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The difference is clear

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1The difference is clear Empty The difference is clear 2010-08-29, 21:17

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Late last night I joined up with Ant1crombie for some BC2, well he had a friend who just got the game, so he was level 2 when I showed up. Well what this really means is that Ant1crombie and I were up against a bunch of level 1-15 players.... I can still hear their screams.

Spent all of Isla in the blackhawk ( 58-0 ), and just tore up a bunch of new players. I did, at one point feel a little bad for them all. I mean, they had NO chance at all. I don't recall ever seeing a rocket come anywhere near our chopper, and I don't know if any of them even know how to use the tracer.

Joined a match today with randoms. spent 45 seconds in the chopper and was nailed by a RPG freehand. I wish I was level 5 again.

2The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-29, 21:22



i know what u mean. we should befrien many lvl ones and enjoy the terrorizing!

3The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-29, 21:24



I played on a friend's system, who was borrowing the game, and he had yet to play it. I started it up at level 1.

I tore shit up. I was paired up with a bunch of other low level players who had no idea what the hell was going on.

I made nearly everyone in that game rage switch to the 9A-91.

4The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 13:09



i have a friend whos a lv2 and lv15 and when i join there games its almost not fun. CORRECTION. ITS AWESOME. i do always feel a little bad. it says BASE TAKEN MOVE UP....... CHARGES ARMED...

5The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 13:11



I noticed this when I played with my son. It was ridiculous. I kept running out of ammo with my engineer because I never died AND no one threw out ammo. =) So I had to steal kits.

6The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 13:13



kit stealing makes people feel worse than teabagging

7The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 13:17



I enjoy wasting a medic, stealing his kit, then healing myself. Hahaha.

8The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 13:21



or reviving the guy he just killed

9The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 13:36



hahaha yeah man that was pretty awesome. I was just laughing hysterically the whole time. I did feel bad though, considering we were using weapons and specs that they hadn't even unlocked yet. Regardless, I'll be helping my buddy out some more. Just in that round he unlocked 3 vehicle specs...

When we both got knifed by the rank 4 though, that must have made that guys week haha. And the chopper on Isla was just carnage, I got traced once and hit the Smoke, man that must have been so frustrating for them.

10The difference is clear Empty Re: The difference is clear 2010-08-30, 15:31



yeah i adore killing, taking kit and using it. I do it for all classe. If its ENG i shoot a quick rocket/mine. If its Recon i call a M strike and throw a ball. Assault i drop ammo and Medic i drop kits. I LOVE IT

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