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site construction

Keyser Söze
Epyk MD
7 posters

features you use. (read post first please.)

site construction Vote_lcap48%site construction Vote_rcap 48% [ 14 ]
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site construction Vote_lcap17%site construction Vote_rcap 17% [ 5 ]
site construction Vote_lcap31%site construction Vote_rcap 31% [ 9 ]
site construction Vote_lcap3%site construction Vote_rcap 3% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 29

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1site construction Empty site construction 2011-01-07, 03:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Need your guys imput and preferences.

Does anyone use the lounge directory for anything other than creating posts since I added the "post since last visit" button?
Would a mobile site option get used?
Would me going back to tabled directory effect your posting?
Suggestions on subforum merges, deletions, creations?
Does anyone use the all?

Im adding a poll for easy reference. Vote on the things you use.
if you use it less than once a day don't vote for it.

2site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 03:32

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I use the New Posts button mostly, man.

3site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 09:25



I just want a mobile version. plz plz plz

4site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 09:49



You mean you would take away posting in the lounge? I like posting in the lounge. It's the perfect place for things that don't quite belong anywhere else but that you don't want to doom to the spam pit.

I pretty much come to the lounge and find all threads that way, plus the scroll bar. Unfortunately, I don't really use any of the other special features.

A mobile version would be cool I guess. Less scrolling from side to side I assume? But not if you have to pay for it.

5site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 09:54



I use "view posts since last visit." Always have.

If you made a mobile site, I would like the option to use the regular site, too. I hate when mobile sites trap me in them (because they usually have less features).

6site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 10:13



the lounge would stay, im just thinking about going back to tabled subforums. but if i do that it wont show the recent post next to the subforum.

7site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 12:30

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Can we have a virtual fireplace in the lounge, man?

8site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 12:53



I've always just used "posts since last visit" maybe only a couple times a month will I click on a post from the scrolling list or lounge list.

I never use the pop up menu index.

I like the portal page, but always forget to use it.

I dislike mobile web sites but that's because I use a smartphone which displays real web perfectly.

9site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 12:54

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

My cell phone is still in black and white, man...

10site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 17:49



I'd use moblie site, I'd probably post more often. Making an app would be awesome, but I'm not sure how to do that.

11site construction Empty Re: site construction 2011-01-07, 21:20

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

So after piecing together the sorce code for you mobile version I find out forumotiondosnt support this feature as of yet...I appoligize.

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