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Defense chief Panetta to clear women for combat roles

Epyk MD
Artimise Flare
Green bean Specialist
13 posters

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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has decided to clear the way for women to serve in many combat positions in the U.S. armed forces, a senior defense official told NBC News on Wednesday afternoon.

The Pentagon chief will announce on Thursday that he is eliminating the direct ground combat exclusion the Department of Defense policy that excluded women from assignment to units below the brigade level if the unit would be engaged in direct combat.

This will allow women to be assigned to select positions in ground combat units at the battalion level.
"I support it. It reflects the reality of 21st century military operations," said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in anticipation of the announcement.

"We are moving in the direction of women as infantry soldiers," one senior defense official said. Panetta's decision mandates that the studies and reviews on women as infantry soldiers must be completed by October 2015 women soldiers will not be assigned to infantry any sooner than that, the official explained.
This announcement will open approximately 237,000 individual jobs to women across service branches, including 5,000 positions for female Marines in ground combat elements.

"This is an historic step for equality and for recognizing the role women have, and will continue to play, in the defense of our nation," said a statement released by Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., who heads the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee. "In fact, it's important to remember that in recent wars that lacked any true front lines, thousands of women already spent their days in combat situations serving side-by-side with their fellow male servicemembers."
Panetta's decision gives the military branches until the beginning of 2016 to seek exceptions if they believe any positions must remain closed to females, defense sources told The Associated Press. The move came at the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the sources said.
NBC News correspondent Kelly O'Donnell and NBC staff writer Kari Huus and The Associated Press contributed to this report.






I thought this happened a long time ago.



Na Bla, it was discussed....from what I read and there was a big uproar...and few select females were sent through the combat roles training to test and see if it was a good idea.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Hmmm, I for one support this, it's been long over due in this country. This will be interesting, I look forward to seeing women playing an even greater role in our armed forces Very Happy



I know and have worked with women in combat arms here in Canada ...reserves wise..I have yet to meet a woman in the reg force in combat arms...maybe they dont sign up for it.

No clue....then again most units in the reserves are combat arms.


Bout fucking time.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

chunckylover53 wrote:Butt fucking time.

that seems a little uncalled for gily. Neutral


Epyk wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:Butt fucking time.

that seems a little uncalled for gily. Neutral

Gotta keep our soldiers alert some how



If anything this will liven up the Right handed Vs Left handed masturbation debate



it's about time we let the girls kick some ass.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Now all we need is an attractive red head to save us from the reap- er I mean the Taliban and such, yeah the Taliban.



Artimise Flare wrote:Now all we need is an attractive red head to save us from the reap- er I mean the Taliban and such, yeah the Taliban.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol, +1 AC to Frosty for that



I am cautiously optimistic.



MEGA MILK wrote:I am cautiously optimistic.

This is how Im gonna approach this

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I thought this was already happening...damn you G.I. Jane! How could you lie to me like that!






Still too much of a divide in my opinion.

Not in terms of combat ability (that can be equal, given that training is equal and such).

Just social reasons.



They might as well since women are already being put into combat situations as it is. And now that it's officially okay for them to be in those situations they can actually get the treatment they need when they come back from combat. As it stands now women who have seen combat during deployment are often denied help with PTSD due to the fact that they "don't see combat" despite women coming home as multiple amputees.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

sheep wrote:They might as well since women are already being put into combat situations as it is. And now that it's officially okay for them to be in those situations they can actually get the treatment they need when they come back from combat. As it stands now women who have seen combat during deployment are often denied help with PTSD due to the fact that they "don't see combat" despite women coming home as multiple amputees.

I didn't know about women being denied treatment, that's just sad. I was wondering why my friends sister wasn't getting any help with her PTSD.

My friends elder sister served in the marines in Afghanistan working with the radios and such talking to the boys on the ground. Her convoy got hit by an IED and were attacked shortly after by insurgents while they were in transit apparently.

She watched as several of her friends died around her one in her arms as she was trying to help him after he was shot. She's been a mess ever since. Last I heard, she'd freak if she heard anything that remotely sounded like an explosion.

Haven't spoken with her and her family in many years, so sadly I don't know if she ever got the help she needed.

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