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Finally mastered the F2000...

Artimise Flare
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1Finally mastered the F2000... Empty Finally mastered the F2000... 2011-01-03, 03:06

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It's a known fact that the F2000 has been the black sheep of the Assault Rifles. Superior CQC abilities while moderate to mediocre performance at anything beyond medium range.

Prior to the patch a while back, I never really played too much with the F2000, despite it being one of my most favorite rifles. It simply was out classed in many areas by other AR's. I decided to pick it up again, seeing as I felt like using something other than the AUG, or the Thompson (which is my best weapon currently the AUG coming in a close second), much to my pleasant surprise, I managed to consistently go positive with it, and by no small margin.

It's mobile accuracy seems to have been upped and despite some squirreliness while using it with a x4 optic, I was able to control it with ease. I never used to do so well with the F2000, but I get the feeling that while my experience while playing BC Vietnam has not been as great as others, it has indeed sharpened my skills and made me an over all better player.

TL:DR I finally managed to get this gun to click for me.

Viva la Bulpup rifles!


it's just as good at long range as it is up close. actually it might be better at long range because it has the least spread of all the assault rifles and the damage doesn't drop. it was always one of my favorite weapons even before it was considered to be good

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Really now? I did not know its damage never dropped. I still almost never see it used, which is good imo, makes me feel better when I destroy people with it.

I always liked the obscure weapons that not many people use, like the AEK, AUG, and F2000. Occasionally you'll get a Thompson user, or you might see someone using Type 88 LMG, but the vast majority of the population seems to stick with the tacticool looking weapons like the M16 or M95. Not that anything is wrong with that I suppose, roll with what works best for you ya know Very Happy



When I first decided to plat the F2000, I hated it. But now I love it. Nothing like destroying a team with it, and they see a plat star.

I need to plat AEK, but I just can't use it.



The F2000, I found was a lot better than the aug for the same reason Mr A Knife said, it doesn't spread out the bullets out as much as the other assault rifles. I go positive way more with the F2000 than the Aug

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I just completed a Panama Canal round with the AUG, and I must say, I definitely do see the difference. However, I love bulpup rifles, and the AUG was my first true love as far as assault class weapons go. 40mm Shotgun also leads to A LOT of nemesis pins as well as a crap ton of angry people. I will have to say that both perform admirably in their respective roles, the F2000 will destroy anything at close range, while the AUG is more of a jack of all trades, great for when you need that little extra Oomf that the F2000 has trouble putting out sometimes.

Regardless, I love both of these rifles, and nothing gives me more joy (at least while playing BFBC2) than utterly and completely destroying the opposition with these "under dog" rifles. Besides, the F2000 sounds freaking beast when on automatic.



Yeah the AUG is easily the most well rounded assault weapon in the game, but I too love the F2000. Underpowered weapons ftw!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i like the way the AUG goes 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaarg' instead of 'bangbangbang'.
its a great gun too, but the noise is the best part.



but with the f2000 i can go bangbangbang i shot you dead all the time though Sad



The F2000 doesn't even sound like a gun. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrrrrraaat.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

it still sounds badass though.



KutKuSlayer wrote:it still sounds badass though.

Agreed, although I laughed out loud the first time I used it. That sound is so abnormal.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I will agree that between the two I like the AUG's sound better. Now if the F2000 sounded like it did in MOH, well then I'd have been sold on it. Such a shame it doesn't. The AUG definitely does not have as tight of a grouping at range as the F2000, but the increase in damage really does help offset this disadvantage I suppose. Both will do great on maps that are fairly close quarters like Oasis or Arica Harbor, good use of common sense and taking advantage of cover to close the distance will save even out the odds against other weapons that are superior at range like the m16 and an-94. The ability to keep ROT (rounds on target) while moving is also very nice.



Sigh, I wish I could use the AUG again, but I want to plat some other guns first...

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

KutKuSlayer wrote:i like the way the AUG goes 'baaaaaaaaaaaaaarg' instead of 'bangbangbang'.

I never knew how to vocalize the sound the AUG makes, but I think that will do. God I love that sound.



I like the deep sound the M16 makes. Sounds like a metal drummer going crazy with a double kick pedal.


the only thing an aug is better at is close range where it kills in 2 less shots than an f2000. both do the same damage at long range and f2000 has far superior accuracy even if aug is second to it out of all the assault rifles.

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