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Saiga 12K awesome Pro pipe

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1Saiga 12K awesome Pro pipe Empty Saiga 12K awesome Pro pipe 2012-12-03, 21:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Team got its ass kicked, could hardly hold onto a flag, near zero air support and snipers every which way you can imagine on Caspian border.

You'd think I'd be raging my ass off at my stupid smurf team mates.

Nope, Saiga 12k soothes the soul, especially when it forces several "snipers" to switch to semi autos and have people rage at you saying "Nice shotgun ******" when they're using assault rifles and LMG's.

Nothing quite as satisfying so far than getting up into the face of that bastard who keeps (trying) to pick you off.

Previous game we won due to air support and the fact that me and a friend had the oil rig on Op. Firestorm on lockdown. M5k finally showed what it could do there, though I still don't like it. Other SMG' are vastly superior IMO, such as the P90 which seems to fire faster and has nearly triple the capacity without extended mags.

Not my best game, not in a long shot, but by far one of my most satisfying.

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