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Anyone here getting Brink?

Epyk MD
6 posters

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1Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 03:12



I'm caught between getting it on the 260 or the PC: mods and being able to play at college, or party chat, which I participate in pretty much every night with one group of friends or another? So, is anyone here getting it for the 360? Or PC? I'm not really basing my decision on this, but I'd like to know if I would be able to play with people I know, since my RL friends probably won't be getting it.

2Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 03:21



I've never even heard of it, sadly. Sad

3Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 03:38



It's a class-based multiplayer FPS coming out in April. It implements parkour and dynamic objectives depending on the situation and your class, and frankly I think it'll be the best online multiplayer, ever.

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4Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 03:45



It looks kinda like a weird TF2 type of game.

5Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 03:52



It seems closer to Battlefield to me, given that there are only 4 classes, unlike TF2's 9. But anyway, if you look into it, it may interest you. Or not, IDK.

6Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 04:03



I'm kinda interested in it; it looks neat. I may get it, as long as it doesn't have glitches, balance issues, and hit detection problems up the wazoo like BC2.

7Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 05:55

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ill be getting it

8Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 05:57



I might rent it.

9Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 06:05

dead wra1th

im getting it woot level of your charrecters carries over from single co op and multi ftw

10Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 13:55



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I'm kinda interested in it; it looks neat. I may get it, as long as it doesn't have glitches, balance issues, and hit detection problems up the wazoo like BC2.

How did you miss it? It's been talked about here several times, it was even one of the main game previews Epyk put up when we had the SeC website. I think there was even a poll on here once about it.

Anyway, yes I'm getting it for the 360.
My next 2 shooters to replace BC2 and BO are Brink and Homefront.

11Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 14:00


Metalzoic wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I'm kinda interested in it; it looks neat. I may get it, as long as it doesn't have glitches, balance issues, and hit detection problems up the wazoo like BC2.

How did you miss it? It's been talked about here several times, it was even one of the main game previews Epyk put up when we had the SeC website. I think there was even a poll on here once about it.

Anyway, yes I'm getting it for the 360.
My next 2 shooters to replace BC2 and BO are Brink and Homefront.

Pretty much everything Metal Man said.

12Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 15:15



I never looked at the game previews. :/

13Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 15:41



I hope so.

14Anyone here getting Brink? Empty Re: Anyone here getting Brink? 2010-12-24, 19:00



I'm hoping it's good, because it looks awesome.

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