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Well, I'm confused.

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1Well, I'm confused. Empty Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 12:34



I go to upload a new, albeit short composition I have (might post it, maybe not though), but as I went to post it says this above my upload box, not an add, but like the updates that YouTube gives you when your video is finished, right there and everything:

"Congratulations !Your account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minutes. Click the Upload button below to select a video"

Does this mean that there was a glitch and it thinks I'm a YouTube partner or something? Or can every channel now upload past 15 minutes?

2Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 12:36




It did NOT do this to my gaming channel, but only music one. What...happened? The only way to get that is to be a YouTube partner, but I never applied or anything, and I can't think of anybody who would pay to make me one. It just makes no sense at all. I signed back into my music channel and the notification is still there. So strange.

3Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 12:38



Hmmmm looks like your gonna have to make some more music and show us =D

4Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 14:30



Go for it

5Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 16:32



Nope youtube extended the limit for everyone.

6Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 18:22



Are you sure Tom? It only shows it on one of my channels. I know they extended it to 15 minutes a while ago, but it says clearly that I can post videos even longer than 15 minutes. Either that, or maybe one is taking time to update?

7Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 18:24



DrBob276 wrote:Are you sure Tom? It only shows it on one of my channels. I know they extended it to 15 minutes a while ago, but it says clearly that I can post videos even longer than 15 minutes. Either that, or maybe one is taking time to update?
Well from what i read anyone can now. I would go ahead and try to see if you can.

8Well, I'm confused. Empty Re: Well, I'm confused. 2010-12-12, 18:28



I checked my other page again, and didn't get an update. It looks like this:

Well, I'm confused. Strange

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