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Saiga is a Beast!

The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
11 posters

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1Saiga is a Beast! Empty Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 10:36



I finally got some time behind the Saiga lastnight and was tearin' it up! I love the feel of it, love the sound of it, and love the power of it. I giggle with glee when I blast some foo off his feet or shoot someone two blocks away. Twisted Evil
Thanks, DL!
I'm gonna stick with the M416 until I plat it but that shotty is a hoot. Anyone got any tips of stuff to use with it? Extra Shot Gun Ammo? Do slugs work? Does Mag Ammo work?
On that note, how's the Neostead?

2Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 10:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Lightweight and extended mags man. Lightweight to run guys down, and extended mags allows you to kill 3 or so people before reloading. Don't use slugs on the semi autos, use them on the pump actions (like the neostead)

3Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 10:47

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

slugs are fun on the saiga but if your using slugs then you might as well run with the M14.

LW and extended mags sounds fun, and if you're assualt then youll have C4 (C4 + LW = anti tank fun)and unlimited ammo for the saiga Smile

4Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:07



Yes the great secret....tho its not so secret anymore is to use lightweight and extended shotty mag with the Saiga using buckshot. THe key is to stay mobile! You have to constantly run. I use the M( as my pistol to take out the long range targets but you don;t want to get caught in a long range fight. What I told sheep is I like to stay by cover. If you turn a corner and spot someone farther away than your range Shot once to get their attention and duck behind a corner and start to back away. 9 time out of 10 the idiot will chase after you and you will win a close range fight when he turns the corner.

2 options with this. Play as assault slam the trigger as fast as possible and drop your ammo.

Or play as recon and use your motion mines to stalk down your prey!

O and have fun! I love th is setup!

5Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:15



I always run Light Weight so that's done but I got caught in re-load a few times so I was considering Extended Mag. Good info, Terry.
I've been doing Assault so yeah, the extra ammo works great for Saiga/C4. I must admit however that I have never used C4 so I run out to a tank and stood there like an idiot holding the trigger mechanism while enemies swarmed on the other side of the tank. I finally gave up and blasted two of them but, like I said before, I got caught in a re-load.

6Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:20



Oh yeah, DL I've mastered the art of luring them into a spider hole and then BOOM BOOM BOOM! I like to run across an opening then turn around. Saweet.

7Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:21

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

DL, we need to play sometime, ill rock up a USAS-12 with slugs for long range and we can play vanilla Smile

8Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:23




I am always down for BC2 wether it be vanilla, or Vietnam.

9Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:26

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Awesome. hit me up whenver im online and i should be able to play Smile

10Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:28

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I always run recon with this setup, because I love the motion mines for setting up traps. also I kill enough assaults to take their kit, throw down ammo, and reload if I can't get a teammate to help me out.

11Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:29



The neostead + every other pump action = the same terry, only the aesthetics are changed I guess. But the pump actions w/ slugs = shotgun SNIPAH.

12Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:42



OOoo Listen to Terry killing the assaults and stealing their boxes!!!! I;m just an assault guy so I feel more comfortable rolling as assault!

I am just sad to see sooooo many people ie Randoms running around with the Saiga! Used to be the only other guy I knew that used Saiga with buckshot was Kult. Now everybody seems to be using it anymiore.

13Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:43


Yeah it's good and then they buffed it for some unknown reason and made it even more powerful O.o.

14Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:49



I don't know why, but I prefer the USAS over the Saiga. It's weird because even using the USAS I fire it like it's a semi auto, pressing the trigger for each shot.

Also, never use magnum ammo on the semi-auto shotguns. Extended mags = higher DPS by a laaaarge margin.

15Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:50

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

NS2k has a quicker reload than other pump shotguns and that's the only difference really.

16Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 11:52



Cardboard Fox wrote:NS2k has a quicker reload than other pump shotguns and that's the only difference really.

At the expense of looking absolutely ridiculous! My SPAS-12 is beautiful. I wish they would have had the stock folded out, though.

17Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:15

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

SPAS 12 had the best sound out of all the shootties. so there is nothing rediculous about it

18Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:19



I dunno, I always liked how the 870 looked more then the SPAS. On a side note, your avatar is awesome, Texasmace.

19Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:20



When using pump action I also use the 870. O like the sleek look to it!

20Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:43

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the USAS-12 just sounds evil fully auto Razz

21Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:46



huh, I like the look of that SPAS-12 more. Neostaed is just plain ugly but sometimes that's good.
Thanks, Khfan! Master Jaraiya, the Pervy Sage. Got a pic of him drinkin' so it fits me.

22Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:48



Hell as fasty as I crank on the trigger with the Saiga I fire it faster than the full auto USAS

23Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 12:51

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Boxxy wrote:The neostead + every other pump action = the same terry, only the aesthetics are changed I guess. But the pump actions w/ slugs = shotgun SNIPAH.

hell to the yeah!

24Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 13:04



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hell as fasty as I crank on the trigger with the Saiga I fire it faster than the full auto USAS

Doesn't the stupid fire rate cap keep the Saiga from firing faster than the USAS?

Just looked it up on Den Kirson and yeah, The Saiga is capped at 300 RPM which is the same as the USAS. This is one of those cases where the poor community of FPS games ruins the fun for everyone. If there weren't so many scrubs using modded controllers, we wouldn't have these "limiters" on semi-auto guns.

25Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 16:27




Sure wouldn't mind having one of those!

26Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 16:38



<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Saiga 12's are actually pretty cheap as far as semi-auto shotguns go, just have to make sure you aren't in a state with stingy gun laws.

27Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 16:51



The Noestead reloads stupid fast. As soon as you hit reload you basically get 4 rounds in the gun, a quick weapon switch cancel as soon as you see all 4 rounds and your good to go.

Counter sniping with slug rounds puts such a smile on my face...

28Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 16:55



HA! I was just watching that video! Did you see the one where they were shooting cars?
Yeah, you can find 'em pretty cheap. I was surprised how cheap. It's just an AK frame so that makes sense.
Gonna try me some Neostead tonight.

29Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 17:03



texasmace wrote:HA! I was just watching that video! Did you see the one where they were shooting cars?
Yeah, you can find 'em pretty cheap. I was surprised how cheap. It's just an AK frame so that makes sense.
Gonna try me some Neostead tonight.

Yeah it's pretty brutal. Makes you wonder why they're legal yet fully automatic weapons aren't... kinda blurring the line, imo.

30Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 17:24



shhhh. don't say anything

31Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 17:42



texasmace wrote:shhhh. don't say anything

Twisted Evil

I will say though if I ever decide to get a shotgun it's gonna be an FN SLP. Thing's a beast!

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I vote that this should be in BF3.

32Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 17:53



yeah that is sweet! That dude sure has trouble keepin it on target though, don't he!? I WANT ONE!!!

33Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-30, 17:57



Yeah he needed to lean into it a little further hahaha. Sounds like they were having fun though. Such an expensive hobby...

34Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-31, 11:38

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

had a good game with the saiga + LW + extended mag setup.

civilian house on nelson bay is where its at, so much killing around that flag Razz

35Saiga is a Beast! Empty Re: Saiga is a Beast! 2010-12-31, 15:21



Ive got nearly 7 gold stars with the NS2000, going for the plat. I thnk that I actually like the 870 more, just because it looks cooler, and you can put a single shell in the gun really quick. And with the pump shotguns, i dont ever use the extended mags, i prefer either body armor or mag ammo, depending on what im trying to do.

Once i plat the NS2000 im gonna pick up the USAS12.

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