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 » The Lounge » Archives » hot damn

hot damn

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1hot damn Empty hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:39

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

My team got its ass handed to me today. Then I got DC'ed...
anywho good game guys, sorry Fr0sT, you got in the cross fire between me and duck, I know how you hate that.

2hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:40



What is DC'd?

3hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:42



Yeah on Arica Harbor, that was intense. I think i got like 4500 points that match.
Also, I came sooooo close to getting your tags like 5 times.

And DC'd is disconnected

4hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:42



sheep wrote:What is DC'd?

5hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:44



Oh, ok. I got kicked to the main menu earlier. Then I couldn't join Fr0st-ibuns (server full) which I think all the other SeCers were there too. So I ended up kicking around with some randies and Texas, which is always a flipping blast.

Sorry you got spanked Epyk. Sorry I couldn't be the spanker.

6hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:45

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Dirty duck and I kept trading tags, I was trying to steal a win from you guys, but I felt like the only one engaging you at all.

I knew going it I was probably going to get knifed like 10 times.

7hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:47

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

sheep wrote:Oh, ok. I got kicked to the main menu earlier. Then I couldn't join Fr0st-ibuns (server full) which I think all the other SeCers were there too. So I ended up kicking around with some randies and Texas, which is always a flipping blast.

Sorry you got spanked Epyk. Sorry I couldn't be the spanker.

My wife just gave me a look from across the room....
she has the espn...don't makes uch comments >.>

8hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 01:48



You can't trust that damn dirty duck, Epyk, you just can't. Very sneaky.

Now I'm sad I didn't get to play with him. Sad I haven't got to play with him in a long time, and he's lots of fun. Damn servers.

loooool - I didn't mean it THAT way!

Although... I do own a paddle. looooooooooool

9hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 02:09

dead wra1th

epic you never sent me a friend request

10hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 02:15

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ah sorry wra1th, ill send it next time I jump on.

11hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 02:16

dead wra1th

haha ok i rarely get into squads with you guys

12hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 03:19



You gotta take some action wraith. None of us sit around waiting for invites.

13hot damn Empty Re: hot damn 2010-12-21, 03:19

dead wra1th

i sent em as i find them bro

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