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My first File Share BO vid!

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1My first File Share BO vid! Empty My first File Share BO vid! 2010-12-07, 14:58



Go into my fileshare and check it out. Be warned it's nothing absolutely amazing and it's only 13 sec long. 3 kills total. I only just started messing with the theater mode last night so give me a break on the rough edited video.

Content of the vid is a Double kill with the silenced spas 12 and the second part is a superman knife fail.



Cool man. I'll check it out next time I hop on.



I got through a few minutes of yours the other night but had to eat dinner! i must go back and finish watching the pownage!



DrBob posted the you tube version he made for me here too. I'll bump it up.



I'll make sure I watch it when I get on my 360; I'm not doing that right now though, because I finally am home, and don't feel like doing anything, because I am exhausted. Sad



Haha! That dive into knife made me laugh! They should make it so you can knife mid-air... At least you got him before you got capped.

You should add a low angle slo-mo shot. Awesome! Very Happy



LOL i'm glad you thought it was funny!

As i was running at the guy i was all "this is gonna be awesome" then BAM i'm dead. I was laughing cause i got to see it in the kill cam! FUNNY SHIT.

I'll go back and edit it later i'm still getting used to the theater mode!

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