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I quit cold turkey this time.

Keyser Söze
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1I quit cold turkey this time. Empty I quit cold turkey this time. 2011-01-06, 12:58



No nicotine replacement therapy. Just quit. For four days, I rode this rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from suicidal thoughts and depression, to murderous rage and hysteria... it's over now, though. I cannot express how relieved I am that it's over. I can't imagine what quitting harder drugs would be like. I probably wouldn't be able to handle it.
Anyway, woot! No cigs. I quit drinking, too, because I know if I drink I'll smoke.
Also, I'm only vaping weed instead of smoking it, so I don't gunk up my lungs again.
So yeah. This time I'm trying to quit long-term. I'm feeling pretty good about it this time.


Good **** dude.



Good job, I've heard that shit can be pretty rough.



Awesome man! Congrats!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Good to hear that, man. I've cut cold turkey as well. Unfortunately, I'm not letting off the herb and I have no bong or vapourizer, so I will continue to get some of that gunk you talk about. Oh well...


Grats man it's better to do it sooner than later.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Chew on toothpicks if you get the urge, man. Works for me...

Oral fixations...



I bought some altoids. I've chewed on toothpicks before, and I just end up getting little pieces of wood around in my mouth, and I get scared that I might get them stuck in my teeth, or down my throat. Toothpicks = bad for me.

But yeah, I know what you're saying. I prefer mints. Gotta get that ashtray smell out of my mouth.



Hard candies seem to help. I know plenty of ex-smokers who just keep a handful of hard candies of their choice on them.



MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:Hard candies seem to help. I know plenty of ex-smokers who just keep a handful of hard candies of their choice on them.

This. Suckers too are good. Good job, Cram. Stick with it.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

You could always chew on a straw, man.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Good luck Cram! That's rough. I have a friend who just quit cold turkey, she's on day five and going strong but she's getting close to killing someone so I hope she keeps going.



Damn. Good job.



Good now we need to hold Zillah down and force him to stop smoking



aw I'm the only one that stuck with not-smoking. When was that, back in November?

and I can't afford a vap but I do have a new pipe. gunk gunk gunk

no tobacco its bad for you man



congrats cram! life begins anew



Oh and Cram if i know one thing about Addictions its that in quitting one you usually pick up another to take its place so what are you addicted to now Chewing gum?

Off topic:If a scroll down really fast Leads Avatar looks like Pikachu Mauling a stick figure



Piemasterjelly wrote:Oh and Cram if i know one thing about Addictions its that in quitting one you usually pick up another to take its place so what are you addicted to now Chewing gum?

Off topic:If a scroll down really fast Leads Avatar looks like Pikachu Mauling a stick figure

I quit drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
But I'm not quitting coffee or weed.



Your going to be one Twitchy ass Stoner i bet Very Happy



good choice mang

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Dave Bowman wrote:
Piemasterjelly wrote:Oh and Cram if i know one thing about Addictions its that in quitting one you usually pick up another to take its place so what are you addicted to now Chewing gum?

Off topic:If a scroll down really fast Leads Avatar looks like Pikachu Mauling a stick figure

I quit drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
But I'm not quitting coffee or weed.

No sane man would, man.

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