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Your best round ever?

Bama Psycho
Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
15 posters

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1Your best round ever? Empty Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 15:32



My best round ever was Rush on Port Valdez - Attacker. I just sat on the sniper hill, taking down infantry after infantry with GOL, utilizing the bullet drop, getting headshots behind trees, motion mines left and right, and a steady barrage of mortars.

After the round, I ended up as #2 on the scoreboard. That made me feel really good because I just started playing online, and I'm usually in the #4-#7 range.

What about yours?

2Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 15:52



Conquest on Port Valdeez, I was an engie, I paired up with some guy in a tank. Everytime we came against another tank I would jump out, RPG it, repair our tank, jump back in and be a gunner for the guy until the next tank. Took first place on our team, and got the ace pin.

3Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 16:35


Conquest on Atacama, i was the gunner in the Blackhawk, or whichever heli it is on that map. The pilot was in my squad and he had a mic, and amazingly he wasn't an idiot. We were calling out targets and i was spotting and we destroyed, it was the best teamwork experience i've ever had.

4Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 16:50



PeepleoftheSun wrote:Conquest on Atacama, i was the gunner in the Blackhawk, or whichever heli it is on that map. The pilot was in my squad and he had a mic, and amazingly he wasn't an idiot. We were calling out targets and i was spotting and we destroyed, it was the best teamwork experience i've ever had.
There is no blackhawk in atacama. Its Apache or Havoc if it is conquest.

5Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 19:33



I don't think this is my best round, but it is the best one that I can remember.

My team was defending at Laguna Presa. I was an engineer using AT mines and my Uzi. I ended up with 55 kills and 6144 points, and we still lost thanks to my brilliant teammates.

6Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 20:43



In a blackhawk, 69-1 (can't remember who was flying), and a match where I went 59-0 with Dark.

As assault, something like 30-2 with the AEK.

I don't count Engineer, because there are far too many Ez Mode games because Engineer gets to vehicle whore, so I don't count those.

As a medic, something like 40-3 with the SAW.

As a Recon, it was something like 67-3 with the SVU on Arica Harbor Conquest.

Point-wise, my best is only 7000 or so points without awards, but with awards, I got just over 40,000 as a medic on Nelson Bay (several Gold Stars)

7Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 21:06

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

last night 58-0 on isla inocentes with ant1crombe.

it was against a buch of noobs, but I enjoyed it soooooo much.

pointwise I got 8000+ on Arica Harbor once with D and his kid

8Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 21:12

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

too much bad ones cloud my memory ATM

9Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 21:14



Arica Harbor as an Assault

I was the only competent person on my team and after being there only 2 bases i had 120 kills when the game ended on Defense

And like 60 Deaths but that doesnt matter i basically held the enemy team off single handed

Although on the last base i had to Sacrifice Alpha and entirely focused on Bravo

10Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 23:40



I'm pretty sure I just had my best game ever. Maybe not my highest score, but holy shit. I don't know if it's really all that great, but I felt like an archangel swooping down upon the plebeians of Nelson Bay administering a vengeful god's wrath. My weapon of choice was the AUG with 40mm Shotgun and 4x Scope. Also mag ammo (boo hiss).

Your best round ever? IMG_20100829_210309

This was Rush and we were attacking. I pretty much lonewolf'd the whole match too.

11Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 23:50



Why does the screen look so clear?

12Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 23:53



No idea. I play on a 23 inch HD computer monitor so I sit pretty close. The camera on my phone is only 5 mega pixels though. It's legit, if that's what you're wondering?

13Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-29, 23:57



No, I trust it as legit, I was just wondering how it's so clear, but you have HD, lol. I can't even read if an objective is "A" or "B" on my TV.

14Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 00:04



Ah I see XD. I remember when I used to play Oblivion on my old tube TV... I couldn't ready ANY of the text, it was so frustrating trying to navigate the inventory screen. /offtopic

15Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 00:06



Man, I can't remember my best rounds. Wish I did.

I can honestly say I've never had a k/d anywhere near 13, though. That's pretty awesome.

16Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 09:49



/shrug. I've had a lot.

17Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 11:26

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Best I can remember was on Valpariso defending...went roughly 40-20, but had 8-9 vehicles destroyed...this was before the tracer dart buff, and was all by leading the choppers with a RPG...1-2 might have been tanks destroyed but the rest were choppers. They only took the first 2 bases.

As far as k/d ratio in a match I've had several where I didn't die, but normally they were short games where I only had 10-15 kills.

18Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 11:33



Yea I've played this game since back in the demo days so I can;t remember what I would consider my best round. There have been many times where I just feel like I am in the zone and feel untouchable. It is a good feeling and it makes for some good games.

19Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 13:03



ive had 2. One i was gunner in a Chopper went 74-2. On feet as assault ive done 65 and 3.

20Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 13:51



Piloting Terry in the chopper... 0-0 k/d, finished the round with 4000 or so points.

21Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 13:54



HAHA Yea I've flown the chopper before on Valparasio and been number two with 4k+ pts. It starts to get boring after the third base but if I have a good gunner I don;t mind flying.

22Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 14:16



yeah I hear ya on the boring front, but you start trying to make things interesting like flying backwards, or the random road kill on some strays. I still enjoy piloting though and hate when a guy gets to the chopper before me haha.

What sucks too is that you dont get credit for blackhawk chopper kills by piloting, it's bullshit. I'd have the Blackhawk double plat by now if you did.

23Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 14:19



HAHA yea I here ya on the plat with the blackhawk.

My goal is at the end of the round to be in the animation.

24Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 14:55

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I think today I had my best ever game.

I was defending on rush Port Valdez. I had just joined, and a few seconds after A was armed (first base). I go in to defuse it. However, after I defuse it, the building collapses, killing six teammates and the MCOM. I was given credit for the destructoring. The only thing I did that could have weakened the structural integrity of the building to such a level that it collapsed was to enter it and defuse the charge.

The other charge is armed, so I kill the attackers protecting it and put a smoke on it to help a teammate who is standing right next to the charge and appears to be disarming it. 20 seconds later he's still sitting there. I take a closer look and it turns out he's just crouching behind the charge for cover, with his M95 pointing at the parachuting attackers trying to get a 1337 snipe. The MCOM is then destroyed by the charge.

I left that game later when I noticed the Russian attackers had our apache and the bradley.

25Your best round ever? Empty Re: Your best round ever? 2010-08-30, 15:25



ante87 wrote:I'm pretty sure I just had my best game ever. Maybe not my highest score, but holy shit. I don't know if it's really all that great, but I felt like an archangel swooping down upon the plebeians of Nelson Bay administering a vengeful god's wrath. My weapon of choice was the AUG with 40mm Shotgun and 4x Scope. Also mag ammo (boo hiss).

This was Rush and we were attacking. I pretty much lonewolf'd the whole match too.

Nice! My best kd spread is in the 30 range so that looks good to me.
Why no hand grenade ar 40mm kills though? That seems weird to me.

Also try the Aug with MMN+, it rocks on the Aug. You can hold long bursts at mid range and just drill people.

DrBob276 wrote:No, I trust it as legit, I was just wondering how it's so clear, but you have HD, lol. I can't even read if an objective is "A" or "B" on my TV.

Are you saying that you use an HD set, but your image quality is blurry?
Sounds like something isn't right. It should be crystal clear and sharp.

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