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I'm letting the trash pile up in my house.

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...and it's a lot of fucking trash. Why? Because my roommates have never taken out the garbage since we've moved in. Let's see how they like living in filth.


lol hope it works out well man.



Stick it to em. Drop some rotting meat or something in there.



You should take a shit in their shoes.


I see where you're coming from with this, but will the piled up garbage bother you?



Kind of a funny way to make a point Cram, but I was thinking the same thing as Doomsday: Won't the trash bother you after a bit?



Nope. Not at all.
I keep the house clean because I like it that way. I know they appreciate a clean house as well, but they don't put forth half of the effort I do to make it that way.
I'd rather live in squalor for a few days if it gets the point across that I'm not their fucking maid, and they need to pitch in, too.

Urgh. I'm so annoyed.
You know, this one week I let the dishes pile up because I had washed them the past three times. No one touched them. They just sat there in the sink. Eventually Savannah says to Zack, "We need to make a chore list."
Which I think is hilarious, because she never lifts a damn finger. Sure! Make a chore list, be my guest. That would mean that I'd have less crap to do around here.

So yeah, maybe the garbage will keep piling up. But if I were to take out the trash and clean up after all three of us all the time, then the message would never get across. It's not like some spic-and-span fairy comes around when no one is looking and takes care of this shit.

If they confront me about it, I'm just going to say, "Oh, I didn't know you actually wanted the trash out. I thought we were saving it." or "Well no one else seemed to care, so I've stopped caring as well."

I've only been living here 8-10 weeks, and already I'm seeing the appeal of living alone.


Well yeah, living alone is where it's at. I did the roommate thing and like you I didn't like cleaning up after grownups.



That's why I'm gonna live alone too, I like things clean and it would just make me mad cleaning up after people my own age.



The Cramtron wrote:Nope. Not at all.
I keep the house clean because I like it that way. I know they appreciate a clean house as well, but they don't put forth half of the effort I do to make it that way.
I'd rather live in squalor for a few days if it gets the point across that I'm not their fucking maid, and they need to pitch in, too.

Urgh. I'm so annoyed.
You know, this one week I let the dishes pile up because I had washed them the past three times. No one touched them. They just sat there in the sink. Eventually Savannah says to Zack, "We need to make a chore list."
Which I think is hilarious, because she never lifts a damn finger. Sure! Make a chore list, be my guest. That would mean that I'd have less crap to do around here.

So yeah, maybe the garbage will keep piling up. But if I were to take out the trash and clean up after all three of us all the time, then the message would never get across. It's not like some spic-and-span fairy comes around when no one is looking and takes care of this shit.

If they confront me about it, I'm just going to say, "Oh, I didn't know you actually wanted the trash out. I thought we were saving it." or "Well no one else seemed to care, so I've stopped caring as well."

I've only been living here 8-10 weeks, and already I'm seeing the appeal of living alone.

I would seriously want to be the shit out of every last one of them. I guess the only way to live with roommates is if they're your best friends (and still, then?)


You got the right idea Blas.

My living situation was awesome but sucky at the same time. It was awesome cause it was a party 24/7 it was sucky because guess who usually cleaned up after the parties. Mad


DrBob276 wrote:

I would seriously want to be the shit out of every last one of them. I guess the only way to live with roommates is if they're your best friends (and still, then?)

Violence is not the answer and in some cases living with your friends is actually worse than living with strangers. Friends can take advantage of your friendship.



Well, as I always say, I don't condone violence (ironic, isn't it?) I said that I would like to be the shit out of every last one of them, but I probably wouldn't. Smile Just because it is something that I would want to do, doesn't mean I'll recommend it, lol.



Violence is sometimes the only way to get a point across though.



I'm not going to beat up my best friend and his tiny sister, Bla.

Although, I have felt the urge to throw her in traffic.



As good of friends i have, i could never live with them, at least my male friends, since they are all lazy and slobs, and i cant stand how they live

and because im a really nice guy, i would end up doing the cleaning, with no thanks from them

Last edited by xsilentshooterx on 2010-12-15, 14:03; edited 1 time in total



The Cramtron wrote:I'm not going to beat up my best friend and his tiny sister, Bla.

Although, I have felt the urge to throw her in traffic.




One of my friends I could live with cause we both have the same life style.

And in this case no I wouldn't beat someone up but if someone was spitting on you and you said stop and they didn't then you should bash their head in cause then they'll know never to do that to anyone again because they'll get hurt.


But then you'll get in trouble Blas.



I know =]


So don't do it man. I can't picture you in Juvie lol.



Lol I might be going to Juvie anyway.


Haha it's funny my dad said to me and my brothers that we should all get a house of our own.. I'd be the only one to clean it lol. even now me and my dad do most of the cleaning but once i get my own place.. it'll be nicer than here.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

That's why I won't live with anyone anymore. Ehat, Bobby and I get along great, but I've lived with other people and all of my old roommates didn't work, haha. I do not like cleaning up after people, nor do I like playing mom.



Aren't you a preschool teacher?

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Yes I am, haha. Confused as to where that came from, but yes.



Because you don't like to play mom.



You said you don't like to clean up after people and don't like playing mom...

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha! I meant after grown adults. All of my roommates have been messy as shit and I don't deal with that. And others of my roommates were stupid and I had to play mom. And I don't clean up after my kids, they do that themselves xP



I think you may lose this battle, Cram. You were the first to start cleaning up which usually means your the first to care. I feel for you though, I did something very similar when I lived with my roomate and unfortunately they simply dont care like we do. They would rather side step garbage all day, clean one dish to use once, and leave their shit everywhere rather than clean up their fair share.

It ended quite badly with a lot of yelling and threats of who does what around the house. Bottom line, he moved out and i never talked to him again.

Live on your own if you can afford it, bro.



You're probably right. We'll probably get into an argument, and nothing will have changed.
Unfortunately, I can't really afford to live alone.

Anyway, I've been fuming mad all day. I've just been going over and over in my head the shit I want to say to her. I'm still pissed about that stupid fucking cat. We haven't spoken more than ten words to each other since she brought that thing around. Thank god she's keeping it in her room. Either way, there's a disparity here, in terms of mutual respect. She doesn't want to do any chores or have any regard for her roommates who are paying the same amount of rent she is, then fine. I don't have to do chores, either. In fact, I can make this whole place a fucking pig sty. I'll just upend the furniture and empty the cupboards, and run around stark fucking naked.
I think the fact that we haven't spoken is just BREWING this anger inside me. It's not good. I don't like feeling this way.

I've always believed in the golden rule: one should treat others as one expects to be treated in return.
This makes me feel SO FUCKING NAIVE.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Take a huge shit in front of her door. Do so daily. Agree to stop such disgusting behaviour once she agrees to start taking out the trash.

Extreme conditions demand extreme responces, man.



The Cramtron wrote:You're probably right. We'll probably get into an argument, and nothing will have changed.
Unfortunately, I can't really afford to live alone.

Anyway, I've been fuming mad all day. I've just been going over and over in my head the shit I want to say to her. I'm still pissed about that stupid fucking cat. We haven't spoken more than ten words to each other since she brought that thing around. Thank god she's keeping it in her room. Either way, there's a disparity here, in terms of mutual respect. She doesn't want to do any chores or have any regard for her roommates who are paying the same amount of rent she is, then fine. I don't have to do chores, either. In fact, I can make this whole place a fucking pig sty. I'll just upend the furniture and empty the cupboards, and run around stark fucking naked.
I think the fact that we haven't spoken is just BREWING this anger inside me. It's not good. I don't like feeling this way.

I've always believed in the golden rule: one should treat others as one expects to be treated in return.
This makes me feel SO FUCKING NAIVE.

Shit man, she still hasn't gotten rid of the cat?

If I were you I'd keep up with the not keeping up thing. It might work, it might not, but at least you'll know. I wouldn't over-exaggerate your messiness though, they might just end up missing the point and thinking you're an asshole.



Dude, they dont think anything is wrong because it hasnt been brought up yet (see disclaimer at the bottom ) careful how you aproach it. Think about it for a second, what if they suddenly approached you, fuming angry, about how you leave the toilet seat up, or how you leave your toothbrush out every morning. You'd be totally side swiped out of nowhere and wonder why all the hostility?

Bring up the subject, bring up a chores list that needs to be completed weekly, assign the tasks and try to improve the situation. Barring all that if they still dont do they're assigned an ad on kijiji and craiglist and find a new place to live.

Ignore the whole first paragraph if you've already addressed this issue to them.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Also, get a dog. A mean one, man.

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