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we ever get curved in the live party?

Patrick Star
Epyk MD
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*Looks over past 5 comments with dis approval(which is required as the topic old man)*



Frost, you could have been used the f-word as a noun. verb, adjective, subject, predicate, vegetable, mineral, and fuel. I really won't have noticed, but still, whats this world coming to now the we have pretend SeC'ers, or wanna be's (not that we are a exclusive group. kind of makes it worse really)



TheGM wrote:We need more talk about Spray&Pray crying about us using mods....

That was funny! I have yet yo actually see a mod in this game.



I use the F word for all of the Above Very Happy

Its a very Versatile word too bad its Abhorred by polite society

Also Spray and Pray was an Idiot

Yeah i No scoped that bitch right in the head No scope no scope no scoped and i didnt even have to use a scope on that one

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

what are you talking about? my rank is a mod. it takes too much time to get it otherwise lol



Lol ive had this rank for ages now i cant remember not being a 50

Which was kind of funny when i got hatemail the other day accusing me of only being a 50 because of the PBR Glitch



Piemasterjelly wrote:I use the F word for all of the Above Very Happy

Its a very Versatile word too bad its Abhorred by polite society

Also Spray and Pray was an Idiot

Yeah i No scoped that bitch right in the head No scope no scope no scoped and i didnt even have to use a scope on that one

I really remember that series of games was getting curveds tags, and the fact that they were whining, but STILL PLAYING AGAINST US!!



Oh yeah they were genius's they were like camping in the open and stuff and complaining about how dark knifed them even though they were firing full auto into him and he had 100% health in the kill cam lol

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if i ever find myself on the opposite team you you guys imma gonna be shitting myself everytime im facing a wall, in case you slip your cold steely shafts in my back when im distracted....




Pfft not even Walls can keep you safe Shaymo can knife through them

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well i would lie down, but im scared of the ghost boat. >.<



Just when you thought it was safe to go back onto the land? GHOST BOAT!



KutKuSlayer wrote:if i ever find myself on the opposite team you you guys imma gonna be shitting myself everytime im facing a wall, in case you slip your cold steely shafts in my back when im distracted....


I once joined a game and it was me with a bunch of randoms vs. 10 SeC'ers. I'm not that overly good, but my K/d went to hell that series, and I almost rage quit. It does get reallllyyyyy frustrating playing against them.



Hey it was me versus you guys and i got a few ConFox tags

Also nice Flamethrower dude Very Happy

But who i really want is GM everytime i get near him he gets shot or i just cant find him

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

in that situation i would employ C4.

anyone comes up, i D2.0 us all XD



Lol nah you just sit there with a Motion Sensor at your feet and C4 all around you when the Motion sensor beeps you blow yourself to kingdom come

Thats how you Troll Khult Very Happy



Piemasterjelly wrote:Hey it was me versus you guys and i got a few ConFox tags

Also nice Flamethrower dude Very Happy

But who i really want is GM everytime i get near him he gets shot or i just cant find him

i tried, I make no excuses. I like using the flamethrower for fun. I'm just not that awesome at this, plus no one was in a party that day, I think, I could find one at least.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I joined a game where most of the enemy team was SeC. To make it worse, it was attacking on Vantage Point.

Most of that match was spent curled up in a ball behind a rock rocking backwards and forwards waiting for it to end.



Really i was in a party of 8 with the guys on your team

Lazy people not inviting you lol

Maybe they got you and Cardboard fox confused

Also yeah the Flamethrower is my Fave weapon in Nam too bad it likes to glue itself to walls and stuff when you fire it

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Waht? People avoid inviting me to parties? Whyyy?



No i think you two were in the same game so they didnt invite ConFox because you were in the party and they thought he was you

You dig me man?



I gotcha, I think we were both on that day too. Its all good, I wasn't uoset, my kids were screaming all day anyway, I wouldn't have been able to talk much.



Lol i dont mind im pretty sure i could Outscream them just give me a Camping Wookie and some RKS

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