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Domination 27-9 in my file share.

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1st match of the night for me.

Just played a dom match and put it un-edited in my file share.

I would have had more than 27 kills but alot of these fuckers had second chance. I got alot of knife kills for me that is.

we lose only cause my team sucked.



That's pretty good. Nice job. Smile

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

you are one bad mudda fucker derp



I'll have to go back in and edit it for the hollywood effect like what metal did.

My first death is at 4:06 in the game.



Oh yeah well I went 100-0 yesterday >_>

Not really but nice job =D



I'll check it out when I can. Maybe play with it a bit too!




That's for not responding to me, lol. I wanted to play Domination with somebody, because my teammates have been dumber than a pile of rocks. Sad I got a triple kill with a hacked care package today though, so I'm pretty happy.



DrBob276 wrote:*SLAPS METAL*

That's for not responding to me, lol. I wanted to play Domination with somebody, because my teammates have been dumber than a pile of rocks. Sad I got a triple kill with a hacked care package today though, so I'm pretty happy.

I did respond... Just a bit late. I finished the next domination match after the one with you I joined half way through. We obliterated your team the match you left. After that I went and played some free-for-all. Went 30-1 on jungle but I haven't edited it yet.



Oh Sad

My team deserved it; they wouldn't help me capture flags or anything. I got a chopper gunner; I had forgot to switch it out for a Blackbird. Your team had a million SAM turrets up, so I only got one kill with it. I'm really sorry I spawn killed you 3 times in a row or so; I noticed I did that when I was looking for my triple kill with the care package Sad

The only other good teammate I had, with great irony, was some other guy named "shadowfox-something" xD Only person that could stand against me the match before, when I went 37-3, and we beat that team.

Nice! Very Happy I will upload that if you want me to, once it's edited. I need to get a USB cord though; my sister borrowed mine to charge an MP3 player, and left it at the other house, so I can't record anything :/



SOOOO i tried editing my vid for the first time last night, by breaking it into segments and cutting out the boring/death parts!

I didn't realize that even when the action is paused if you are recording it still records anything you do. I thought it would pause recording when you pause the game play! I had some good camera angles and HOLLYWOOD style shit going on but i looked like crap.

Apparently you have to push play/pause & record at the same time when changing your camera angles!



Yeah, it's kind strange like that. That's why I don't really edit my gameplay; I keep it RAW! xD xD



godscouchpotato wrote:SOOOO i tried editing my vid for the first time last night, by breaking it into segments and cutting out the boring/death parts!

I didn't realize that even when the action is paused if you are recording it still records anything you do. I thought it would pause recording when you pause the game play! I had some good camera angles and HOLLYWOOD style shit going on but i looked like crap.

Apparently you have to push play/pause & record at the same time when changing your camera angles!

Yeah, it's set up really shitty. You also have to change between 3 different control schemes to make some things work, which makes no sense because they could have mapped all 3 schemes to just one default control method.

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