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 » The Lounge » Archives » Fun Quiz

Fun Quiz

Keyser Söze
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
10 posters

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1Fun Quiz Empty Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 07:37



1.What Animal do Buffalo Wings come from?

2.Name 2 of the Famous Trojans who hid in the Trojan horse

3.Does Britain have a 4th of July?

4.A Farmer has 15 Sheep,All but 8 die how many are left?

5.How many Animals did Moses take onto the ark?

6.How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide?

7.If a plane crashes on the border between the US and Mexico, where do they bury the survivors?

8.Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

9.The amount of water flowing into a bucket doubles every minute,Its full in an hour.When was it half full?

10.Do you pronounce the capital of New Zealand Orc-land or Ark-land?

2Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 10:40

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

only going to awnser a couple of these since I'm at work
1. chicken
2. I should know this, one of them is the guy from the Odyessy
3. yes, its the 4th of july (same day right?)
4. 8
5. ....... all of them?
7. hopefully the plane made a hole and they could bury them in that
8. no because if its his widow he is already dead
10. I thought is was pronounced Auk-land

3Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 11:09

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation



4Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 11:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:1.What Animal do Buffalo Wings come from?

2.Name 2 of the Famous Trojans who hid in the Trojan horse

3.Does Britain have a 4th of July?

4.A Farmer has 15 Sheep,All but 8 die how many are left?

5.How many Animals did Moses take onto the ark?

6.How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide?

7.If a plane crashes on the border between the US and Mexico, where do they bury the survivors?

8.Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

9.The amount of water flowing into a bucket doubles every minute,Its full in an hour.When was it half full?

10.Do you pronounce the capital of New Zealand Orc-land or Ark-land?

1) never actually tried buffalo wings, but i guess they are not from a buffalo Razz
2) Dave, Bob, Steve.
3) notsureiftrickquestion.jpg
4) 8
5) none, its all a load of bull.
6) none, its an empty hole. but the hole has a volume of 2.03m^3
7) i'd imagine they'd repatriate the bodies.
Cool He cant, 'cause HE DEAD! if he wasn't it would be bigamy.
9) at the same time that it was half empty.
10) well ive heard it as Orc-land a bunch of times.

5Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 11:24




6Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 12:04

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

1.What Animal do Buffalo Wings come from?
- duh, winged buffaloes. Next.
2.Name 2 of the Famous Trojans who hid in the Trojan horse
-Ribbed and Max Pleasure
3.Does Britain have a 4th of July?
- every county does
4.A Farmer has 15 Sheep,All but 8 die how many are left?
- Next
5.How many Animals did Moses take onto the ark?
- what matters is how many came out
6.How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide?
- a lot
7.If a plane crashes on the border between the US and Mexico, where do they bury the survivors?
- depends on where the bodies parts land
8.Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
- is it prudent?
9.The amount of water flowing into a bucket doubles every minute,Its full in an hour.When was it half full?
- damn you Frost
10.Do you pronounce the capital of New Zealand Orc-land or Ark-land?

- I refuse to utter such nonsense let alone answer this question

7Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 12:13



Come on guys, 6 and 7 are stupidly easy.

6. None

7. Nowhere, why would they bury the survivors?

8Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 12:29



Frostbyrn wrote:1.What Animal do Buffalo Wings come from?

2.Name 2 of the Famous Trojans who hid in the Trojan horse

3.Does Britain have a 4th of July?

4.A Farmer has 15 Sheep,All but 8 die how many are left?

5.How many Animals did Moses take onto the ark?

6.How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide?

7.If a plane crashes on the border between the US and Mexico, where do they bury the survivors?

8.Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

9.The amount of water flowing into a bucket doubles every minute,Its full in an hour.When was it half full?

10.Do you pronounce the capital of New Zealand Orc-land or Ark-land?


9Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 12:36



All these wrong answers to 6 and 7 (specifically this one) make me rage. Reading comprehension guys, reading comprehension.

10Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 12:48

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Ante wrote:Come on guys, 6 and 7 are stupidly easy.

6. None

7. Nowhere, why would they bury the survivors?

6. Dirt can get in to holes. Ever been to the beach?

7. Cover ups, man.

11Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 12:53

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was thinking too deeply on 6.

in fact 7 I recognized for what it is but I choose to say something I thought was funny instead of something that was right

12Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 13:00



Oh so you think youre really clever frost?

Scroll down slowly, otherwise you'll see the answers. This works better
verbally, but try it:

Name the colour of the following things as fast as you can:





wedding gown

Say the word "white" to yourself 10 times fast.


13Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 13:07



FUCK cows dont drink milk. Well baby cows do!

14Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 13:09



haha, when i was doing that i was thinking "pshhht, this aint gonna fool me"

sure enough, it did.

15Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 13:10

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox








16Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 20:10



Frostbyrn wrote:1.What Animal do Buffalo Wings come from?


2.Name 2 of the Famous Trojans who hid in the Trojan horse

There were none it was Greeks inside the Trojan horse

3.Does Britain have a 4th of July?

Yes and a 5th of july and a 6th of july

4.A Farmer has 15 Sheep,All but 8 die how many are left?


5.How many Animals did Moses take onto the ark?

None,But Noah took 2 of every kind

6.How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide?

None its a hole

7.If a plane crashes on the border between the US and Mexico, where do they bury the survivors?

Nowhere you dont generally bury survivors

8.Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

Yes its Legal but hes dead so it would be a bit hard

9.The amount of water flowing into a bucket doubles every minute,Its full in an hour.When was it half full?

At 59 Minutes It doubles every minute remember

10.Do you pronounce the capital of New Zealand Orc-land or Ark-land?

You pronounce the capital of New Zealand Well-Ing-Ton.

17Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 20:33



Well, I sure feel stupid.

18Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-20, 20:35



Between you guys you got all but 2 Very Happy

Although i should slap the person who couldnt figure out Odysseus was the main character of Homers Odyssey

19Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-21, 06:57

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I remember having to read Homer in school.

20Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-21, 07:20



Sadly when you say Homer today most people think of the Simpsons

Idiocracy is only a few generations from becoming reality

21Fun Quiz Empty Re: Fun Quiz 2011-06-21, 09:15



Namine wrote:Well, I sure feel stupid.

You should be. You got tricked by Frost.

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