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Red Dead Redemption DLC

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1Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-13, 14:21



Has anyone played RDR and the Undead DLC?

I picked up both and needed to know if the DLC spoiled the main story at all or was completely seperate.

Please no spoilers. Just let me know if I need to finish the main story first.

2Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-13, 15:08



I'm not 100% sure but from what I heard undead nightmare was a separate thing but I think it still contained spoilers. I would ask Soap though cause I know he has played both.

3Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 11:44



Isn't UDN the only story one. the reast just multiplayer crap?

4Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 11:45




5Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 11:48



Well I mean the main story from the original game. I'm not really interested in the MP stuff in this game. I just dont want a spoiled storyline.

It's no biggie anyway. I plan on beating the story before moving on to the DLC.

6Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 14:10

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

The ending of undead nightmare is a spoiler. Granted there is no talking or actual dialogue during the final scene, but it's a mighty Spoiler nonetheless. So finish the main story first then do undead nightmare.

But story first, zombies later

7Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 14:18



Sweet. Thanks Soap.

Great game so far. I've been killing every animal I see and skinning them. I accidentally shot my horse though. So I skinned it.

8Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 14:23



You shot your horse.........................


9Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 14:26



I got trigger happy. I was shooting a buck that ran by while I was messing around. Then I saw another buck just standing there. So I killed it. I went to skin it and I discovered it was my horse....

Funny thing was, I whistled for a horse and another on came. =) Horses are a dime a dozen I guess.

I also was riding my horse once and a wolf was attacking me. SO I aimed down to shoot it and shot my horse in the ass. It didnt die, but it had a bloody wound from the shot. I laughed so hard.

10Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-14, 14:44



Hahaha thats awesome!

11Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 04:28

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

We should play Undead Overun sometime it's fun

12Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 10:23



I'll try the MP out when I finish the SP. I'll let you know.

13Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 11:41



I know alot of people who play this game. Is it worth the price? I've been screwed over by quite a few games lately so I'd like the SeC opinion.

14Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 11:49



I'm enjoying it. I havent played the Multiplayer part of it yet though. But the Single Player is a blast.

It's GTA4 in a western setting. I like it.

15Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 11:50



also Target has it and the Undead DLC Disc on sale right now I believe.

16Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 13:10



I absolutely love the game, although I haven't even touched the multiplayer yet.

17Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 13:16



I loved the game too, haven't played it in a while though. I might pick up this DLC some time in the future.

Don't get too attached to your horses though, I went through quite a bit. The funniest was when I started a duel with someone, and my horse was just standing there in front of me blocking the way. Had no choice but to shoot him down.

Does the undead nightmare have a multiplayer portion too? I didn't think the regular multiplayer was that great. It had potential but when you play with randoms there's a lot of people who just want to run around shooting you in the face repeatedly.

18Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 13:20



I havent played the DLC yet, but it seems to have some MP stuff with it.

I'm never too attached to my horses really. I have killed 3 or 4 now. Like you said, I killed one because it just got in the way. But I wasnt in a shootout. He just irritated me.

19Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 13:31



I only had like 3 horses the whole game.

20Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 13:34



Every time I whistle I get one. Not sure where they're coming from all the time. I may see how many skinned horse bodies I can pile up.

21Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 13:36



It's good money too!

22Red Dead Redemption DLC Empty Re: Red Dead Redemption DLC 2010-12-15, 14:06



Good point.

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