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Best round.

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1Best round. Empty Best round. 2011-04-19, 18:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

whats yours? I've had a couple of my best in the last couple days. Including a 33-5 whalloping on Cul-De-Sac, and a 55-15 effort on Crossroads. Now granted, on cul-de-sac I had a bunch of airstrike kills, and a couple drone kills but thats part of the game. Crossroads.... well I almost feel bad about that. I got a tank going into the final round on GC and they just never stopped me. I was a 5 star threat for about the last 5 minuets of the round, and since the US spawn is very open to tank fire nobody could get in on the A side at all.

2Best round. Empty Re: Best round. 2011-04-19, 18:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

not sure what to pick out of these three:

15-0 on Lowlands TDM (only because i got dragon for my T3AK)
17-3 on Angel Island using a T3AK ACOG
30-16 on Lowlands using pretty much anything Razz

3Best round. Empty Re: Best round. 2011-04-19, 18:44



Well this one time... oh.. homefront.

*walks away, dejected*

4Best round. Empty Re: Best round. 2011-04-19, 22:15



38-6 on crossroads in a Heavy Tank is the best one I can remember.

Played a game with some random named Boss Hog and he went 75-3 on Angel Island. That's the best random game I've seen

5Best round. Empty Re: Best round. 2011-04-20, 06:58

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


Boss Hog is the name of the evil dude from dukes of hazzard!!!!
we need to get him in the SeC Very Happy

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