisted Evil

32Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:20



What's a JRPG?

33Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

sheep wrote:What's a JRPG?


34Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:22



jiant rofling penis gasm

35Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:25

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Wow tall, you're on a fucking roll tonight, man.

36Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:30



Tallness! What is up with you and your penis fixation? It's getting a little disturbing.

37Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:32



hey if the penis fits, well... ah fuck it

38Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:32

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Haven't you ever noticed his hopping, multi-colour, living penis avatar, man?

39Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:33



1fnbighen wrote:hey if the penis fits, well... ah fuck it

Ahahahaha. Jesus kid.

Wait, that's supposed to be a penis? I guess it just doesn't look like one to me. >< Are they supposed to be green? Cause that's kind of scary man.

Last edited by sheep on 2011-01-07, 01:34; edited 1 time in total

40Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:33



1fnbighen wrote:jiant rofling penis gasm

codeword = bunchie

41Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:35

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

1fnbighen wrote:hey if the penis fits, well... ah fuck it


42Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:37

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I suggest more penises, man. For tall's sake...

43Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:38



I still don't know what a JRPG is. Sad But I agree with Greg's suggestion. We don't want Tallness getting twitchy on us due to lack of penis.

44Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:42



Tommy Chong wrote:I suggest more penises, man. For tall's sake...

tall penis is always a good thin

except needledicks

45Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:42

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

He might just take it out on us, man...

Or turn to beastiality, Sheep...

46Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:44



Noooo. No bestiality allowed! I, uh, don't like penises. Yeah. Hate 'em. [flee!]

47Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:45

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

sheep wrote:Noooo. No bestiality allowed! I, uh, don't like penises. Yeah. Hate 'em. [flee!]

You are aware that llamas run much faster than sheep, man?

48Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:46



1fnbighen wrote:
Tommy Chong wrote:I suggest more penises, man. For tall's sake...

tall penis is always a good thin

except needledicks

oh shit typo fail

49Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:47

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

1fnbighen wrote:
1fnbighen wrote:
Tommy Chong wrote:I suggest more penises, man. For tall's sake...

tall penis is always a good thin

except needledicks

oh shit typo fail

Don't worry, man. We still love you. Just put the penis away.

50Your suggestions. Empty Re: Your suggestions. 2011-01-07, 01:47



So? What does that matter if sheep aren't smart enough not to jump off cliffs while fleeing, and llamas are? I will win by default. Unless he goes necrophiliac on us.

Oh gawd. Let's stop talking about this. My brain is going to explode from ickiness.

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