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dogtag tear

Patrick Star
7 posters

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1dogtag tear  Empty dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 11:01



So the other day I was playing, and had a decent session. I'd decided to try to go dog tag hunting, played a game, didn't go well. I started a game of rush to clear my head, and did pretty well. I wasn't really concentrating on anyone goal, but I noticed I was actually doing good, arming mcom after mcom. Getting behind guys, taking tags, using a suv getting double kills left and right, got a nemesis pin, made vehicle use worthless. Didn't think anything of it, this morning I looked at my dogtag list just for kicks, and started adding up numbers from that session. I went to to double check, I ended up with 14 tags from that session. It was timed for 1h 43m, but I played conquest to go tag hunting for 30m or so, sooooo I ended up with 14 tags in an hour. For some of you guys thats a slow game, but 14 in hour is amazing for me. I just had to share

2dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 11:04



Good job =D

3dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 11:09

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

you only got my tags because i was reading a message Sad and it was BS because you knifed me off the atv after i was done!

4dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 11:43



Why is it BS that he knifed you off the atv?

5dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 13:53



I knifed Khult of an ATV when I was trying to get 4 people in 2 ATVs to joust each other in reverse.

6dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 16:58



I know I've never had that many that fast.

7dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 17:06



I'm lucky if I even get 1, I don't usually go for them that much and usually miss them.

Khult just got 12 of mine in 2 games... I don't know how he does it.

8dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-13, 19:45

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Bla125 wrote:Why is it BS that he knifed you off the atv?
i was at a wall while reading a message then directly after i reverse in the process i get knifed by fox

9dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-14, 02:02



delicious camel wrote:
Bla125 wrote:Why is it BS that he knifed you off the atv?
i was at a wall while reading a message then directly after i reverse in the process i get knifed by fox

Did I? I don't have you in my tag collection. I'll have to check again.

10dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-14, 16:51



Lol 14 in one session good for you

I usually manage 2 Melee Efficiency's a game

My Record is 8 Melee Eff's in one game Very Happy Dumb wookies on Port Valdez thats 35 Dogtags in one game btw Very Happy

11dogtag tear  Empty Re: dogtag tear 2010-12-14, 16:55



Frostbyrn wrote:Lol 14 in one session good for you

I usually manage 2 Melee Efficiency's a game

My Record is 8 Melee Eff's in one game Very Happy Dumb wookies on Port Valdez thats 35 Dogtags in one game btw Very Happy

You, sir, have a fetish.

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