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Totally Lost in Red Dead Redemption

Patrick Star
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I was gonna title the Topic "I Lost My Donkey" because that was kinda the theme lastnight on Free Roam.
I don't have the strategy guide so I don't have a clue about what I'm supposed to do be doing, controls, gameplay modes, or nuthin'. I did figure out how to call my donkey after wandering aimlessly in the desert for thirty minutes.
Any tips would be nice. DL, Tater, Mills???

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

press up on the d pad to call your horse/donkey



You've done all you can do by recalling the mule!

The only thing is as you level up in MP you attain better horses. BUT you have to play vs to level up!



I level up in Free roam. DL and I play it together all the time. Just search for gand hideouts and clear them out. Or kill other players. You get a lot of EXP by playing Pike's Pass.

I suggest playing the SP first. I got used to everything by playing through the story before I jumped online.

Let me know if you want to play RDR. I wont always have a mic, but I'll join you in some Free Roam.



Thanks, everyone.
Yeah, I guess I better stick with the SP for a while cause gettin' ett by wolves and shot by greenhorns ain't real fun.
I was gonna give you a ring lastnight, Mills but I left you alone.



I saw you jump on. I was playing Scrabble and Boggle with the wife.

I should have some time tonight if you need a partner. DL plays a lot too. If he's not in a coma tonight, you should buzz him too.




your making me wanna get this game again..... LOL



Well we really need 4 people to make an official posse.....

Liscense and registration.... Chicken Fucker!!! BaGAAAAHHCK!!!



MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:Well we really need 4 people to make an official posse.....

Liscense and registration.... Chicken Fucker!!! BaGAAAAHHCK!!!

Had i have looked at this 2 seconds ago i'd have coffee on my screen!



You started a Super Trooper derailment.



back OT then.

I didn't realize you could level up in free roam. When i had the game a friend outside the SeC told me you could only unlock new character skins and horses in VS'. Fuck that fucking fucker.



DL and I started in a Private Free roam. We just messed around with gangs and shit. Got to about level 10 before playing with others. Now I'm at 22ish and I've played 95% free roam. DL and I did some co-op missions together and tried the zombie horde mode.



WAIT WUT!!! the zombie horde mode is coop!?



Yeah, 4 of us played together. DL and I, and two randoms. It was tough.



*ponders another near future purchase..



Darth Tater wrote:
MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:Well we really need 4 people to make an official posse.....

Liscense and registration.... Chicken Fucker!!! BaGAAAAHHCK!!!

Had i have looked at this 2 seconds ago i'd have coffee on my screen!

LMAO! You two crack me up! CHICKEN FUCKERS! HA!

You should go get the game again, Tater. I think we could have some fun. I myself need to get the Zombie DL. How much is that, Mills?



Well given the traditional prices of DLC it's probably either 800 or 1200 depending.

I have about 3,000 sitting around so getting it won't be an issue, the first issue is a possible re-purchase of the game!



I bought the DLC disc. It has everything released so far DLC wise. It was 20 bucks.

DL bought everything in a package deal on XBLA. I think he said everything was 1600 points. Or 20 bucks...

I like having everything on my disc. so I can lend it to people. But the downside is that if I want to play the zombie DLC, I have to have that disc in. Not the RDR disc.



I'm finding it difficult to purchase and do the dlc thing anymore!

Considering i'm on the 20 gig (which is really only 13gig) harddrive.

So with all my games and using ME1 on my harddrive and the dlc that came from BC2. I'm left with 1.5 gig of space... I wan't the larger HDD but at the same time if i'm gonna do that i might as well either A) sell my xbox then buy the elite. or B) wait till this one RROD and then buy the elite.



Is this kind of like BC2 but with horses? Or that Gun game? I always wanted to try Gun, but never did.

....I like games with horses.



It's like GTA4 with a western theme. Very fun. The MP is better than GTA4 in my opinion.



I don't know what GTA4 is. Sad I'm so unhip and not up to speed on video games. Or anything for that matter.



Darth Tater wrote:I'm finding it difficult to purchase and do the dlc thing anymore!

Considering i'm on the 20 gig (which is really only 13gig) harddrive.

So with all my games and using ME1 on my harddrive and the dlc that came from BC2. I'm left with 1.5 gig of space... I wan't the larger HDD but at the same time if i'm gonna do that i might as well either A) sell my xbox then buy the elite. or B) wait till this one RROD and then buy the elite.

My next purchase will be a 60G hard drive for this exact reason. I kept my 20G thinking I'd never need any more memory. Recently I've had a hard time installing games because I have so little memory left.



sheep wrote:I don't know what GTA4 is. Sad I'm so unhip and not up to speed on video games. Or anything for that matter.

Grand Theft Auto 4.



sheep wrote:....I like games with horses.

Be prepared for an overwhelming amount of horse murder then! PETA would have a field day with the people that play this game.

Players/me included constantly love to shoot your horse out from under you when your in full gallop. It looks hilarious as you go flying end over end and buttercup is bleedy all over the sands of texas, one benefit you can just press /\ and buttercup returns!



And when my horse dies.... I skin it. Sell the meat and hide. And buy more bullets.

There's a lot of animal killing in this game. Hunting is a large part of the SP.



Horse killing? [whimper] That's sad. Hunting doesn't bother me so much. But I loooove horses.

I never played any of the GTA games. They just don't appeal to me really. I guess I'm more of a hack and slash girl. Love me some epic sword fights.

Side note, I think PETA is a joke. They kill more animals than they save.

Mills, that's just gross. Skinning poor horsey. I'm surprised you don't eat it though =P



I rather enjoyed playing Freeroam against randoms then i'd post up inthe cliffs overlooking a NPC base you can attack and wait....

I'd shoot their horses when their in full sprint and sometimes it's hilarious to see the guy's body go flying over a cliff! All you hear is some random star yelling into the mic in a high pitched screachy teenage voice. "WHO THE FUCK SHOT MY HORSE? OMFG I"M FALLING DOWN A CLIFF NOW!!"

Or as their attacking an outpost snipe them whenever they stop moving! POW now they gotta randomly spawn somewhere and start over...

I"M A DICK!!!! but it's fun. and i don't say a word i just laugh to myself!



sheep wrote:Horse killing? [whimper] That's sad. Hunting doesn't bother me so much. But I loooove horses.

I never played any of the GTA games. They just don't appeal to me really. I guess I'm more of a hack and slash girl. Love me some epic sword fights.

Side note, I think PETA is a joke. They kill more animals than they save.

Mills, that's just gross. Skinning poor horsey. I'm surprised you don't eat it though =P

There's actually no missions that require horse killing. But my horse occassionaly gets killed one way or another. I'm not just gonna waste the meat and hide. That's good eating!!! Wink



Darth Tater wrote:I rather enjoyed playing Freeroam against randoms then i'd post up inthe cliffs overlooking a NPC base you can attack and wait....

I'd shoot their horses when their in full sprint and sometimes it's hilarious to see the guy's body go flying over a cliff! All you hear is some random star yelling into the mic in a high pitched screachy teenage voice. "WHO THE FUCK SHOT MY HORSE? OMFG I"M FALLING DOWN A CLIFF NOW!!"

Or as their attacking an outpost snipe them whenever they stop moving! POW now they gotta randomly spawn somewhere and start over...

I"M A DICK!!!! but it's fun. and i don't say a word i just laugh to myself!

I posted this a few days ago, but I played with randoms in free roam my first time last week. I saw a dude on a horse kinda hanging out. So I threw a stick of dynamite at his horses feet. They both blew up.

I suddenly heard the guy over the mic. It was about an 8 year old kid. He said"WHY DID JOO DO DAT MISTAH ZOMBEH!!! JOO ARE DEAD MISTAH ZOMBEH!!"

I about peed myself. He never got me back though.



Yeah, I don't think this game will be for me lol.

They had zombie-like horses in Sacred 1 though, they were cool. You should yourself a zombie horse Mills.

Taters, you gotta do what you gotta do to get them guys, and screw with the other players lol



Zombie horses are in RDR too. The Zombie DLC has all sorts of zombie animals. Even special horses you can find. The Four Horses of the apocalypse. War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. Death is badass. I wish I could bring it to MP.



Oh yes playing by myself in that game online insighted many LOLS.

Hearing 8-13 year olds scream into the mic constantly saying the same thing "WHO THE FUCK SHOT ME?" or "OMFG ARE YOU KIDDING ME".

The great part is theres no kill camera! so i could do it all day, HELL i could've made great youtube compilations edited to show how many players freaked out over the mic when they'd tumble down a cliff or just cart wheel through the air as i snipe their horse!

I love animals don't get me wrong, but it's soooooooo much fun to fuck with randoms online!



Best one ever was sniping a guys horse and the guy was doing a perfect cartwheel through the air. I say over my mic "LOOK!! a gymnist" to hear the response of an angry teenager before his character even hits the ground "FUCK YOUUUUUUU". cheers



Does anyone feel like playing the game instead of talking about it?



I hate that there's that little icon above your head though.



I'd play however i don't own the game anymore.... Plus i'm busy not working at work.



I'd play, but I'm at work. I will be on tonight though.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I wanna play with you guys later tonight if you are all playing still. I love me some RDR!! Iam planning on reaching Legendary 2 status eventually for that Bison.

Also I love fucking around with people in free roam. I remember once me and my posse made this posse of lil kids cry. And not like cry as in get mad or whine. I mean full blown cry as in snot nosed sniffling and hyperventilating crying. I made a topic a while ago on GFAQs. I am gonna go look and post the whole story here.

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