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How much do you think I could get if I sold all of this:

Keyser Söze
10 posters

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360 w/ 60 gig HD

3 controllers
wireless mic + charger

Halo 2
Halo 3
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age
Fallout 3
Fallout: NV
TES: Oblivion

Anyone try to sell an entire gaming system and their collection of games before?
I want some money to buy smack.


Actually, I'm thinking about putting this money toward building a new computer. I really need one. I came close to putting a kitchen knife through this laptop the other day. I actually carved "FUCK HP" below the keyboard in a fit of rage (nicotine withdrawal is a powerful force).

So yeah, I'm thinking about retiring the 360 and building a custom gaming pc. I bet I could make $200. Maybe $150 at Gamestop...


Only $200? I feel like you could make a lot more. I don't know anything though haha



Well considering you're gonna sell all that to gamestop, you'd probably get about 3 bucks, maybe 3.50 if your lucky.



I traded my original launch 20gig 360 in at gamestop (towards my s) and they gave me about $120 credit just for that. Not sure how much they dock you for cash though.



I was being cynical. I really have no idea what they're worth. I just know I could probably get more than if I took it all to gamestop.

But I have no idea how much I could possibly make if I took that stuff to ebay. I don't want to put it up for auction without knowing how much I could stand to make off of it.


-20% for cash.

I'd try to sell all of that on Ebay or Craigslist before trading it in.


Yea, I'd bet you could make a lot more off Ebay than just trading it in.



I'd say put it on ebay or craigslist for 500.


a few years ago i sold my wii and a bunch of shit at gamestop and i got $450 from it. and it was a fucking wii i mean come on.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

*checks pocket*

I'll give you 4 bucks and a used toothpick, man.



The Dark Passenger wrote:-20% for cash.

I'd try to sell all of that on Ebay or Craigslist before trading it in.

This would definitely be your best bet. I love Gamestop, but they tend to be a rip off when it comes to trade ins, even for store credits, especially for games.



sheep wrote:
The Dark Passenger wrote:-20% for cash.

I'd try to sell all of that on Ebay or Craigslist before trading it in.

This would definitely be your best bet. I love Gamestop, but they tend to be a rip off when it comes to trade ins, even for store credits, especially for games.

Yeah, but I tend to trade my games in within the same week they're released so I usually get 35-40 back on them.



I laugh honest;y when I see or hear people bash Gamestop. They are a business they are there to make money. I have always had a great experience with the employees that work at the many gamestops I have visited. It would be awesome to get 50 bucks for every game I trade in but come on now! They have to resell this used game and make money to pay their employees, keep the lights on.


Yeah Gamestop bashing is kind of ridiculous to me.



I gave quite a bit more trade-in at my stores. If it was a hot and recent title you could possibly get as much as $50 trade. I paid less for cash though, cash was always 50% what we'd give you trade.

Then again I was doing this years before Game Stop/EB even existed.



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:I laugh honest;y when I see or hear people bash Gamestop. They are a business they are there to make money. I have always had a great experience with the employees that work at the many gamestops I have visited. It would be awesome to get 50 bucks for every game I trade in but come on now! They have to resell this used game and make money to pay their employees, keep the lights on.

I don't really bash them but I sure as hell advise people away from selling their games to them. Unless you're really that busy it's much better to just cut out the middle man and sell them on eBay or craigslist.



Like most any business or service:
You're paying for the convenience. If you put in more of your own time and effort you will save/make more money. This applies to most everything in life, not just selling your games.



Yeah I know I just value the convenience a lot lower than they do which is one reason I never trade in games with them. Another reason being that I just don't like to sell my games period.


The first game i got for PS2 was NBA street(some years back cant even remember)... I loved the game so much went to trade it in they offered me $5 my childhood ended that day. I really dont buy from gamestop anymore unless it's used games. Amazon usually gives the best offers on new stuff like release date delivery and money off a future game.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

5 bucks, a used toothpick and some weird fluffy material I found in and around my belly button, man.

You drive a hard bargain...


I dont even think i have it anymore. Can't remember the last time i played PS2.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

No, not you, man...

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