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 » The Lounge » Archives » damn..


Ars Diaboli
Epyk MD
9 posters

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1damn.. Empty damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:21

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

People are just ripping into tht HORSE guy on the gfq brink boards.
...I thought that guys was like brink jesus.

2damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:23



Really, where?

I never remember seeing him saying anything worth ripping into. He's usually a pretty helpful guy.

3damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:25

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Is it H0RSE? That guy that has a tendency to be against anything and everything?

4damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:26


Yeah eh? Unless you mean ripping into him as gay secks?

5damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:27

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

The no kdr thread.
Cant copy and psate on my phone =*(

6damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:28



Jeez that guy is like the omnipresent gamefaqs dude. he is EVERYWHERE!

7damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:28



H0RSE has always seemed helpful enough. Why are people ripping into him?

8damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:29


Honestly i am so confused with that... It's like "K/D doesn't matter it's all about the objectives!!" Yeah but if your going for the same objective as the other guy i think your going to want to be able to kill said person so you can actually get to the objective? Idk i am confused.

Last edited by chunckylover53 on 2011-04-26, 21:31; edited 1 time in total

9damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:29

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

No KDR? Sign me up.

10damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:31

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

He's arguing brink doesn't need kdr. Or doesn't have.
In come in the kdr brigade

11damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:32


Ars Diaboli wrote:No KDR? Sign me up.

It's not suppose to keep any stats except total XP i believe, and challenge leaderboards.

12damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:35



I'm fine with no stat tracking. Not having it allows people to go for the objectives without worrying about their precious KDR.

13damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:36



AN objective focused game should not track K/D. Simple as that.

14damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:37



chunckylover53 wrote:Honestly i am so confused with that... It's like "K/D doesn't matter it's all about the objectives!!" Yeah but if your going for the same objective as the other guy i think your going to want to be able to kill said person so you can actually get to the objective? Idk i am confused.

Well it's just that people do stuff like camping in order to keep their K/D. I think it's nice that there isn't a point to that in this game.

And as long as there is no stat to measure the rate at which they kill(like SPM) I don't think it does matter at all; it really only has significance when paired with something like that.

15damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:37



*stat whore signing in*

I love being able to check on how im doing tbh

16damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:41



I agree with Zillah

* high fives *

17damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-26, 21:43



Zillah wrote:*stat whore signing in*

I love being able to check on how im doing tbh

I agree that its nice to be able to see how you've progressed but it just ruins the experience when people play only to get better stats. It's especially bad in objective game modes when people ignore the objective to pad their KDR.

18damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-27, 00:25



Bane wrote:I'm fine with no stat tracking. Not having it allows people to go for the objectives without worrying about their precious KDR.

I think it definitely should be a stat in any Deathmatch type modes, but any objective game-type should drop KDR completely and go with a score-per-minute stat instead.

19damn.. Empty Re: damn.. 2011-04-27, 00:55

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

They could include K/D simply as a personal state.

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