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For those who are still confused about Bullet Drop

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There are three types, that is it

1. All Bolt Actions, except M95. They all have same drop, do not be fooled by the FOV of the scope. Also, scope zoom is exactly the same, just FOV fooling you again.

2. M95 along with all .50 HMGs

3. Rest.

All weapons in the game have bullet drop, it is just that some are only apparent at extreme ranges, or with added zoom.



Short and sweet.



Imagine if HMG's did the same Damage as M95 Rounds but none of them were Covered so they were Sniper Magnets

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well trees would be gone a lot quicker if I was on them....



HMGs actually have same head shot multiplier as M95. And before balancing, M95 had headshot multiplier of 3.25 just like rest of the bolt action. Which means that before balancing, you could have head shot spree with HMGs. Now it is a little less since it requires multiple shots to register headshot kill.

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