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Caution: Boasting inside

Epyk MD
7 posters

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1Caution: Boasting inside Empty Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 05:23

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

So i get home from my long ass shift, feeling rather ragey. pop in some bc2 and no one is on.

join some conquest, only 4 guys per team, i shrug it off an keep playing.
Knife some guy with out actively chasing him down.
a few moments later i notice im killing alot of guys with the 870 clan tag.
i check the score board and there are 4 of these guys now.
i eventually realize every time i kill one there is another trying to knife me from behind, but since i run with LW and MS's i always catch them.

after i realized this, i took it personal.
i proceed to knife the first guy 2 more times (cannon fodder i guess.)
and two others once each.
All thats left is the lvl 50 recon.
hes a smart one too, massive amounts of MS's being thrown around.
Its getting to the end of our 3rd game with out me snatching them and im getting T-bagged upon death without remorse.

my team 3 on 8 gets pushed back to our base and we are getting spawn camped.
i spawn on base and notice a recon sneaking around to c4 a tank...i follow him all sneaky ninja like and knife him as hes throwing a sensor

SCORE. got the last one.
i then proceed to spin on his dead body, while my spawn mate tbags him (i was chatting him up while i was on my mission)

Feels good man.

thus concludes my pointless brag story.

2Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 07:18


i almost have a knife gold star

3Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 09:34



Oh man, that's some hilarious crap. I love it when BC2 just turns into a free for all of funness.

4Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 11:31



He he he....Now I feel like boasting too.

I made Apache Birdman my bitch.

5Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 11:34


TheGM wrote:He he he....Now I feel like boasting too.

I made Apache Birdman my bitch.

lol Lead told me about that... Well what happened the other day unless something else did.

And epyk every match i play with you i always see you get a bunch of knife kills first the RUS now the 870 whats next?!

6Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 11:37



I have his message saved for historical purposes.

7Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 11:48

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

chunckylover53 wrote:
TheGM wrote:He he he....Now I feel like boasting too.

I made Apache Birdman my bitch.

lol Lead told me about that... Well what happened the other day unless something else did.

And epyk every match i play with you i always see you get a bunch of knife kills first the RUS now the 870 whats next?!
Teh World!!!

8Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 11:50




9Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 11:55



Gm you should post his messages

10Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 12:05



Yeah my Screen capture isn't working for some reason....

He sent this.

"ur lucky im high"

11Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 12:20



Ha did you deny him his spawn camping?

12Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 12:22



There was nobody even in the game and I wouldn't let him past B.

He jumped out one time and I still killed him with my PKM while he comes floating down with his chute.

Last edited by TheGM on 2010-12-14, 12:24; edited 1 time in total

13Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 12:23



Haha thats funny

14Caution: Boasting inside Empty Re: Caution: Boasting inside 2010-12-14, 12:32



TheGM wrote:There was nobody even in the game and I wouldn't let him past B.

He jumped out one time and I still killed him with my PKM while he comes floating down with his chute.

That's good stuff!

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